Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 44 Dalaran Sleepless Night

Chapter 44 Dalaran Sleepless Night
When everyone rushed out of the Violet Castle, what they saw was a jaw-dropping scene. Thousands of black dragons hovered in the air overwhelmingly, flames fell from the sky, explosions sounded one after another, alarms sounded, and magic towers fired magic fire. There was a whistling sound, and some reckless mages who didn't know where even opened the portals directly in the square, and fully armed adventurers were swarming out, shouting all kinds of incomprehensible lines.

What explosive equipment, boss fights, top-quality materials, Brother Qianlong and the like.

This chaotic scene directly caused Antonidas' veins to burst out, and his white beard was about to stand up.

"Admiral Dai Lin, please stay in the castle with your daughter, this is the safest place, everyone else, get ready to fight immediately, Master Kel'Thuzad, go activate the city's protective barrier!
Prince Kael'thas, who led the battle mages into the mage's tower, must not let these black dragons act recklessly.

"Crasus—hey, where's Crassus?"


Flame breath——scorch the earth!
The towering magic tower was engulfed in flames in an instant, and the magic barrier failed to protect the mage inside. The burning air wave blew up the tower, and the mage inside flew all over the sky like fireworks.

Murphys sprayed out the three-stage charged dragon's breath in one gulp, and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. More than a dozen magic towers on the outer periphery of Dalaran's north had been destroyed in the first wave of attacks.

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "Good job, brothers, destroy the enemy's defense, and follow me into the city!"

boom!The gate of the city was smashed open by a giant siege dragon beast, hordes of monsters swarmed in, rushed into the streets of Dalaran, murdered and set fire everywhere, Dalaran had been peaceful for too long, and the defenders in the city unexpectedly Failed to respond immediately.

Seeing the citizens screaming and fleeing in all directions, the magic swordsman army in the city has not yet completed the assembly, but some adventurers who received the news joined the battle.

But in front of an overwhelming number of monsters, they were quickly killed.

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "That's it, kill them all! Crush them! Attack, keep attacking!"

Murphys roared, boosting the morale of the monsters, but his eyes searched around the city. There are four large treasure houses in Dalaran City, of which the one in Violet Castle is the most eye-catching. There is no doubt that the best treasures are stored in it. Treasures, the Book of Medivh, the Scepter of Sargeras, the Eye of Dalaran...the most powerful artifacts are all hidden inside.

But Murphy didn't plan to attack there. The defense of Violet Castle must be the strictest. He might be killed before rushing in.

The target he aimed at was the ancient treasure house located in the old city in the north. This treasure house was the earliest treasure house established in Dalaran, and generally speaking, the older things in the fantasy world tend to be more powerful.

A purple iridescent magic ray shot out, and an unlucky black young dragon was instantly pierced through the heart and fell down.

Murphy's heart trembled. Looking at the magic towers in the inner city that were constantly being activated, he knew that his chance was fleeting.

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "Follow me to the black dragon lords! Victory is at hand."

Telhorazon (Black Dragon Lord): "Come on, Morpheus, we will support you."

Somerfair (Black Dragon Lord) "I'm right behind you, Morpheus, let's fight side by side!"

Moentrisha (high-ranking black dragon lord): "For the black dragon army!"

The black dragon lords behind them roared one after another, and their momentum shook the sky for a while.

Antonidas in the distance looked pale. He didn't expect that Dalaran would encounter the attack of the black dragon army. Why did it happen? Dalaran hasn't provoked black dragons much in recent years. At most, it hunted and killed a few black dragons alone. Is it worth being so excited to be a magic experiment?

"Let the magic griffin knights attack, and all the magic towers will concentrate on attacking those black dragon lords."

Hundreds of magical griffin knights rushed out of the tower, and the black dragon army also rushed forward. The fierce air battle started instantly. The black dragon has an absolute superiority in numbers, and the combat power of large black dragons is far stronger than that of the griffin knights. The Griffin Knights also have support from the Magic Tower. They wave the magic wands in their hands, shooting lightning and magic rays of various colors.

When Nefarian saw it, he also had the idea of ​​a little bit of a competition, and suddenly rushed to the sky, the magic of the dragon language-meteor fire rain!
Agnes also showed her magic power, dragon language magic-the storm is coming!
The wind howled, a huge tornado raged in the city, and the rain of fire kept falling all over the sky.

The black dragon danced wildly, the griffins drifted away, the magic tower shot out a brilliant light of destruction, the monster roared, roared and killed the adventurers, it was a tragic scene of a dragon disaster.

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "Hahahaha, that's it, that's it, let this world burn and destroy!"

His eyes scanned the battlefield, and suddenly, a huge Violet Eye mark appeared in his eyes. It was a tall building with a rather strange shape, square and without any windows, it looked like a fortress.

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "That's right, the ancient treasure house in the old town, follow my brothers!"

He folded his wings together, swooped down, and rushed towards the target. A griffin rider rushed over bravely. The dwarf on the griffin roared and shot a lightning bolt. The black dragon resisted the blow, and the two A dragon's claw grabbed both of the griffin's wings at the same time, and with a slight tug, the wingless beast fell down.

Another group of Griffin Riders charged forward. Murphy opened his mouth wide and spewed out raging dragon flames. The flames illuminated the sky, and the Griffins either fled in panic or were burned into coke.

300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters, getting closer to the ground.

Suddenly, a huge fire tower shot a huge flaming meteorite at the black dragon.

Mo Fei made a deft dodge, and while dodging the meteorite, he slammed into the giant fire tower, boom!The huge tower shattered directly in the air and collapsed.

Murphy flew over the gravel at low altitude, some mages on the ground shot fireballs and lightning, and the black dragon opened its mouth again.

Flame Dragon's Breath—Bone Erosion Dragon Flame!
The flames spread all the way along the street, and those who had no time to escape turned into screaming firemen.

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "My black dragon lords, the goal is in sight!" He shouted, but got no response. When he turned his head, he found that the black dragon lords who were following him had all disappeared. Looking up, they found their figures hundreds of meters above the sky without any suspense, and they were breathing flames one after another.

These bastards!Mo Fei cursed inwardly, but it didn't matter, he had expected this possibility a long time ago.

He went straight to the treasure house. In order to avoid the attack of the magic tower, he simply landed on the ground and rampaged on the streets of the city. Everything he passed along the way was crushed into ruins. As soon as he turned a street, a group of adventurers appeared in front of him. .

Murphy was too lazy to tangle with them, "Go away, you little bugs!"

"Wo Cao, it's Brother Long, the wind is blowing!" The leading knight shouted, and the adventurers scattered and watched from afar.

There were also a few who didn't know what was good or bad, and shot arrows from a distance to throw magic. Mo Fei sprayed it with a dragon's breath, and all of them were burned to cinders.

Seeing that he was approaching the square where the treasure house was located, a group of soldiers suddenly appeared in front of Murphy. The battle robes on these soldiers were not the mark of the Violet Eye, but a noble coat of arms with a boulder pattern on it.

The leading lord has a mighty beard and looks quite familiar - Ned Stark?Murphy was immediately happy, isn't this the supervisor's account?

Ned Stark (Earl of Rock City): "Murphy, I know you want to destroy the account, don't be impulsive, we have something to discuss, leave Dalaran immediately, immediately, or you will regret it."

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "Hahahaha, despicable bastards, vicious maggots, are you ordering me? Look at everything around, it is your arrogance that brought this disaster, and now everything is impossible Redeem, but you still want to order me? Stupid mortal, you are completely unaware of your own situation, tremble in front of Murphys' dragon fire!"

Seeing that the black dragon was about to attack him, the supervisor was shocked.

Ned Stark (Earl of Rock City): "Are you crazy! I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to practice this number. If you dare to kill me... Sun, protect our soldiers!"

The soldiers behind him immediately took up battle formation, spearmen in front and crossbowmen in the rear.

Murphy didn't care. The lord player is very fierce in the later stage. He has blood volume and basic attributes that are not inferior to the hero players of the same level. Although the skills are not so many and strong, they can lead troops. If you have money to support Elites, even giant dragons and demons can defeat them.

But the premise is that there must be high-level soldiers. Even if there are no five ultimate soldiers, at least some storm knights, lion guards, silver fog ranger shooters and so on.

You brought a group of second-ben mercenary crossbowmen and conscripted spearmen to trouble me. It was like rushing to die. If you don’t kill you, I’m sorry for such a good configuration.

The black dragon spewed out a mouthful of dragon fire, and the flames instantly engulfed the soldiers in the front row. The crossbowman shot a row of crossbow arrows and landed on the black dragon's scales, without even dealing single-digit damage.

The spears pierced their bodies and broke off one after another.Mo Fei went on a rampage, and a giant dragon raid destroyed the opponent's formation.

He rushed to the supervisor in an instant, and the supervisor was also in a hurry, waving the two-handed sword in his hand and slashing down with all his strength.

Brave strike!

Click! -375!

The damage is quite high.

Murphy sneered, and grabbed the supervisor in front of him in his hands, looking at the struggling supervisor in his hands, a cruel pleasure rose in his heart.

Ned Stark (Earl of Rock City): "Don't eat me, don't eat me!"

Murphys (Ancient Black Dragon): "Eat you? How can I eat garbage like you! But you reminded me..."

The black dragon bit the supervisor in his mouth, the huge dragon teeth bit up and down, and the supervisor screamed like a pig, even if only 30% of the touch was felt, this feeling of being torn apart still made him want to die, but fortunately, the pain did not last For too long, Murphy chewed Ned Stark into a pile of mosaics in two bites, and spit it out on the ground.

It turns out that breaking the rules of the system is so simple!A flash of understanding suddenly flashed in Mo Fei's heart. After defeating the Sword of Dawn, he tried to replicate this operation of breaking the rules of the system several times, but all failed. Unexpectedly, he just unintentionally performed it, and he vaguely felt a trace of the law. Perhaps this can become his unique secret skill in the future.

But now, it's more important to find the treasure first.

(End of this chapter)

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