Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 509 The Dragon God wakes up

Chapter 509 The Dragon God wakes up
Mo Fei's eyes widened, and the stone statue in front of him quickly regained its vivid color. He thought to himself, aren't all the ancient dragons dead?And wasn’t the ancient dragon corrupted by the flesh-and-blood curse of the ancient god?
The answer was revealed instantly.

Part of the body of the giant dragon transformed from the stone statue still maintains a rock-like texture, but part of it is crawling with ferocious flesh and blood. It seems that it has not been completely transformed, and it looks shocking.

The flesh and blood part is spreading rapidly, constantly eroding the ancient rock-like body.

And on the chest of this weird giant dragon, a huge wound was revealed.

And on the head of the giant dragon, its name is displayed.

'Into Corruption' Yakir (King of Ancient Dragons), level 99, world-class fourth-level BOSS, HP: 109765/694500.

The curse of flesh and blood is spreading rapidly on its rocky body, taking on a ferocious and ugly appearance.

'Into Corruption' Yaqir (King of Ancient Dragons): "Now you see the real me. I have been incarnated as a stone statue for tens of thousands of years. What I have been waiting for is this final moment. Dragon Eater, you have completed the task of ordinary people. Challenges beyond your reach, you have achieved unprecedented achievements, now, come to fulfill your ultimate destiny.

Give me a decent ending before I'm completely corrupted. "

As he spoke, the flesh and blood had corroded from the limbs to the body.

Murphy listened and watched, and his mind quickly recalled what had happened in the past.

Obviously, Akir was once an ancient dragon. After being cursed with flesh and blood, and before being completely transformed, he suffered another fatal blow, which triggered the stone statue effect of the ancient dragon's body.

Then it spent tens of thousands of years in the form of a stone statue. In this state, Aqir was both an ancient dragon and not an ancient dragon. Once he left the stone statue form, he would quickly decay.

It can be said to be an ancient dragon in quantum form.

Until now.

The dragon thunder came again, and Murphy looked up. It seemed that with the corruption of Yakir, the dragon thunder storm was quickly dissipating, and the last thunder light reflected the sky red.

The four dragon kings seemed to have seen the flaw and were preparing to attack.

There can be no further delay.

Murphy immediately changed back to his human form, took out his dragon-slaying giant sword, and stabbed it into Yakir's chest.

109765 (fatal blow)!

Akhil let out a sigh of relief and collapsed.

The corruption of flesh and blood also ceased, and Yakir's body once again solidified into a rock statue-like form, but this time, Murphy could feel that it was really just a lifeless rock.

The body was picked up.

Aqil only drops one item.

[Dragon Heart of the Ancient Dragon Akir]

Item introduction: The last ancient dragon king, 'stepping into corruption', is the dragon heart of Aqil. Aqil is the last survivor of the ancient dragon clan, so he won the title of king. The lonely king is unwilling to accept the fate destined to be corrupted. He maintains his last dignity in the form of a stone statue. Because he died as an ancient dragon, this dragon heart still retains the last power of the ancient dragon clan. 】

Murphy looked at the dragon heart in his hand. The golden dragon heart was like a piece of soft gold.

Looking at the rock statue in front of him, an unprecedented shock left him speechless for a long time.


Finally, a giant dragon passed through the scope of the dragon thunder storm, and then one giant dragon after another rushed in.

The storm is dissipating, and the four dragon kings are coming to kill them.

Murphy gritted his teeth and bit down.

The original power in the dragon's heart was unusually huge and surged into his body.

Murphy felt as if everything around him slowed down. Every second seemed as long as a century, and the changes in every atom became clearly visible.

This mysterious and mysterious feeling made him let out a joyful dragon roar and instantly transformed into the form of a giant dragon.

The original power filled the shortcomings of his body, and his broken dragon wings were restored piece by piece as if time was reversed. His body made a crackling sound like a rock, and his soul instantly merged with his body.

His will spread in all directions, and the real world turned into lines of energy in his eyes...

All the characteristics of the ancient dragon are perfectly blended together at this moment.

Alexstrasza roared in shock and rage: "No! Stop it!"

A puff of dragon flame was sprayed towards him.

Malygos, who was flying at the top, released a forbidden spell of magic. Malygos's annihilation breath, a beam of pure arcane energy, blasted out like a railgun.

Ysera summoned a terrifying nightmare, and countless terrifying nightmare creatures emerged from the darkness in all directions.

Nozdormu summoned the power of time and seemed to be planning some big move.

However, Mo Fei didn't pay attention to all this. At this time, in his perception, time had frozen.

The familiar scene of the Sky City appeared before his eyes.

That is the memory engraved deep in the dragon soul...


The sound of dragon thunder woke up Mo Fei. He couldn't help but be stunned when he looked at the familiar scene in front of him.

It’s a city in the sky!Is this Aqil’s memory dream?
Unexpectedly, in the past it could only be triggered when sleeping in reality, but this time it was entered immediately after completing the Dragon Feast.

He had a feeling that this dream might tell him the causes and consequences of many things.

At this moment, the battle in Sky City is still going on.

The ferocious ancient god released his filthy flesh and blood, and his dark tentacles defiled the sacred city.

Countless ancient dragons roared, dragon thunder streaked across the sky, the dragon king retreated, and the ancient gods showed off their evil, until the magnificent ancient city began to tremble, and the city in the sky ushered in its true master.

The Dragon God is awake!

The Dragon God is awake!

The Dragon God is awake!

Countless voices are shouting.

A mysterious and breathtaking aura came from the depths of the Sky City, making the ancient gods tremble.

Just above a square in the middle of the city, in a golden ball, a figure was slowly walking out of the frozen time.

At this moment, Murphy is soaring in the sky. He is not sure who he is, Midir?Or Yakir?But certainly not Ulane.

What surprised Murphy was that the figure was not huge. From the perspective of the dragon clan, it could even be called a mini figure.

His eyes looked at the figure walking out of the golden ball. The Dragon God did not look like a dragon. He had a human-like body, but also had the wings, tail, and horns of a dragon.

His face also has some characteristics of the dragon clan. Walking in the air is like walking in his own garden.His eyes were like condensed time, unable to see any color of life, nor any changes in emotions. He just looked at the monsters running rampant under his feet calmly, as if he were looking down at tiny ants and lifeless dust.

This contempt was so clearly visible that the ancient god Xalatath finally became angry. Countless towering tentacles extended from his mountain-like body, winding towards the Dragon God.

Tiahamut just waved his hand gently.

Time froze instantly, and all the tentacles stagnated in mid-air. The next second, they turned into countless gravels like weathered rocks and scattered all over the sky.

Xal'atath screamed in pain, and his mountain-like body trembled.

It did not continue to attack, but extended tens of millions of tentacles, pulling it towards the edge of the Sky City.

Murphy suddenly found that his perspective was quickly moving in the direction of the Dragon God, and he landed in front of the figure in a surrendering posture.

Midir (ancient dragon): "Great Dragon God, won't you destroy this evil thing?"

Tiahamut (Dragon God): "This is just one of the many evil things from the void world. Their masters sent them here with the intention of occupying this world. It is meaningless to destroy it. Their masters must be killed." Only through complete defeat can the threat be truly eliminated. Come with me, Aqil, Midir."

The Dragon God said, flying in the direction where Xalatas escaped, with two loyal ancient dragons following closely behind.

The ancient dragon chased Xal'atath like a pack of predatory wolves. The dragon thunder kept blasting at the mountain-like body. It was actually able to levitate in the air, with countless tentacles stretching into the air like sails.

The huge body slid through the air with an ugly posture.

The dragons followed closely behind.

When Murphy's perspective followed the Dragon God through the clouds, the ancient earth also appeared in front of his eyes.

The earth is now showing a primitive and ferocious scene, with towering giant trees and vines stretching as far as the eye can see, and green covering all the land.

However, in this green natural world, there are several huge bodies with countless tentacles extending out. While devouring all living matter, the tentacles are rooted in the earth and extend downward to dig.

Their bodies are extremely weird.

Or it has a body like a mountain of meat, with an extremely huge eyeball standing on the top of the mountain.

Some show a weird appearance like a spinach, with a sea creature-like skin covered with tentacles and eyeballs.

Some are filled with shadow energy, like a strange dark cloud that rises thousands of meters, turning all living things it touches into monsters covered in black gas.

Some opened their terrifying huge mouths that seemed to be able to swallow some, swallowing countless giant trees together with the earth.

The five ancient gods!

Murphy recognized it immediately.

I have to say that they are much scarier than those on the game's promotional posters. All the horrific details are clearly presented, making people want to have nightmares just by looking at them.

The five ancient gods seemed to be communicating. Their tentacles were devouring each other, as if they were fighting and communicating.

Murphy noticed a familiar guy. A huge eyeball grew out of a mountain-like body. The size of the eyeball alone reached hundreds of meters in diameter, and the body under the eyeball was even more like a mountain of meat.

Is it C'Thun?Damn it, this thing is much bigger than the one I fought.

'Thousand-Eyed God' C'Thun (the Ancient God), level 149, health value 5950000.

Murphy suddenly realized that this was C'Thun's true strength. The one he and Emperor Shenwu defeated back then was just a temporarily condensed body.

The other four are equally astonishing in strength.

'Seven-Eyed Demon Sheep' Y'Shaarj (the Ancient God): Level 154, HP: 7000000.

'The Thousand-Mawed Demon' Yogg-Saron (Old God): Level 152, HP: 6575000.
'Nightmare God' N'Zoth (Old God): Level 148, HP: 4990000
'Doomcrawler' Xal'atath (Old God): Level 144, HP: 4450000.
The average level is 150. You must know that the current level limit of the game is only 100. Only the crazy Deathwing surpassed this level limit.

Murphy couldn't help but feel curious, what level is the Dragon God?
He narrowed the angle of view and tried to look towards the head of the Dragon God.

Tiahamut (Dragon God) Rank:? ? ? ? .life value:? ? ? ? ? ?grade:? ? ? .

Unable to see it.

Although the level cannot be seen, this unquantifiable strength alone is obviously a head above the five ancient gods.

Mo Fei couldn't understand, how could the Dragon God fall?How did the ancient god's curse of flesh and blood lead to the demise of the ancient dragon clan?
At this time, the dragons had gathered in the sky and were hovering. The five ancient gods and the many families derived from their bodies occupied the earth, and the two sides faced each other in the air.

The ten dragon kings all gathered around the Dragon God, waiting for the Dragon God's order.

Tiahamut (Dragon God): "The four elemental kings have been defeated by these evil things from the void. They cannot protect this world. Now this world can only be protected by us. Fight, my people." Guys, fight the ancient dragon, destroy these monsters, and purify this world."

With the Dragon God's order, the battle began. Ancient dragons all over the sky swooped down, blasting the destructive dragon thunder towards the ugly monsters on the ground.

Countless faceless people, weird insects, and evil things infected by evil energy rose into the sky and fought with the ancient dragon.

But the five ancient gods did not participate in the battle. They each gathered their strength and turned the power of the void in their bodies into beams of light and shot them into the sky.

Y'Shaarj's evil spirit, C'Thun's spiritual power, Yogg-Saron's dark arcane, N'Zoth's nightmare power, and Xal'atath's corrupt power.

The five forces collided and merged with each other, gradually forming a huge vortex composed of shadow energy.

The space was torn apart, and dark cracks spread toward the surrounding space.

The ancient dragons roared with rage. Such damage would destabilize the entire world, making it almost impossible to repair.

However, Dragon God Tiahamut just watched all this calmly.


The shadow energy formed a huge vortex-like entrance with a diameter of more than ten kilometers, and a huge dark image was slowly crawling out of the vortex.

Will of the Void (????) Level:? ? ? ?life value:? ? ? ? ?

Another system that cannot determine the level and rank.

The Will of the Void...could it be the legendary Lord of the Void?

Murphy's non-existent eyes widened, fearing he would miss any detail.

Lord of the Void!This case only exists in the background setting in World of Warcraft. Legend has it that it is the master of the ancient gods. The five ancient gods that make the world fear and despair are just five pets sent by it.

Murphy secretly guessed, why is this happening? ? ? ?This situation is most likely because the existence of these two has exceeded the upper limit that the game system can quantify.

It's like the data of some games cannot be displayed normally when it reaches a certain level.

To be able to achieve this effect, even ordinary gods may not be able to do it. It is probably the Lord of the Void who is the leader of the Void forces.

Different from the dragon god's tiny body, which is like a human being, this will of the void is so huge that even the huge vortex of more than ten kilometers cannot reveal its whole body.

But because its body is not solid, it can squeeze out of this 'narrow' passage.

(End of this chapter)

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