Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 493 Shadow Assassin

Chapter 493 Shadow Assassin
The black figure stood in the shadow behind the castle door, sideways observing everything in the square outside the door.

Mo Fei turned his head without any trace, as if he didn't see the figure at all.

Aidan (Leader of the Dragonsorrow Knights): "You have made a wise choice Angus. I will reward those who serve me faithfully, and I will give you power - unprecedented power.

And for those who dare to be enemies with me, the only result will be destruction..."

As Mo Fei spoke, he walked slowly towards the hall. Everyone followed, but the black shadow naturally moved aside and was still hidden in the shadow of the hall. His body almost blended with the surrounding shadows. , showing a shadow-like tone, only slightly darker, and others seemed not to notice this uninvited guest at all.

Mo Feixin said that if he hadn't obtained the Eye of the Ancient Dragon, he might not have been able to find him.

Murphy was thinking, but he walked towards the main seat of the hall without looking away. Just as he passed near the shadow, Murphy turned around suddenly.

Rex's Dragon Claw!
His right hand instantly turned into a huge dragon claw, and the huge dragon claw suddenly grabbed at the shadow.

However, this inevitable blow missed unexpectedly. The opponent seemed to be just a phantom, and the dragon claws penetrated directly through the opponent's body.

The shadow was also startled. When he found out that he had been seen, he immediately turned around and rushed towards the door. However, the others looked at a loss and were completely unaware of what happened.

Mo Fei frowned. This guy couldn't attack. Could it be that he wasn't a real person, but some kind of summoned creature?For investigation?

wrong!Since the other party chose to escape, it means that he is a real person, and the other party is very afraid that he will be killed.

In other words, this shadow-like body should be some kind of special invisibility skill, with the effect of being immune to physical attacks.

Since physical attacks are ineffective, then why not—

Long Lei!

A flash of lightning flashed in Murphy's eyes, and a ball of crimson thunder suddenly condensed in his hand. After obtaining the Super Ancient Dragon Thunder, his control over dragon thunder has reached a perfect level. Even in human form, he can still use it. , but the power is far less than that in dragon form.

But the special effects of Dragon Thunder were perfectly inherited.

[Effect 1: Original dragon thunder.Your Ancient Dragon Thunder ignores any protective magic and damage reduction effects on the target, and causes 100% true damage to the target's body. 】

As long as the opponent is a real person, there is absolutely no way he can avoid this attack.

Murphy did not shape the dragon thunder, but directly shot it out in the form of a lightning strike.

Click, a red lightning shot out.

boom!The black shadow was hit hard, and a damage number immediately popped up on his head.

Because there is no charge, the power is not very powerful.

But when the black shadow was hit by the dragon thunder, the power of the shadow immediately faded away from him, and his true appearance suddenly emerged from the darkness.

Seeing the man's appearance and name, Murphy snorted coldly, "Sure enough, it's you - Jian Wuhen!"

But he couldn't help but feel horrified in his heart. Could this kid have been hiding in the castle to find out the news during this period?
I used the Eye of the Magic Dragon to catch thieves these days when I had nothing to do. I was so stunned that I didn't notice him. What a damn thing.

He couldn't help but feel a little scared. If the other party came to assassinate him, he might actually succeed. Thinking of this, he suddenly felt some murderous intention.

But at this moment, Jian Wuhen's heart was even more angry than his.

(What the hell, since I upgraded my stealth skills to shadow stealth, I have never been caught out)

Jian Wuhen's shadow stealth is not an ordinary invisibility effect such as invisibility, stealth, and shadow escape. Instead, it directly integrates the body into the shadow and hides itself in the gap between the real plane and the shadow world. , even anti-invisibility magic cannot detect it.

Because theoretically, he does not exist in the real plane.

But Schrödinger's invisible state is not stable. Once he is attacked, he will be easily pulled back to reality. Of course, ordinary people can't attack him, but he didn't expect to meet Mo Fei, who has mastered the power of ancient dragon thunder and lightning, let alone The opponent also has the Eye of the Ancient Dragon, which happens to be able to see through his whereabouts.

At this moment, he was absolutely confused. His confidence in his own abilities made him completely unable to understand how he was found out.

However, this did not prevent him from running away. As soon as he appeared, he jumped up and rushed towards the door like an arrow from a string.

"Get him! Life or death." Murphy said without hesitation.

The heroes who followed Mo Fei immediately showed off their talents, and all kinds of magic combat skills were used to greet Jian Wuhen.


Jian Wuhen was so frightened that he immediately performed a multiple mirroring technique, and in an instant seven or eight real and fake clones flew in all directions.

Murphy could see through the authenticity of these clones at a glance.

The real Jian Wuhen's body was very solid, but the mirror image showed a translucent form in his field of vision, and was completely composed of shadow energy without any life energy.

It can only be said that in front of the Eye of the Ancient Dragon, all illusions and techniques are in vain.

Another dragon thunder blasted out, targeting Jian Wuhen's true body. However, the moment the dragon thunder struck Jian Wuhen's true body, the true body suddenly became false and transparent, and was directly struck by the dragon. Thunder exploded into pieces.


No, it was transferred!
Mo Fei clearly saw a mirror image suddenly turn into reality.

I see!Murphy immediately understood that the other party seemed to have some ability to transform between clones, using shadow energy as a medium. No wonder no one could take him down.

These seven or eight clones can be said to be all fake, or they can all be said to be true.

At this time, others had already taken action.

Cleave, dragon's breath, spinning axe...

Roland and Asona each locked onto a target. Angus had just committed the attack, but at this time he used all his strength and opened it directly, spraying three or four of them with a dragon's breath spell.

But even as a clone, Jian Wuhen's skills are astonishingly fast. Several clones dodge, fly, and block. They dodge these attacks in a daze, which even makes people feel confused for a moment. I feel like these are all real people.

However, the series of lightning strikes from Vivian and Jaina that followed were not so easy to dodge.


A dazzling lightning flashed by, and arcs of electricity bounced and exploded between several clones.

In an instant, most of the clones were blown away into smoke.

The real body had already rushed to the door at this time - it was swept by the arc and lost several hundred lives, but for Jian Wuhen, who was level 90 and had over [-] health points, it was not a big deal.

Murphy suddenly raised his hand, and a strong wind blew out of thin air.

With a bang, the door suddenly closed.

Jian Wuhen did not pause, his body suddenly became blurry, and he sank directly into the door panel and penetrated through the door.

The figure disappeared, and the castle hall suddenly fell silent.

"Chase!" Murphy said, directly launching the dragon incarnation.

Whether this guy is here to assassinate, to gather intelligence, or just to say hello, this kind of sneaky operation is a hostile act. In the past, there was nothing you could do against him, but this time he fell into his hands directly. Kill the ball.

Mo Fei transformed into a giant dragon and jumped into the air regardless of where he was in the hall.

boom!The huge body smashed through the dome and flew into the sky. He had to lock the opponent from the air, otherwise with Jian Wuhen's running ability, he would disappear in minutes.

The others immediately chased out from the gate, but Jian Wuhen's figure was nowhere to be seen.

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "The assassin is near the stables!"

Murphy roared in the air. His Ancient Dragon Eye could clearly see four clones running wildly in different directions, attracting many Dragon Knights. However, the real body entered the stealth state again and hid in the stable. in the shadows below.

(Want to escape like a golden cicada? It’s a pity that you met me.)
After hearing the instructions, everyone immediately moved toward the stables to surround them.

Jian Wuhen, who was hiding in the shadows, secretly screamed in his heart. He had been in the world for so long. This was the first time he encountered such a difficult enemy. How did the other party find him?
Shadow Sneaking turned out to be completely ineffective.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky. Gu Long's huge body cast a huge shadow, like a dark cloud weighing on his heart.

Jian Wuhen didn't dare to rush out directly. He hoped that the other party would pounce down, so that he could have a chance to escape in the chaos.

Mo Fei did not jump down immediately. Although the ancient dragon's eye could see through the magic effect, it was unable to deal with physical obstruction. Once he jumped down, he would lose the advantage of the aerial perspective. If the opponent used obstacles to hide, it would not be easy to find him.

In this case, it is better to command his men in the air to capture him.

In the blink of an eye, several heroes commanded the knights to surround the stables.

Jian Wuhen gritted his teeth, activated Shadow Stealth and rushed out.

Only that dragon can see him. As long as he blends into the crowd, the other party won't dare to AOE casually. He might be able to sneak out in the chaos.

However, several of Murphy's men were not in vain, and they were already on guard at this time.Daylight Technique!
Glitter dust!
Vivian and Jaina took action at the same time.

A dazzling huge ball of light emerged out of thin air, releasing a bright light that illuminated the originally dim light obscured by clouds.

Although Jaina could not use such high-level spells as daylight, her fighting awareness was not bad. She also shot a burst of flash dust, a burst of white light flashed, and the sky was covered with luminous dust covering the stable.

Under the illumination of this double strong light, a figure suddenly loomed under the light.

Shadow sneaking requires the use of shadows. Once the shadow's cover is lost, perfect invisibility is no longer possible.

Multiple mirroring techniques!
Another seven or eight clones scattered in all directions.

But Murphy could see clearly that not only did the real body not run away, but instead pounced towards Gianna.

A deadly blade with cold light in his hand was wiped towards Jaina's neck.

"Gianna, be careful, the other party's target is you!"

Naturally, Jian Wuhen did not want to kill Jaina, but wanted to capture this important plot character as a basis.

This was Jaina, the princess of Kul Tiras. He firmly believed that Murphy must be trying to gain Jaina's favorability, and he would not be willing to let Jaina die.

Moreover, if the princess of Kul Tiras died in Alterac, it would be enough to cause a diplomatic incident.

Unexpectedly, before his blade even got close, he felt the fatal chill in the air.

Ice Barrier!

Cold air surged, and Jaina was instantly completely wrapped in a huge ice block.

Jian Wuhen cursed secretly, but he didn't expect this little girl to be so troublesome.

The next second - ice blast!
Boom, the ice that wrapped Jaina suddenly exploded, and ice cubes all over the sky shot toward Jian Wuhen like a violent storm.

This move was beyond Jian Wuhen's expectation. In fact, no one present had expected it.

I didn't expect that the ice barrier could be used like this.

Jian Wuhen's reaction was extremely fast.

Lightning Reflex - Enhanced blocking!
The sharp blade in his hand swung seventeen knives in one second, forcibly smashing all the ice cubes flying towards him.

But with just such a delay, he had already lost his chance to escape.

Thunder Breath - Disintegrating Dragon Thunder!
A bolt of lightning dragon breath as thick as a bucket hit him, and there was no way to block this move.

Jian Wuhen instantly felt as if his whole body had been pierced by lightning. Fortunately, his level was high enough and his equipment was good enough, so he could withstand the cracking effect of this blow.

However, he still couldn't help being struck by a huge shock, and the giant dragon immediately descended from the sky and rushed towards him.

Jian Wuhen gritted his teeth and suddenly stepped out - Shadow Step!

If you want to have an extreme escape, you can't run too far with Shadow Step, but there is still a distance of 100 meters. If you jump out of the siege, you may have a chance to turn around.

But another spell hit him.

Dimensional Anchor!

With a whoosh, Jian Wuhen's body suddenly disappeared, but he was suddenly pulled back and was caught by the claws of a dragon falling from the sky.

The huge dragon claws held Jian Wuhen tightly in the claws. Mo Fei looked at the tiny human in his hands and said in his heart that you too will have this day.

This feeling of holding the enemy's life in your hands is really wonderful.

He was suspended in mid-air, and the dragon's claws slowly tightened.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Give me a reason not to kill you - a small mortal."

Jian Wuhen felt the dragon's claws tightening and said hurriedly: "Brother, I just came to say hello to you. Is there any need to shout and kill like this?"

Mo Feixin said that what you said is very nice. Who knows what you are here to do? Maybe you just accepted someone's order to kill me.

He is still relatively fragile in human form. If Jian Wuhen really wants to attack, he might be able to kill him.

Thinking of this threat, Murphy felt a bit of murderous intent. The dragon's claws slowly closed, and the sound of bones breaking suddenly sounded.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Is this your answer? Very good, then you can die."

"Stop, stop, stop, I said, I said, I'm here to investigate information, don't kill me, I just took a job."

"Who sent you here?"

"I don't know either. The other party posted the task anonymously and hung it in the task bar of Ravenholdt Manor. I accepted it as the reward was good. Anyway, there is no need to fight and there is no risk. Who knew that you would be chosen by me?" I’ve seen through it, brother, you are so awesome, I’m really impressed, how about you put me down first and let’s talk.”

"How long have you been here?"

"Three days."

Three days!Mo Feixin said that he really saw a ghost and didn't notice it at all.

"Don't kill me, you will be wanted if you kill me."

"Hmph, you're not a hero of the alliance. You're just a neutral unit. Just kill it. I heard that you have a lot of good equipment, and you have killed so many people, so you must have a lot of wanted notices. Maybe you'll be able to return the favor. I can get some plot points."

This is the disadvantage of neutral units. Although the advantage is a lot of freedom, the disadvantage is also obvious. There is no way to deal with it if it is killed.

"Brother, don't be impulsive. Otherwise, I will give you the money to buy my life. The reward for this task is 200 million, and I will give it all to you."

"Two million? It seems you haven't realized the seriousness of the matter, you little mortal."

Click!The dragon's claws tightened again, and suddenly there was a 'Broken Bone' DEBUFF.

[Broken Bones: Your bones are broken, your strength and agility are reduced by 30 points, and your movement speed is reduced by 50%. 】

"Ah!" Jian Wuhen let out a scream. He was an agile person and could not break free after being caught. If the strong man could still try to break away directly, he could only let others slaughter him now.

"1000 million, 1000 million will buy my life."

"I don't need money. You have to complete three things for me as the price of your life. This is not a negotiation. You can either accept it or be crushed by me!"

[System prompt: Player Aidan has sent you a contract invitation. Please note that the contract involves cash transactions. Please read the contract content carefully and beware of fraud. 】

Jian Wuhen quickly read the contract.

The content of the contract is very simple. You must complete three tasks for the other party. The other party will pay you one dollar for each task. If you refuse to perform the task, you will need to pay the other party a fine of 5000 million yuan...

"5000 million, are you kidding me? My account is not worth 5000 million."

"As long as you do things for me honestly, you can survive. Don't worry, I won't assign you tasks that are beyond your capabilities. This way you can save your life without spending a penny. Of course, You can also refuse, and I will kill you now."

Jian Wuhen gritted his teeth and had no choice but to sign.

Seeing Jian Wuhen sign the contract, Murphy relaxed his claws.

Jian Wuhen fell to the ground, a superhero kneeling on one knee with his arms pointed backwards at a 45-degree angle. He didn't expect that he had to act cool even to this point.

The next second, the sword of the Dragon Knight was held on his neck.

Vivian warned, "Sir, this person is very dangerous. Maybe we shouldn't let him go so easily."

"Don't worry, I have signed a contract with him, and he must obey my orders now."

"Contract? Is it a magic contract?"

"more or less."

Jian Wuhen looked at Murphy with a resentful look, "How did you find me?"

Murphy didn't answer his question.

It’s also nice to leave a bit of mystery behind.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Mortal, pay attention to your attitude. I did promise not to give you too difficult tasks, but if you anger me, I didn't say I won't kill you.

Now listen, the first task I give you is to go to the Dragon Islands and monitor the Guardian Dragon Clan. If there is anything going on with them, report it to me immediately. Go ahead and don’t let me down, otherwise the price will be that you can’t bearable. "

(End of this chapter)

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