Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 479 Let’s continue slaying the dragon

Chapter 479 Let’s continue slaying the dragon

When the light spot of the original power was integrated into the body, Murphy immediately felt a powerful force flowing in the body.

Based on his previous experience, he worked hard to control the flow of this power. This time, what he planned to strengthen was his dragon wings.

With a thought, the original power gradually gathered towards the back.

There was a sudden sharp pain under his ribs, and the scales made of rock continued to bulge, and with a click, a pair of brand new dragon wings emerged from under his ribs, rapidly expanding and growing.

And the original pair of dragon wings are also undergoing drastic changes.

The dragon scales became thicker and thicker, covering the dragon wings layer by layer, making the dragon wings have a rock-like texture.

The new pair of dragon wings also showed a rock-like texture.

Soon, two pairs of dragon wings were stretching into the air.

Murphy felt the brand new dragon wing structure and wondered how he could fly?
He had seen images of ancient dragons flying in his dreams. Ancient dragons all had four wings, but he had never observed them up close, but he did not expect them to be so strange.

[System prompt: You have gained the power of origin, the progress of your Ancient Dragon Road mission has been improved, the current progress is 40%, and you have unlocked a new Ancient Dragon trait - Wings of the Ancient Dragon. 】

Murphy checked hurriedly.

[Wings of Ancient Dragon (legendary trait)

Passive 1: Extraordinary flight.Your flying ability has been upgraded from biological speciality to supernatural power, no longer affected by aerodynamics, and immune to gravity magic.

Passive 2: Immortal Rock Wings.The ancient dragon has two pairs of dragon wings. The rock-like dragon wings are indestructible. They can be used for defense to withstand the enemy's powerful attacks. They can also be used to slam the enemy with the dragon wings, causing huge damage.

You get new basic action modules-Dragon Wing Slam and Dragon Wing Block.

Characteristic introduction: The stone dragon wings unique to the ancient dragon family. It is said that the ancient dragon was born in a special plane outside the real universe, where there is no gravity and air. Therefore, the ancient dragon's wings are not like ordinary creatures, but like ancient rocks. The unique texture is indestructible.

Due to mastering the power of space laws, Gu Long can fly freely without being affected by gravity and aerodynamics, and its wings are used more as weapons. 】

Murphy looked surprised and happy.

This is a bit powerful. Supernatural power. This is equivalent to flying with great strength. In the future, you no longer have to worry about being unable to fly due to injured wings.

The experience of the Dark Dragon's Lair, which suffered a fatal throw and was unable to fly, will never happen again.

He waved the dragon wings. The heavy dragon wings were not easy to use. When he spread his wings, an invisible force immediately made him fly into the air. After circling for a few times, Murphy discovered that the dragon wings were flying. It still has a certain function, mainly used to adjust the flight direction and altitude.

It feels a bit like an airplane wing.

He suddenly dived towards the huge rock on a mountain peak, and when he landed, he waved his dragon wings vigorously.

A rocky peak seven or eight meters high was swept away and shattered into rock fragments all over the sky.

Murphy circled and fell back to the ground. The heavy dragon wings were astonishingly powerful. He would definitely gain a huge advantage in air combat in the future.

Mysterious voice: "Congratulations, Dragon Eater, you are one step closer to the power of the ancient dragon."

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Yes, the power of the ancient dragon will be mine soon, so goodbye, we will meet again soon."

We flew back to Longshang Castle, but the troops had not returned yet. It would take two days to return to Longshang Castle from the Ice Rift. It seemed that we needed to wait patiently. It turned dark and Murphy quit the game.

Climbing out of the game warehouse, Murphy felt surprisingly good.

There is no feeling of weakness, fatigue, or discomfort like in the past.

The power of the source seemed to be acting on his body in reality, and he could feel the surging power stirring in his body like a tide.

If he wasn't in the city, he would have turned into a dragon and flown out for a spin.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar night view of the city outside the window, Murphy was in a trance. He had forgotten how long it had been since he quit the game.

Ever since he gained the ability to transform into a dragon in reality, he could clearly feel that his physique had undergone earth-shaking changes and he was no longer the fragile human being.

Even without transforming into a dragon, this change still exists.

Even after lying in the game warehouse for many days, he still didn't feel any discomfort and even felt energetic.

Murphy guessed that this was probably because he had acquired the ability of the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan is a race that becomes stronger the longer it sleeps. Long periods of dormancy will gradually increase strength and recover from injuries.

He even had some doubts that if he found a cave and slept with him for hundreds of years, there might not be any problems.

Of course, this kind of thing is just a thought.

He still needs to gain power in the game.

It was already midnight. After eating something step by step, Murphy couldn't wait to lie on the bed.

He was looking forward to what he would see in his dream this time.

Any information requires multiple comparisons to get the closest to the true answer. NPCs in the game can also lie, and he knows this very well.

No matter who the mysterious voice was, Murphy was not prepared to completely believe what he said.

Closing his eyes, Murphy quickly fell into a dream.


"Mirgos, Kalecgos, follow me!"

A dragon's throat made Mo Fei enter the state instantly. The scene in front of him still inherited the scene about the city in the sky and the invasion of the ancient god Xalatas that he saw in his last dream.

Because it took so long, Murphy felt a little dazed and felt like he couldn't follow the plot.

He looked around, and Murphy found that he was soaring in the sky, and an ancient dragon was flying in front of him, it was Malygos!He recognized the other person immediately.

Another ancient dragon was flying on the right side of Malygos. The three ancient dragons were like fighter planes flying in formation, spitting dragon breath downwards while flying.

Then two more groups of ancient dragons flew over each other. All the ancient dragons were doing the same thing, breathing dragon breath at the huge black monster squirming in the city below.

Malygos (ancient dragon): "Brothers, destroy this monster. The holy land of the ancient dragon clan cannot be violated."

Neltharion (ancient dragon): "You don't need to teach me Malygos. Brothers, use dragon thunder to crush this monster!"

"Long Lei!"

"Long Lei!"

"Long Lei!"

The ancient dragons roared in response, and red lightning gathered on the ancient dragon's body, filling the sky with lightning for a while.

Red dragon thunder blasted down one after another, and the dragon thunder breath bombarded the black flesh and blood body.

This is a war between rock and flesh. Those wriggling tentacles and strangely growing limbs are constantly turned into coke and burned to ashes under the bombardment of dragon thunder.

"Long Lei!"

Murphy heard a voice coming from his own mouth. It was Mirgos, and hundreds of ancient dragons, all releasing deadly thunder and lightning towards the ancient god Xalatath.

Countless dragon thunder struck down, and the black monster was riddled with holes. Even though it was the body of the ancient god, it still had little ability to resist the bombardment of the dragon thunder.

However, it is obviously not easy to kill Xal'atath.

What was destroyed was only the skin of this terrifying monster. The black flesh and blood split open, and countless monsters with bat-like wings and sarcoma-like bodies rushed out like covering the sky and rushed towards the ancient dragons.Xal'atath grew countless tentacles and stretched into the air, trying to drag the ancient dragon down from the sky.

But the ancient dragons fought back tenaciously, and the amazingly powerful dragon thunder shattered everything.

The battle became extremely fierce.

While fighting, Murphy observed the surrounding ancient dragons through Mirgos's perspective, and he recognized several of them.

Neltharion is a huge ancient dragon with many raised scales on its rocky body.

Ankarad is obviously fatter than other ancient dragons.

Boleleus, who was on the periphery of the battle, used the power of eternal ice to try to freeze Xal'atath.

New ancient dragons are constantly joining the battle, and the huge dragon-shaped stone sculptures standing on the city's high towers and city walls have been activated into ancient dragons.

For a time, the sky was filled with ancient dragons releasing dragon thunder, as well as various dragon language magics.

Four ancient dragons about the same size as Neltharion on a city wall dived at the same time, and one of Xal'atath's huge tentacles was blown off by a bombardment.

"Neltharion, you have to work harder. You haven't dealt with this monster for so long. If the Dragon God's sleep is disturbed, how will you deal with it?"

"Shut up Irudikon, stop talking nonsense and join the fight!"

Irudikon?Disaster Dragon King?
Murphy looked at the four ancient dragons. Irudikon was about the same size as Neltharion, and the remaining three were only slightly smaller. It was obvious that there were small groups among the ancient dragons.

Suddenly, a dragon roar came from the distance, containing endless anger and violence. In an instant, all the ancient dragons who were arguing stopped.

Looking solemnly into the distance, the largest ancient dragon statue moved.


The size of the ancient dragon was actually comparable to Xal'atath. It was as majestic as a mountain, and its rock-like body stood like a rock peak. Every step it took made the ground beneath its feet tremble. The terrifying weight , making people very doubtful about how it can fly.

However, it did fly, like a dark cloud covering the sky, quickly approaching the battlefield.

Galakrond (King of Ancient Dragons): "Whoever dares to disturb the sleep of the Dragon God, dare to defile the sacred city in the sky, you filthy life from outside the world, I, Galakrond, hereby sentence you to destruction! Roar!"

Red dragon thunder fell all over the sky at Galakrond's summons, and the sky turned crimson for a moment.

After a burst of saturation bombing, Galakrond suddenly charged, and the city walls and towers were all razed to the ground. The mountain-like body crushed Xal'atath's black quagmire-like flesh and blood.

For a moment, it seemed as if the huge piece of flesh was going to be crushed, but Xal'atath's body was as insubstantial as a black swamp, and Galakrond's blind charge made him fall into a trap.

Countless tentacles of darkness spread rapidly along Galakrond's limbs, growing barbs and thorns that pierced into Galakrond's huge body.

The black flesh and blood continued to extend upwards, and there was a tendency to gradually wrap Galakrond.

Galakrond was still releasing dragon thunder, but every time one tentacle was shattered, more tentacles grew out.

As if plunging into a dark swamp, Galakrond is in crisis.

It's corrupting Galakrond!

At this critical moment, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and time and space stopped for a moment.

The black substance surrounding Galakrond first stagnated for a moment, then broke away crazily, squirming towards the edge of the Sky City, as if trying to escape from something terrible.

Deep in the city, something - woke up.

Murphy suddenly woke up from his dream.

He looked at the ceiling in front of him, and it took him a while to react.

It's Dragon God!
Murphy was still shocked in his heart. Even if he didn't see the Dragon God's true form, just his appearance made Xalatas tremble and even want to run away.

If you gain such power!

Murphy thought excitedly in his heart, no, he can't sleep anymore, sleep is meaningless to him, it is only right to play games quickly.

Murphy immediately got up from the bed and lay down in the game room.


The next day, when the sun illuminates the castle.

Jaina woke up from her sleep and took a long stretch.

The excitement of adventure made her dream all night last night. She was sometimes woken up by nightmares, and sometimes woken up by good dreams.

She dreamed of countless dragons descending from the sky and tearing her into pieces.

She also dreamed of finding the dragon's treasure, and she was overwhelmed by countless magic artifacts, magic scrolls, and treasures.

After waking up, I felt relieved and disappointed at the same time.

Until she saw the Spellweaver's Staff in her arms, she couldn't help but feel joyful in her heart.

The body of the staff was made of mithril, and the huge magic crystal was supported by a staff shaped like a dragon's claw. Whenever she held the staff tightly, she could feel a resonance of arcane energy.

What makes her most gratified is that this is the result of her hard work.

In yesterday's battle, she killed several blue dragons with her own hands.


This good mood lasted until breakfast time.

The troops of the Dragon Knights were still on their way back to the castle, so Asona, who was leading the team, was not seen at the dinner table.

She teleported back with Vivian yesterday.

Prince Aidan, on the other hand, appeared in the banquet hall with an excited face.

and announced a decision.

"I have decided to wait until the troops return and immediately carry out the next dragon-slaying operation."

"So fast?"

Roland was a little surprised. Every time after slaying a dragon, the leader had to spend a certain amount of time digesting the harvest and dealing with alliance affairs. Now that the alliance and the tribe were at war, was the leader really not prepared to participate?

He asked out his doubts.

Murphy shook his head, "There's no need to waste time. It's just a fight between mortals. It won't change anything. As long as I complete the Dragon Feast and get..."

Murphy didn't say anything further, as long as he knew the Dragon God's secret.

"When I gain great power, those orcs will be nothing more than ants."

Vivian Nightsong (Ancient Magister): "Sir, you killed the lord of the Blue Dragon Legion. The guardian dragon is likely to take targeted action. I personally suggest that you should be prepared for the next time you kill a dragon. .”

Murphy nodded, "That's true. Don't worry. In fact, I already have a plan."

(End of this chapter)

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