Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 40 The Dragon Disaster Comes

Chapter 40 The Dragon Disaster Comes
"Here, it's here. The old house of my second uncle's family. I used to come to play when I was a child. Now that my second uncle and the others have moved to the city, this house is idle. It happens to be our temporary base."

Murphy looked at the environment and nodded in satisfaction. The house is a bit broken, but it is remote enough and safe enough.

Black Shadow took out his gaming helmet from the rear compartment, and the two of them entered the house. The house was very dilapidated, without even a decent piece of furniture, only a rusty wire bed, a reclining chair, and a few plastic stools , all covered with dust.

There was also a closet with the door open, filled with worn bedding and clothes.

Mo Fei didn't care, it was just a day, as long as it could keep out the wind and rain, it was enough.

"You bring food and drinking water, move them in, we will start the game in a while, follow the plan I arranged before, if you want to go to the bathroom, go to the toilet, and after the game starts, you won't have so much free time .

"Understood!" The black shadow said and went out to move things.

Murphy pulled out an old piece of clothing, wiped the dust off the wire bed, and spread out another mattress. Although he couldn't feel the outside world when he entered the game, if he didn't sleep well, his body would feel very uncomfortable after waking up. Uncomfortable, this is his experience of playing the game for a year.

After closing the cabinet door casually, Murphy's face appeared in the wardrobe mirror.

There was a sneer on the black dragon's face, "So this is your choice, running to this poor country and hiding to survive? It's really sad, human beings."

"Stay alive? Hehe, you underestimate me too much. Can't you see that I'm playing a big game of chess, a grand plan!"

"I don't see what you have planned. You signed that damn contract. Now you only have one day left. What can you do in one day? You are just a tiny mortal..."

Murphy smiled: "Well, you're right, I'm indeed small, and I can't do much, but don't forget that I still have you—the great 'Black Dragon Lord', the 'Ancient Black Dragon' Murphy Master Si, for a great existence like you, one day is enough to do many things."

Murphy was not happy with Murphy's compliment, it narrowed its eyes vigilantly, "What are you going to do?"

"What am I going to do? I want to make you a celebrity in the firmament world, make your name known to the whole world, make you an existence feared by the world, make you a legendary dragon, a terrifying legend! "

The black dragon immediately understood Mo Fei's thoughts, "Only the dead can become legends! So you want to kill me!"

Murphy sneered, "Hahahaha, do you finally understand, yes, I just want to kill you."

"You can't do this! I'm your everything, and if I die you'll have nothing!"

"Of course I can do this, I am the master, you are just a phantom, a puppet of nothingness, an electronic ghost, I don't care what you are, but I will tell you today, if I let you live, you can live, I want you to die and you must die.

I will manipulate your body, use your strength, drain every drop of value from you, and then benefit from your death, every scale and bone of yours will not be wasted, you want to threaten me, right? , you want to manipulate me, right? Now let's see who is killing who! "

One person and one dragon glared at each other, feeling each other's anger and hatred, and suddenly the black dragon smiled, "Hahahaha, you know, Murphy, you despicable villain, I suddenly started to appreciate you a little bit, then Let's wait and see who can have the last laugh."

After speaking, the image of the black dragon disappeared.

Mo Fei looked in the mirror, feeling a little uncertain in his heart. Does this black dragon have any trump cards?
No, this guy is mostly bluffing. No matter in reality or in the game, the other party can only exert a slight influence on his spirit. As long as he keeps calm, this guy can't play any tricks.

Outside the door, the black shadow put down the mineral water in his hand, looked around the room with some doubts, "Brother Long, who are you talking to?"

Murphy shook his head, "It's nothing, I called just now, if you are ready, let's start."


Murphy slowly opened his eyes. He got up from the cold floor and stretched his huge body.

This should be the last time he controls the role of the ancient black dragon, and he can't help but feel mixed feelings.

But it’s okay, instead of making you a plaything of capital, let me write the last stroke of your legendary story, the ancient black dragon Murphys, your name will definitely shake the world.

He thought, and walked straight towards the lord's hall.

At this moment, a meeting is still being held in the lord's hall, discussing things about the dragon disaster.

Telhorazon (Black Dragonlord): "If I ask you, it's better to fight Alterac."

Agley Durim (Lord of the Black Dragon): "Last year, we fought against Alterac. There was no oil and water in that place. Let's fight Kul Tiras. Kul Tiras is a maritime trading kingdom. The port cities are hoarding a lot of treasure, as long as one is laid down, it will be distributed."

Somerfell (Black Dragon Lord): "The navy of Kul Tiras has just been equipped with the latest artillery, which is very powerful and capable of targeting air. Last month I went to plunder a fleet, and the young dragon under him was killed I killed several of them, and I almost got shot down myself, if I want to fight Kul Tiras, it’s okay, but I won’t, it’s no problem to support you in the air.”

Nefarian (Black Dragon Prince): "That's because you are too weak."

Summerfield (Black Dragon Lord): "What did you say!"

Sattario (Primeval Black Dragon): "Quiet, quiet, Nefarian, do you have any constructive suggestions?"

Nefarian (Black Dragon Prince) "We don't have to limit our goals to the human kingdom. There are more wealth in the cities of Quel'Thalas, the kingdom of elves. Why not..."

Agley Durim (Black Dragon Lord): "I think you are coveting the magic items in the hands of those elves, hehe, that thing is useless to me, and the elves' archery skills are amazing, so it's not easy to deal with, if To fight Quel'Thalas, I can only be used as a backup."

Moen Trisha (high-level black dragon lord): "Why don't you go to Ironforge, those dwarves have dug mines for thousands of years, there are countless gold, mithril, thorium, fine gold, and various gems. Such a huge wealth, Why don't we..."

Kutra Fist (ancient black dragon): "Don't consider places like Ironforge, our black dragon's size can't be used in that mountain at all! If we have to fight, I can only support in the air... ..."

After a round of discussions, there was no result. The nature of the black dragon is like this. If there are benefits, you want to go up, and if there are dangers, you want to hide. You don’t want to do things that are not good. Breathing fire, throwing some dragon language spells, watching others work hard, and waiting until the battle is over before going down to reap the benefits, that would be great.

It's fine if one or two dragons think so, but if all the black dragon lords think the same way, it will bring a very embarrassing result.

No matter who proposes to attack any city, some people will be dissatisfied, and some people will want to paddle.

Listening to the speeches of these 'young' dragons, Sartario lamented in his heart. Without Deathwing taking the lead, these treacherous people are simply a mob. Does the future of the Black Dragon Legion depend on's not optimistic.

Sattario (Prime Ancient Black Dragon): "Why don't we fight Alterac..."

This time, no one objected at last. Alterac is a notoriously poor country among the Seven Human Nations, with the smallest population. Except for animal fur and a small amount of ore, I am afraid that it will not be able to grab any good things.

But being poor also has its advantages, it is easy to fight, anyway, since the dragon disaster, since you can't get any benefits, then just kill people casually, burn down the city, and forget about it.

At this moment, with a bang, Murphys broke in from the door.

He glanced at the black dragon lords present with his cold eyes.

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "Hmph, you useless trash, look at you, you are intriguing for a little profit, greedy for life and afraid of death in the face of danger, only thinking of seeking personal gain, the ancient glory of the Black Dragon Legion You don't care about the sacred tradition, the face of the black dragon clan is almost lost by you, without the leadership of Lord Deathwing, have you become so depraved?"

(End of this chapter)

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