Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 490 A group of poor ghosts

Chapter 490

Upgraded?Not bad.

Mo Fei was soaring in the air, feeling quite pleased and at the same time a little proud. So what if it was difficult to upgrade to the epic level? Didn't I earn nearly [-] plot points every minute and lose three ancient giant dragons in one plot event? , just ask you who else.

Unfortunately, it took too long to chase down the ancient red dragon, and the remaining two would have run away long ago.

Furthermore, when the opponent is on guard, a one-on-three fight is a bit beyond the scope of the opponent's strength - the opponent should probably have released the end of the sealed prison by now.

Although the record was impressive, Mo Fei was not arrogant. He knew very well that being able to destroy three ancient dragons at once this time actually relied on the exquisite use of strategy and momentum. These three dragons were fighting with the other two ancient dragons. Zhongdu was injured and could not fight the enemy in a complete state. At the same time, there were strong enemies looking around, making it impossible for them to fight together. In addition, he made mental calculations and was unintentional. He lost one of his sneak attacks first, which made this battle impossible. It seemed so smooth.

But in fact, if the opponent really fights desperately, the ancient red dragon alone will cost him a lot of effort, and it will take him a while to win it.

If the opponent's four ancient dragons are waiting for him and he won't take action no matter what, then he may be the one who gets killed.

In the sky, Wuyang Wuyang's Storm Dragon Knights saw their boss returning and immediately gathered around Murphy.

Vivian (Ancient Magister): "Lord Aidan, what happened? What you have in your hand is——"

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "The operation is over, let's retreat." Murphy said, casually throwing the dwarf prince over. Asona caught the dwarf, and the Vrykul was three meters tall. He is holding a dwarf less than 1.4 meters tall in his arms, as if an adult is holding a child in his arms. The scene is quite strange.

Jaina was confused. Is this the end?I haven't even had a chance to join the battle yet.

But at this time, the dragon group had begun to turn, and she had no choice but to keep up.

This trip came back with a full load and a lot of harvest. Mo Fei was in a good mood. While flying, Mo Fei checked the harvest this time.

He first added talent points for the BOSS form. This time, he rarely added the dragon thunder talent or the flying skill, but instead selected the melee talent.

Murphy has now discovered that dragon thunder is naturally devastating against hordes of mobs and monsters, but in battles between dragons, especially when facing opponents like the Taikoo dragon, it is more practical to use the claws directly.

I don't have too many AOE skills now, so there is no need to continue to improve them. It is better to specialize and improve them for single combat.

[Talent: Elemental Claw/Dragon Thunder.

Talent introduction: Some dragons will condense the power of the elements they are good at into the dragon claws to increase the lethality and obtain additional attack effects. Depending on the elemental field you master, you have learned a new skill - Dragon Thunder. Claw. 】

This skill can generate five huge dragon thunder claw blades on the dragon's claws, which is not only more lethal, but also increases the attack range. The next time you fight in a one-on-one fight, you will be more confident.

Next, is the most critical thing - choosing hero expertise.

Murphy opened the hero specialty system and checked it out.

[Feat 1: Incarnation of the Wind God (Faith Feat).You were prayed and summoned by believers in a plot event, and released three miracles in a row. Your behavior of responding to requests made the world become more pious and affirmative of your faith. Due to the blessing of the huge power of faith, you will definitely To a certain extent, he became a true god.

Expertise Effect 1: You have gained the authority to develop divine spells, and you can transform your storm skills into real divine spells.

Expertise effect 2: Unlock the plot profession [Storm Dragon Priest], and you can make a formal job change for the Storm Dragon Priest who believes in you (this profession is not an adventurer profession)]

[Feat 2: Tribe’s Old Enemy (Faction Feat).You have greatly intimidated the tribe in several consecutive plot events and repeatedly caused the tribe to suffer setbacks. As a result, the tribe's attention to you has been raised to the extreme, and as a result, you have become the tribe's old enemy in the eyes of the world.

Expertise Effect 1: Your reputation in the alliance is increased by 15000 points, and your voice is enhanced.

Expertise Effect 2: When any force is fighting against the tribe, it will give priority to asking you for help. After you provide assistance, you will randomly receive a [mysterious gift] from that force based on your rescue efforts.

Rewards include: the force’s exclusive magic/technology, the force’s heroes/BOSS’s investment, the holy objects/ancient secrets owned by the force, the force’s alliance agreement, etc. 】

[Feat 3: Dragon Nemesis (Legendary Feat).You killed three ancient giant dragons in a row in one battle, and slaughtered countless dragons in your long adventure career. Your ruthless slaughter and brilliant achievements of the dragon clan shocked all the dragon clan, and the dragon clan therefore began to hate them. You develop awe and fear.

Expertise Effect 1: Terrorize dragons.You can intimidate a dragon creature through words, with a chance that it will fall into fear, die completely, resist your will, and flee from you in a frenzy.

Feat Effect 2: Dragon Slayer's Intimidation.When other dragons are fighting with you, a psychological disadvantage is triggered, and all skills have a 10% chance of failure and cannot have any effect on you.

Feat Effect 3: Dragon Nemesis.When you fight with other dragons, you will gain a psychological advantage. All your skills have a 10% chance of critical hits, resulting in 100% increased power. 】

Mo Fei was speechless after reading it.

These three hero specialties are all quite good, with different focuses.

The incarnation of the Wind God can further enhance his belief system. The Storm Dragon Priest is currently just a title and does not have professional attributes, but if this is turned on, it is equivalent to truly having a priest group of his own.

This is completely different from the previous mechanism of relying solely on the power of faith to exchange for miracles. Only with the gift of power can there be a true believer. Miracles are one-time and can only be used for emergency relief, but if you become an official magic dragon Being a priest means having real power so that you can attract talents.

And with the Dragon Priest, we don’t have to worry about the Dragon Worship Cult falling out. Our own subordinates can spread the faith without being controlled by others.

But the specialty of Horde Enemy is also very powerful. The Horde has many enemies in Azeroth and conflicts with many powers.

Moreover, the tribe has many branches and factions. In the future, whenever there is a conflict with them, I can go there and reap the benefits. If I can get alliance agreements from a few more forces, I might be able to form a new official camp.

Other rewards are also very good. Whether it is the support of the heroic BOSS, exclusive technology and magic, or sacred objects and ancient secrets, this expertise can greatly enhance the power you control.

The dragon nemesis is also very good. In fact, this specialty has the worst applicability and is only effective for dragons. But who knows that it is the critical moment of the ancient dragon's way now. There are still three ancient dragons left. With this specialty, That's naturally within reach.

Moreover, after becoming an ancient dragon, he still needs to collect guardian power, which means that he has to deal with other guardian dragons. With this expertise, the success rate of the next mission will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

So which one to choose?

What a headache. After thinking about it, Murphy felt that this choice should not be made too hastily, and he should wait for careful consideration before making a decision.

Then he took stock of the spoils obtained this time.

This one killed three ancient dragons in a row, and got three dragon hearts alone.

There are countless pieces of equipment dropped. Unfortunately, these three-headed dragons probably have little chance to collect treasures. Most of the things dropped from them are parts of the main body. Three of the Dragon Fang Blades alone were dropped...

There are three top legendary drops among them.

[Erastraz's Forged Scales (Breastplate/Legendary)

Story Items: Unique

Armor +600.

Equipment special effect 1: Flame halo. (Activatable) Envelops your body in flames, causing 8 fire damage per second to enemies within 155 yards of you.

Equipment special effect 2: Flame-reverse scale.Makes you immune to fire damage.Equipment special effect 3: Forged armor.You gain 50% armor-piercing damage reduction against armor-piercing attacks (this reduction is reduced to 25% for higher armor-breaking attacks).

Item introduction: The ancient red dragon Arastaz continuously forged and melted his scales in the lava, and finally became a seamless dragon scale armor. It is said that no weapon can penetrate it. However, according to the origin of this armor Look, obviously this legend is slightly exaggerated. 】

The style of this armor is extremely cool. The dragon scale-shaped armor looks as if it has been forged into one body. There are dragon-head-shaped beast swallows on both shoulders, which is quite domineering.

[Lethon's Embrace of Nature (Cloak/Legendary)

Story Items: Unique

Armor +36.
Constitution +20.

Equipment special effect 1: Natural healing.When you are in a forest/grassland environment, you gain 50/25 health regeneration every second.

Equipment special effect 2: blend into nature.When you walk in the forest, you blend in with the surrounding environment and cannot be discovered by hostile creatures. You will be regarded as an ally by beasts, spirits and other natural creatures.

Equipment special effect 3: Embrace of the Green Dragon.Natural resistance +240, poison duration reduced by 50%.

Item introduction: A cloak made of the dragon skin of the ancient green dragon Lethorn can bring the wearer an intuitive feeling of close contact with nature. Green dragons have an affinity with nature. People who wear green dragon skin also have to receive this gift. 】

This cloak is much more low-key. The green cloak gives people a very soft and natural tone.

[Nalisse's Cursed Crown (Helm/Legendary)

Story Items: Unique

Intelligence +18.

Equipment special effect 1: Black Dragon's Language.When you wear this crown, you automatically learn dragon language and can use the dragon language magic unique to the black dragon clan.

Equipment special effect 2: Power of resentment.All curse skills you use are 100% more powerful, last 100% longer, and are more difficult to dispel.

Equipment special effect 3: Nalis’ remnants.When wearing this equipment, you will be attacked by 'Nalis' Remnant'. Every time Nalis' Remnant is destroyed, it will be reborn within 24 hours.

Item introduction: A crown made from the skull of the ancient black dragon Nalis. The intact upper jaw still retains the black dragon's skin. Nalis's eyes revealed a light of resentment, as if she was not completely dead.

It is said that the black dragon is a master of soul manipulation. Perhaps Nalis has also done something to her own soul. 】

The shape of this crown is the entire upper half of the black dragon's skull. Even the dragon's eyes are still retained, shining red, the dragon's horns are curved, and the dragon's teeth hang down from the top of the face guard, giving it a primitive and wild beauty.

When Murphy saw these three legends falling away, he couldn't help but sigh, thinking that he had lost three poor ghosts.

Why do I feel that these ancient dragons who protect the dragon clan are all quite poor? The ancient blue dragon that I killed last time dropped the Dragon Spine Staff. Mo Fei couldn't help but sigh.

All the parts that fell off were body parts, but don't tell me, it's quite suitable for a dragon eater like you.

The remaining equipment is not very good. Of course, just for Mo Fei's current situation, in fact, all of them are epic quality equipment, such as dragon tooth blade, dragon bone spear, dragon claw amulet, dragon scale emblem...

However, with his current strength, it was no longer useful, so Mo Feixin said that it was just a reward to increase the favorability of his subordinates.

One day later, the large group of people finally returned to Longshang Castle.

Anvilmar has been obviously silent for a long time since he experienced the test of life and death.

Not only has his profession changed, but to Murphy's surprise, the dwarf's rank has also increased.

Bucket Anvilmar (dwarf swordsmith master) is an epic first-level hero.Level 72, HP 9450.

He actually advanced directly from Golden Three to Epic One. It seems that he took a lot of risks during this period.

Even the title has changed.

"Your Highness Aidan, you saved my life again." He said with a wry smile.

"As long as you survive, what are your plans next? Are you ready to give Eagle Nest Mountain a try?

The Bronzebeard dwarves and the Dark Iron dwarves both visited, leaving only the Wildhammer dwarves.

Bucket Anvilmar shook his head, "No, I have understood my naivety. Times have changed long ago. No one is willing to abide by the ancient oaths. Even the orc chief made a promise to himself. Don't care, this is an era of strong men. Only strength can unite the three hammers and rebuild the glory of the dwarf empire.

The identity of a prince is meaningless. Without power, everything is empty talk. Your Highness Aidan, please let me join you. I am willing to follow you, not only in return for your help to me, but also in the hope of gaining strength by following you.

Although I am not good at fighting, I still have some experience in forging weapons, and I may be able to provide you with some help.

[System prompt: Bucket Anvilmar (the dwarf swordsmith master) has surrendered to you, do you accept it, yes/no. 】

That must be done.

"I am willing to accept your allegiance and welcome to join the Dragonsorrow Knights. I appoint you as the quartermaster of the Dragonsorrow Knights, responsible for the upgrade and maintenance of all equipment."

System prompt: Your force has gained a new hero. You can query the relevant data of this hero in the subordinate panel.

Murphy clicked on the hero attributes and checked them.

[Bucket Anvilmar (Dwarf Swordsmith Master)

Hero Type: Warrior/Blacksmith.

Heroic feats: Descendant of the Dwarf King, Veteran Explorer, Warhammer Master, Curse Seer, Artifact Forger (legendary feat)...

Heroic Position: Quartermaster of the Dragonsorrow Knights

Loyalty: 60/submissive.

Identity introduction: The dwarf prince rescued from the eternal frost is said to be the only bloodline of the ancient dwarf king Anvilmar the Great. Despite the failure in uniting the Three Hammers Alliance, Anvilmar is still unwilling to give up on rebuilding the dwarf empire. Ambition.

Anvilmar once presided over the forging of the secondary artifact [Ashbringer]. He gained a breakthrough understanding of forging technology and had the potential to forge more powerful artifacts...]

PS: The old rule is, there are three hero specialties. Leave a message after the one you like. The one with the most comments will win.I won’t write a single chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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