Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 573 Archimonde’s World-Destroying Action

Chapter 573 Archimonde’s World-Destroying Action

Dangdang! boom! boom! Dangdang!

In the dim temple, the sounds of metal collisions and magic explosions came one after another.

The more Illidan fought, the more frightened he became. He did not expect that these three young 'human beings' were so powerful. With his powerful magic, extraordinary martial arts, and powerful evil energy, he could not defeat each other.

Instead, he was forced into danger.

Heroic strike!

Arthas' sharp blow forced Illidan to dodge, but he didn't even take two steps back.

Frost bite!

Jaina's frost magic instantly locked onto him, and Illidan felt his feet suddenly become cold, completely frozen to the ground by the frost, unable to move.

Before he could think of a way to escape, Thrall's attack followed closely.

Windfury strikes!

The battle ax in Thrall's hand swung seven axes in an instant. The storm-like attack forced Illidan to desperately parry and defend. As expected of a demon hunter, Illidan blocked all seven attacks in a daze.

However, the next second - he saw the human female mage releasing a ball of flame towards him.


boom! The explosion of Pyroblast sent Illidan flying backwards. He stumbled to the ground. Before he could stand still, the attacks of the three people followed him again.

"You forced me!" Illidan roared, and all the evil power in his body focused on his eyes - evil eye rims!

Two deadly beams of evil energy shot out.

Jaina hurriedly raised her staff.

Ice barrier!

Layers of ice blocked the evil beam, and the power of evil continued to break through the ice's defense like an overwhelming force. However, Jaina triggered the rapid casting function of the Spellweaver's staff, constantly casting more and more of ice created.

At the same time, Thrall and Alsace attacked from the left and right sides at the same time, attacking with swords and axes at the same time.

Illidan can only block left and right.

clang clang clang!

While Illidan was releasing the Fel Eye, he wanted to fight two people at the same time. After a sound of metal and iron, the Fel Eye had to stop releasing it and concentrate on dealing with the two people on the left and right. Jaina lifted the ice barrier. The staff in his hand suddenly condensed the arcane energy.

Arcane Riptide!

boom! The powerful arcane energy blasted Illidan away again, and this time, the Warblade of Azzinoth was knocked out of Illidan's hand, and he fell to the ground.

He tried to get up with difficulty, but the sword and ax blade were pressed against his neck at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Jaina also pointed her staff at Illidan's head.

Illidan couldn't believe it. He was a great demon hunter, but he was defeated by such a few brats?

Damn it, I have been imprisoned for ten thousand years. I thought I could finally feel proud, but I didn't expect that my plan was about to end just as it began.

Not reconciled!

"Do it! You despicable guys."

"Don't get excited Illidan, we won't kill you, but in order to save the world, we will accept the Mirror of Norgannon. Now, you can take a rest."

Jaina said, silently blessing herself with a giant power spell, and suddenly struck hard with a staff.

With a bang, Illidan was knocked unconscious.

Looking at Illidan lying motionless on the ground, Thrall was still a little uneasy, "Is this okay? You are a mage, and this guy is not someone who can resist beating..."


Jaina raised her staff, looked at Illidan who had been knocked all over his head, and smiled sweetly, "That'll be no problem."

Thrall and Arthas looked at each other, both sweating profusely.

Jaina picked up the disk from the altar and stroked the smooth texture of the disk excitedly, "Let's go, this world is still waiting for us to save it."

He said and walked towards the outside of the temple.


Just when the three of them knocked Illidan unconscious and played a game of black and white.

Three powerful demon legions also launched expeditions towards their respective goals under the leadership of three demon lords.

Each demon army has a size of more than 100,000. The individual combat power of demons far exceeds that of human and orc soldiers. In addition, each army is led by a powerful BOSS. It can be said that these are three very powerful armies. .

If used properly, it can destroy a city or a country.

The three demon armies moved separately, crossing the Endless Sea with great momentum, and landed on the Red Coast of the Eastern Kingdom, the Port of Lordaeron, and the Death Coast of Northrend.

Then they suffered a head-on attack from the three major forces. Although the Burning Legion kept this operation very secret, due to the existence of players' inner ghosts, this raid plan was completely unilateral and transparent in the eyes of the three major forces.

It just so happened that the main forces of the Alliance and the Horde had been assembled and were ready to go to Mount Hyjal to join the battle.

This will be used to deal with the demon army coming to your door.

Moreover, the Lianda camp also recruited hundreds of thousands of adventurers each. The army + adventurers, an army of more than one million, ambushed the demon army that came to their doorstep.

The undead army on Death Beach came out in full force. Under the leadership of Varian, they surrounded the invading demon legions with absolute strength.

This time, the adventurers felt great. There were a large number of elite monsters in these demon legions. Although the drops of elite monsters were not as good as those of BOSS, they still had a certain probability of dropping top-quality equipment, and the quantity was unbearable. With tens of thousands of elite monsters, and NPCs to help fight them, it is simply a big gift package delivered to your door.

All major guild studios are going crazy farming demons.

On the Red Coast, Tyrant Blade Ruthless led the tribe to ambush the demon army. He personally teamed up with Hellscream and his son to successfully kill Mannoroth. Grom Hellscream once again staged the famous scene of jumping and killing Mannoroth.

In the port of Lordaeron, under the shining of the golden tree's holy light, the Knights of the Silver Hand directly penetrated the demon's line. Godwin and Uther forcibly killed Kazak and the Ten Thousand Army.

On Death Beach, Varian killed Tichondrius alone and pierced Tichondrius's heart with Frostmourne's death blade.

In less than a week, all three expeditionary forces sent by the Burning Legion were wiped out.

With the destruction of the three demon armies, a large number of "wandering demons", "herding demons", "fleeing demons" and other demon monsters began to spawn in several large maps around the battlefield. , and because these demons are wild monsters, they can be refreshed continuously and their equipment can be refreshed repeatedly.

It also gave the adventurers another wave of bonuses.

When news reached the Broken Isles, Archimonde was furious.

Archimonde (Commander of the Burning Legion): "Damn it, Kazak, a loser, lost to a mere human. Mannoroth was even more useless. He died in the hands of that orc pet. Tichondrius was even more useless. It disappoints me that I can't even handle a group of humble undead...

waste! It's all rubbish! The majestic demon lord of the Burning Legion was defeated by a group of ant-like mortals. "

Archimonde's roar shook the entire island.

None of the demon lords dared to say anything.

Archimonde suddenly looked at Dia Pineapple beside him. Archimonde (Commander of the Burning Legion): "It's all because of you, a fool, who thought of some stupid strategies that caused me to lose three generals."

He stretched out his hand and directly picked up Diapineapple by his neck.

"Say, how should I punish you for your stupidity and incompetence?"

Dia Pineapple felt suffocated in her heart. Damn it, you didn’t listen to any of my plans. It was all done by you blindly. Why the hell do you still blame me?

If we had followed my instructions and fought them one by one as a group, wouldn't we have won a long time ago?

However, the situation outweighs the popularity, so I can only bow my head and admit my mistake.

Diapineapple (Lord of the Eredar): "Lord Archimonde, I didn't expect those mortals to be so troublesome. I am willing to take the blame and perform meritorious service. Please give me an army, and I will make those mortals pay the price."

Archimonde is quite satisfied with Diapineapple's attitude towards pleading guilty.

Archimonde (Commander of the Burning Legion): "That's enough, you waste, you don't need so many plots and tricks. If you had acted according to my plan earlier, there would be no such unnecessary losses. There is no need to get entangled with those mortal legions." , gather all the troops, we attack Mount Hyjal directly. This time, I will personally destroy those mortals who dare to be enemies with the legion.

No one can resist the power of Archimonde and the Burning Legion, not even the gods! "

[World Announcement: In December 1442, with the destruction of the three expeditionary legions, Archimonde finally realized that the people of Azeroth had the will and power to fight against evil.

He decided to personally lead the army to launch an attack on Mount Hyjal. A battle that would determine the survival of the world was about to begin.

Archimonde declared that he would completely destroy the hope of the coalition, and even the gods could not resist his power.

This event is also known as 'Twilight of the Gods'.

The event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky. 】

Is it finally coming? Murphy heard the announcement of the world and looked forward to it. Good luck, now the evil power is finally in hand.

He hurriedly sent private messages to others.

Aidan: Everyone, the world is in danger. Come to Mount Hyjal and gather together. The battle is about to begin.

Godwin: Brother Aidan, don't worry, I will lead the troops there right away.

Ba Dao Qingqing: Hahaha, Mannoroth was killed by me. Archimonde is anxious. I will lead the main army of the tribe there.

Emperor Shenwu: My centaur army has also been assembled. In this battle, Archimonde will definitely be killed with his own hands.

For a time, storms surged all over the world, and on the endless sea, countless battleships loaded with armies of humans and orcs headed towards Mount Hyjal.

In the wilderness of the Barrens, the centaur army gathered like a torrent into an ocean.

Around Mount Hyjal, the coalition's fortress group has gradually taken shape. The entire Mount Hyjal is defended like an iron barrel, with lines of defense extending to the top of the mountain as the mountain increases.

At this time, the atmosphere in the camps around Mount Hyjal was like the calm before the storm, depressing yet exciting.

Murphy was looking forward to the arrival of this war. Unexpectedly, Archimonde's Burning Legion had not yet arrived, but Lysajes found him, and his face was unusually serious.

"Lord Aidandron, there is movement on the Dragon Islands. The guardian dragons have come out in full force and mobilized the Dragonmaw Orc Army, as well as the huge monster servant army, the Five-Color Dragonman Army."

Murphy was shocked, would he go out at this time? What are they going to do? Are they going to join the war?

But if the Dragon Legion wants to participate in the war, it is impossible to join the Burning Legion, right? No matter how you look at it, joining the justice camp is a good thing. With Lesa Jess's serious expression, things are obviously not that simple.

"Where are they going?"

"City in the Sky!" Lesajes said in a deep voice.

What! Murphy couldn't help being surprised after hearing this, "What are these guys doing in the Sky City?"

Lesajes shook her head, "The other party used magic to block my ability, but I still heard some scattered information from the fragments of words coming from the wind. I heard the four words 'Ascended Dragon God'."

Ascended Dragon God?

Could it be that they also want to become Dragon Gods?

Murphy was a little unbelievable for a moment, and even had an inexplicable feeling.

He carefully thought about whether the guardian dragon had the possibility of becoming a dragon god.

Logically speaking, it is impossible. If the guardian dragon could really become the dragon god, he would have done it for tens of thousands of years, so why wait until this time.

The guardian dragon controls five guardian powers, which is equivalent to five kinds of authority. It does meet one of the basic conditions of the dragon god - having five kinds of authority.

But the authority of the guardian dragons is scattered, unless they hand over the authority to one dragon, but this is impossible. The attributes of the dragons themselves determine the power of authority they can control, and they do not have the ability to cast authority. How can it be successful?

It's impossible for five dragons to become dragon gods together, right?

The Ascended Dragon God is not engaged in politics and can play with the parliamentary system.

Moreover, only ancient dragons are qualified to become Dragon Gods. These flesh-and-blood dragons cannot bear the great power of Dragon Gods.

If you think about it this way, it feels like there is no danger to the Dragon God's throne.

But Murphy thought for a moment, but the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became.

Although in theory it is impossible for the other party to become the Dragon God, is he really not willing to take action?

No, what if they master some special method? That guy Morpheus is an awakened NPC who can break through the control of the system and even owns the player's system interface. It can be said to be a bug-like existence. Who knows what he can do? Come up with some weird ideas.

The other party took advantage of this critical juncture to take action, most likely because Archimonde's invasion would attract their energy. Maybe they really had some secret method, so they seized this time juncture.

Although Murphy defeated Morpheus last time, he would never underestimate this former 'comrade'. After all, Morpheus was shaped by him himself, and he knew very well what Morpheus was capable of.

Murphy thought again of the Dragon Cult priests he saw in Dalaran not long ago. Those beliefs about the Aspect Dragon may be related to Morpheus's plan.

No, you must take action yourself, and you must not place your hopes on the other party's incompetence.

To protect the World Tree, becoming the Dragon God is the most important thing.

Think of this. Murphy has already made a decision.

Aidandron (King of the Ancient Dragons): "Give me the order to gather all the troops. Let's go to the Sky City too!"

Lysajes was surprised, "But my lord, you have not gathered enough authority to ascend to the Dragon God."

Mo Fei smiled solemnly, "It doesn't matter, the guardian dragon holds five powers. If they don't provoke me, forget it. Since they dare to compete with me for the throne of Dragon God, haha, then you can't blame me."

The five guardian dragons are five powers. Just two of them are enough, and you can choose them freely.

Although the authority level of the guardian dragon is slightly weaker, the five authorities are just stepping stones to ascend to the dragon god anyway. The intensity of the authority does not affect subsequent development. After becoming the dragon god, you can naturally continue to cast more authorities and continue Increase the power of authority.

(End of this chapter)

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