Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 623: The trump cards are revealed: reinforcements are coming again

Chapter 623: The trump cards are revealed: reinforcements are coming again

Although the battle between the leaders of both sides was evenly matched and there was damage to each other, generally speaking, the Dragon God camp had some advantages.

Thanks to the fact that most of the heroes in the Dragon God camp have been transformed into BOSSs, their survivability on the battlefield has improved a lot, especially the probability of being fatally killed in a melee has been greatly reduced.

In contrast, the heroes on the coalition side were much worse, relying entirely on numerical superiority to reach a stalemate.

However, the battle between the two armies has gradually decided the winner.

The participation of the demon army failed to reverse the situation of the war. Although the coalition forces were pushed back in the early stage, when major studios and well-known guilds entered the battlefield one after another, the situation was reversed again in an instant.

Unlike ordinary players who mainly just join in the fun, studios and large guilds often have a deeper understanding of the development of plot battles and have a higher pursuit - that is, profit.

The first ones to enter the battlefield will inevitably suffer the heaviest casualties, and the most powerful BOSS will often survive until the last moment.

Therefore, if you want to get the best loot, you must enter the battlefield later in the campaign.

Therefore, these large guilds and large studios often only send some scouts into the battlefield to collect intelligence. The real main force stays near the teleportation point and can enter the field at any time to harvest.

No matter how thick the blood volume is, it will be shot out in minutes.

As soon as this group of people appeared on the scene, they immediately broke through the defense line that had fallen into chaos with overwhelming force, and continued to advance towards the entrance of the Pillar of Creation.

Everyone was screaming.

At this moment, with the demon army and adventurers fighting in a melee, with the appearance of Sargeras, and as the time gradually approaches the 24-hour event period, all large guilds and large studios have realized that the harvested The time has come.

In the blink of an eye, the adventurers gathered into a torrent, and with these tens of thousands of powerful party as the vanguard, they pushed forward unstoppably.

"Wocao, Galakrond!"

Hunters, marksmen, rangers... long-range professions are marked separately. For those stronger adult dragons and doomsday guards, thousands of arrows will fly away instantly after giving an order.


In an instant, the battlefield was thrown into chaos.

"Wocao, why is this guy so fierce!" Wang Xuan was stunned when he looked at the picture.

However, this was only the beginning. Galakrond roared towards the sea of ​​adventurers, like an elephant rolling in an ant pile. Hundreds of adventurers were crushed with every footfall.

It didn't care about the players who were crushed into a mosaic under its feet, and swam in the tide of adventurers wantonly, pouring out its anger.

"Hide quickly!"

Mo Fei said lightly, "The King of Ancient Dragons is invincible. Even the complete Ancient God can be tough. What appeared in the Era of Natural Disaster was just the body of Galakrond. Now that the complete form has appeared, no matter how many adventures there are, It is also given for free."

In the air, a huge shadow was spreading rapidly, covering the sky of the battlefield in an instant.

If these tens of thousands of elite players unite and fight carefully, there might be a chance. However, these large guilds and large studios are here for profit. How can there be any reason to go up and force others to eat their flesh in the face of such a terrifying and powerful enemy?

Almost everyone's first reaction is - run away!

And this also caused them to completely lose all hope.

With the addition of this new force, the demon army of the Burning Legion was immediately unable to withstand it. Although the demons are very powerful, the official members of these old guild studios are basically at level 50, 60 or even level 70 or above. The master's strength is not weaker than the demons of the same level, not to mention the numerical advantage.


Just a roar sent tens of thousands of adventurers around him into madness and despair.

Wang Xuan said proudly.

Mage, warlock, shaman, necromancer, storm server, tide sage... various long-range magic professions pour out colorful magic.

The heroes and BOSS who were fighting had to give up the battle and retreated to avoid being affected.

Amidst the screams, Galakrond crashed directly into the crowd, crushing countless players to death in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xuan suddenly smiled, "You see, this power is like a tide! There is nothing that can withstand the power of the fourth natural disaster. You lost to Aidan."

"Oh, really?" Murphy smiled disdainfully, "Nozdormu, let's get started! Send the big guy here first."

There are countless world-class BOSSs. On the contrary, the mobs have been almost eliminated. It is a good time to attack the BOSS.


The low roar made people raise their heads in horror. The roar came from the shadows, carrying a soul-stirring and terrifying aura.

The entire Creation Temple seemed to be trembling. The advancing powerful army did not stop, but subconsciously slowed down.

The adventurers were pushing, cursing, screaming, roaring, and making a mess.

In order to win the biggest loot, these guilds are well-equipped and armed to the teeth. They have brought out all kinds of potions, scrolls, mixtures, and magic props. For them, as long as they can kill one of the world-destroying BOSSs that have been killing adventurers. , the stuff that exploded was enough to feed an entire guild.

The fit is even more seamless.

The sky suddenly darkened, and the air became distorted. Something was being pulled into this time and space. This strange sight made all the charging adventurers stop. The next second, a huge thing that was difficult to describe in words appeared. Appeared in front of everyone.

Galakrond (King of Ancient Dragons): "Insignificant mortals, humble ants, ignorant insects, what makes you dare to break into the Dragon God's residence, what makes you dare to challenge the Dragon God's majesty, no one can offend me. Lord, turn into dust - in the name of the Dragon God."

When the other adventurers saw it, they immediately followed. The big guilds ate meat, the small guilds drank soup, and the individual players focused on participating. At least they could experience the feeling of saving the world.

If you don’t enter, you’ll have no chance.

"Back off, back off!"

In less than ten minutes, hundreds of fully staffed and well-equipped guild battle groups appeared on the stone steps outside the Creation Temple.

The Ancient Dragon King's Breath of Annihilation!

The abyss-like huge mouth opened, and the raging dragon thunder swept across the entire place, turning everything in its path into dust. With just one blow, thousands of adventurers charging at the front were wiped out. The adventurers behind were so frightened that they ran away like crazy. Like dominoes, the tide of adventurers rolled back.


Boom! The ground suddenly shook.

At this moment, there are seven or eight world-destroying BOSSs in the Creation Temple (Godwin and Shenwu Emperor were also transformed into world-destroying BOSSs after they were blackened).

Warriors and paladins formed an indestructible steel front line, pushing all the way. Thousands of warriors fired whirlwind together, like a harvester.

The mere crushing in size left the adventurer with nothing to do.

Wang Xuan grabbed his hair and looked hysterical, "Fuck, I shouldn't have added so many foreign gods to this game in the first place."

"Outer God?"

"The gods outside the universe originally wanted to raise a big Gu, but unexpectedly they actually raised a big Gu." He looked at Murphy resentfully.

Murphy also looked at Wang Xuan calmly, "Are you still saying that we will definitely win now?"

Wang Xuanqiang smiled and said, "Of course, haven't you noticed that until now, almost none of the player heroes have ended up."

Murphy nodded, "Indeed, I guess they are still waiting and watching."

"Yes, but they are about to end. Medivh has already gone to assemble them. When a group of people take action, you will still have no choice but to die."

Player heroes are different from plot heroes. They don’t have so much sense of responsibility. The main reason for playing games is benefits. Except for a few RPG parties, most player heroes follow the principle of avoiding dangers and taking advantage of them. Naturally, they will not take it lightly. end.

Although the number of players has increased tenfold during this period, the number of heroes has not increased much. After all, those who can afford to play hero roles are those who are not short of money. If you want to play, you should play it early. It is impossible to wait until the price of game helmets drops. Just started. At this moment, hundreds of player heroes have already gathered at the gate and are watching the battlefield through magical phantoms.

The role of a hero is priceless, so they are more cautious than those studios and will not make a move until the last minute.

Saliman (Palace Archmage): "What the hell, Galakrond is so powerful? How can we fight him?"

Morgana (Witch of the Wilds): "It's really difficult to deal with, and this BOSS doesn't require any control magic."

Midnight Dharma God (Great Elementalist): "Then we have to fight. Didn't you read the world announcement? Once the Dragon God captures the Pillar of Creation, the entire game will be deleted."

Noon Sword (Dragon Slayer): "That's not true, is it? How could a game company really do this? I think at most it would give everyone some punishment.

Ye Tianzun (Sword Master): "Dawn Divine Sword, are you afraid? You were killed by the black dragon Morpheus once, but you didn't expect to become so timid."

Brother Han (Arch Mage): "What I'm saying is, let's not talk about things like saving the world. Just because of the grudge that this boy Aidan had with us, we can't let him succeed this time. If he wins, what will happen in the future? Our way of survival.”

Jian Wuhen (Shadow of Death): "You're right. With so many of us gathered, are we still afraid that we can't kill him? You want me to take advantage of the chaos on the battlefield, and let's go straight across the battlefield and perform a decapitation operation!"

Archmend (Arch Druid): "Yes, yes, I think this is what we have to do. We have to kill those BOSSs one by one and there is no time. Let the adventurers pester the BOSS. Let's just kill Aidan and be done." Come on, if you want to take action, do it early, there’s less than half an hour left, everyone.”

Shrek the Sword Master: "The problem is how we get through. I can walk through it quickly, but others may not be able to."

Skeleton Elf (Death Knight): "It was not possible in the past. He is the Dragon God? No matter how many of us there are, it will be difficult."

"Don't worry heroes, I'll take you there."

As a crow fell from the sky, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

Medivh was breathing heavily. He was exhausted from the battle with Sargeras, but he still managed to gather his energy and spoke to everyone.

Medivh (Guardian): "Don't worry, everyone, we still have a chance. The big ancient dragon has destroyed the adventurers' fighting spirit, but it has also been distracted. The enemy's troops can no longer block the battlefield. It is our best shot. The timing is right, as long as we interrupt the ceremony, we can win. All heroes who are willing to fight to save the world, gather by my side, and I will lead you across the battlefield to the end of the world."

After listening to Medivh's words, everyone nodded in agreement.

Yes, there is no need to kill the Dragon God, even just interrupting the ceremony is enough.

Hundreds of heroes gathered around Medivh.

Medivh (Guardian): "Get ready, everyone, let's go."

Super group teleportation!

In a burst of dazzling white light, hundreds of heroes disappeared instantly.

Entrance to the Pillar of Creation——

brush! Hundreds of people fell from the sky, and the surrounding Dragon Knights and Dragon Guards were all killed by a series of heroic skills before they had time to react.

Hundreds of powerful heroes, their combat effectiveness is not ordinary.

But at this moment, there is still a person blocking the entrance.

Jaina - Even in the most critical moment, Jaina did not leave this entrance, firmly guarding the entrance to the Pillar of Creation.

Seeing everyone appearing, she immediately used her arcane energy. The powerful arcane energy surrounded her and made her float into the air. Her eyes were shining with blue light, and her long golden hair was dancing in the wind. , like a god.

Jaina (Eternal): "You have come to a place you shouldn't be. Heroes of Azeroth, now get out of my sight before I get angry, so that you can live, otherwise my magic will Will tear you to pieces.”

Medivh looked solemn. For the first time, he met a mage who was more powerful than his magic power.

Medivh (Guardian): "Get out of Jaina's way, don't force me to destroy you."

Jaina (Eternal): "Just you? Hahahaha, you are not worth mentioning at all!" Jaina said, powerful arcane energy instantly surrounded her, forming an indestructible arcane shield.

Hero Skill - Finger of Death!

Lord Voldemort hit Jaina with one death shot.

But the light flashed on the arcane shield, and Jaina looked at the bald head coldly, "You call this death magic?"

Super finger of death!

With a slight wave of the Death Scepter and a flash of black light, Voldemort's expression instantly froze. His body turned black as if he had been dead for thousands of years, and gradually dissipated into the air like a burst of ashes and fell down.

So strong! Voldemort is a mage who specializes in the shadow of the undead. His body has long been transformed into a semi-undead physique. Unexpectedly, he was still killed with one blow.

Fortunately, there was only one person on the other side.


I don't know who shouted, and magic and arrows filled the sky immediately flew towards Jaina.

Master Assassins, Shadow Dancers, and Warrior Monks were either sneaking around or flying over walls, all rushing towards Jaina.

The warrior jumped up, the paladin held up his holy shield, and rushed towards Jaina.

Medivh did not move. He watched as Jaina used powerful magic to continuously repel the heroes who rushed past. Only when the heroes encountered life threats did they come to help.

Medivh (Guardian): "Give up, Jaina, give up the fight. You are only one person, but we have so many people. You can't win!" "

Jaina (Eternal): "Who said I am only one person?"

Arcane Storm!

A powerful shock wave knocks back all surrounding enemies at once.

"Nozdormu, what are you waiting for! Take action!"

As soon as he finished speaking, golden light flashed in the air, and hundreds of humanoid silhouettes appeared in the air. When the light disappeared, a group of familiar and unfamiliar people suddenly appeared around Jaina.

Arthas (Lich King): "Is this the war that Aidan was talking about? It's really extraordinary."

Thrall (Warchief): "It's a strange place, Grom. Let me just say that an unprecedented war is waiting for us."

Grom Hellscream (Warsong Chieftain): "At least it looks like it's going to be a big fight."

Varian (King of Stormwind): "Who are these people? Why are we fighting them?"

Illidan (Betrayer): "Why do you care so much? I am willing to do anything for freedom. Let's fight quickly."

Jaina (Arch Mage): "Um, that young girl with blue eyes, are you - me?"

Jaina looked at the woman in the crowd who looked similar to her but was slightly more mature, and couldn't help but snorted.

Jaina (Eternal): "Hmph, I didn't expect that I would be so weak in parallel time and space."

Weak? Archmage Jaina looked annoyed. I am the first among the 137th graduates of Dalaran and the youngest archmage in history!

However, after taking a look at the powerful energy field surrounding Jaina the Eternal, and the substantial magical light emerging from her eyes, she could only reluctantly admit that the other party seemed to be a little bit more powerful than her.

(End of this chapter)

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