Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 78 Dragon Feast Ceremony

Chapter 78 Dragon Feast Ceremony
After Mo Fei figured out the pros and cons of this Dragon Feast Ceremony, he immediately thought about it.

Although it is good to be a hero, Murphy still misses the time when he was an ancient dragon boss. If he can have both, it would be really good.

I just don’t know if there is any difference between the dragon transformed through the Dragon Feast Ceremony and the original Dragon Clan, and which one is stronger.

Aidan (Knight of the North Wind): "Tell me, mysterious voice, compared with the power of a real dragon, which one is stronger or weaker?"

Mysterious voice: "Hahahaha, ignorant human beings, you only think that the dragons in the world are extremely powerful existences, but you don't know that they are just some degraded descendants, and what they possess are only the remnants of the ancient dragons. , They have dirty blood flowing in their bodies, and unclean flesh and blood growing in them. Those are useless dross...

The Dragon Feast Ceremony is to extract the essence and discard the dross.

At the end of the road of dragon food, there is an eternal and immortal existence, and becoming a giant dragon is just a step—what is the difference between strong and weak?Ordinary people who are chasing after power, go and execute the dragon feast, you will get everything you expect, and even more..."

Is it so hanging?Listening to the description of the mysterious voice, Mo Fei couldn't help feeling a little bit confused. It seems that after transforming a dragon, he might have to face the follow-up plot task, the eternal and immortal existence—could it be becoming an ancient dragon?

It should be, but this step probably hides a greater risk. After all, the stronger the power, the higher the risk you have to pay. If you want to obtain a giant dragon, you have to risk becoming a monster. Know how much it costs.

The so-called danger in the mission warning should refer to the risk during the template conversion process. After all, once it becomes a lava earth dragon, a very boring boss, it can't fly, and it doesn't have its own monster power. Adventurers find out and kill them.

And it will only be more difficult to explore the power of the ancient dragon later.

But it doesn't matter, don't be afraid of high difficulty, just be afraid that there is no way forward.

He felt that he had already understood the pros and cons of it, hesitated for a moment, and then made up his mind—then execute the Dragon Feast, even if it fails, it will just become a BOSS, but if it succeeds, it will be great.

Murphy felt that based on his experience in playing Dragon Clan, it shouldn't be a big problem to control the power of the dragon.

It may be really difficult for other players to directly control the dragon's body. After all, dragons have four limbs and two wings, and the action model is completely different from that of humanoid creatures.

Aidan (Knight of the North Wind): "I accept, so how do I start the Dragon Feast Ceremony?"

Mysterious voice: "Sit in front of that altar, offer your sacrifice, offer your sacrifice, and the ceremony will begin."

Aidan (Knight of the North Wind): "Sacrifice?"

Mysterious voice: "The flesh and blood of the dragon clan is just a powerful appearance, and its real power comes from the control of the law. The core of the law is the dragon's heart, which is the product of the power of the dragon. Only A powerful dragon can be bred..."

Mo Feixin said that this is not a coincidence, he happened to bring a dragon heart.

He took out the heart of the lava earth dragon and put it on the round table-like altar, "What should I do now?"

Mysterious voice: "You must devour it and transform it into your own power."

Aidan (Knight of the North Wind): "Swallow, you mean eat it?"


Murphy thought that the so-called devour was just an adjective, but he didn't expect it to be literal. "

He looked at the dragon's heart in front of him, which was the size of two fists. It looked like a heart, but it exuded a hot red light. Even though the lava earth dragon had long since died, the heart was still beating.

He picked up the dragon's heart, feeling a bit tangled in his mind, can this thing really be eaten?This is a magic material, and the lava earth dragon is...

Mysterious voice: "Eat! Mortals chasing the power of the dragon, feast on the flesh and blood, devour the power, integrate the power of the law into your blood, cast it into your soul, feel the power of the dragon, eat it Let's eat... let's go... let's go..."

The voice kept whispering in the ear, with a long echo.

Murphy suddenly felt as if something was watching him, and there were many things. Those invisible eyes seemed to be looking forward to what would happen next. The salivating feeling made his back feel cold, and his eyes fell on that The dragon's heart fell on him, and he could feel and even experience the urgency of those existences.

If he doesn't continue, maybe something bad will happen...

Murphy gritted his teeth and bit down.

The salty and sticky dragon's blood poured into his mouth, and the hot taste was like burning magma. Mo Fei felt a scorching fire flow down his throat, spreading towards the internal organs, limbs and bones.

He took bite after bite, resisting the burning and wanting to vomit, disgusted at first, but soon he felt a pang of hunger, the more he ate, the hungrier he craved for more.

He closed his eyes, biting and swallowing forcefully, in a trance, he seemed to hear someone singing in his ear.



The majestic and sacred singing sound seemed to be sung loudly by many voices, but there was nothing there, as if it was just an echo in the wind. He could recognize the meaning in the singing voice, it was a hymn sung in ancient dragon language, praising Dragon feast, praise those who pursue the power of the dragon.

The people of the dragon feast, the people of the dragon feast, feast on the flesh and blood, and devour the dragon!

The people of Longxiang, the people of Longxiang, seize the power and forge the dragon soul!

Murphy looked around in horror, and he had a feeling in his heart that the one who sang was the source of those invisible gazes.

He continued to eat, and the song continued to sing.

People of Longxiang, people of Longxiang, embark on a journey, and there is no way back!

People of Longxiang, people of Longxiang, the time has come to wake up the Dragon God!

Murphy knew that there was no turning back, he swallowed the remaining dragon heart until the last piece of meat was put into his mouth—well, he burped.

All those eyes staring at him disappeared in an instant.

The singing also stopped instantly, and only the howling wind echoed in my ears.

[System prompt: You have completed the Dragon Feast Ceremony and obtained the skill - [Flame Affinity]. 】

He checked the ability he had acquired.

[Fire Affinity (passive skill)
Passive effect: Your fire resistance is increased by 50 points, and the power of fire skills is increased by 10%.

Skill introduction: The lava earth dragon Flor has been with flames and lava all year round. The power of fire has already been immersed in its scales, flesh, and even soul. Now this power has been injected into your flesh and blood, so that you no longer fear fire. . 】

This is the end?Feeling the changes in his body, Mo Fei was somewhat disappointed. He thought there would be some kind of special effects, such as breathing fire all over his body and glowing eyes.

It turned out to be just a passive skill.

The skill effect can't be said to be bad, but it's not as amazing as he expected.

"Is it over?" He couldn't help asking.

Mysterious voice: "No, this is just the beginning, go hunt those more powerful dragons, bring back their hearts, perform dragon feasts, devour their power, your road has just begun."

Mo Fei's heart moved, and he checked the quest of "Road to Longxiang".

【Road to Dragon Feast (Original Story/Ongoing)
Current mission progress: 10%.

Mission introduction: You have successfully completed the first Dragon Feast Ceremony, but this is just the beginning. Satisfy your inner desire and continue to devour the power of the dragon. On this road of chasing the power of the dragon, you still have a long way to go. A long way to go...]

After eating one dragon heart, the increase is 10%. In other words, you need to eat nine dragon hearts to complete the task. The difficulty of this task is really not low.

(End of this chapter)

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