"The last time I went back to Kassel College was in 1988. Not long after I graduated and entered the executive department, I received a task and set off to return to China, and I never came back."

Outside the car window, the white snow slightly covered the emerald green of the short mountain in the distance, and a castle-like building complex on the mountainside loomed in the snow in Illinois.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, father and son Chu Tianjiao and Chu Zihang flew back to Chicago from a coastal city in China, and took the CC1000 express train arranged by Norma to Kassel College.

In fact, the domestic affairs have not been dealt with. For example, Chu Tianjiao's safe house where all the weapons and dragon clan related information has been patronized. He suspects that it was done by the Orthodox clan, especially after knowing what kind of bullshit repatriation order Orthodoxy gave his son. He was even more furious, and was so angry that he wanted to pick up a knife and go to the door to say hello, but was dissuaded by Chu Zihang.

"Father, what is your mission? I remember that the main target of the false god was the suitcase you were carrying. What is in it that even the false god would be attracted by it?" Chu Zihang asked.

In the past few days, the two have tacitly not mentioned anything about the Dragon Clan. It looks like a pair of father and son reunited after a long absence enjoying their festive Spring Festival; and as they step back to the dark side of the world , the short peace has ended, Chu Zihang began to want to understand the secrets and shadows carried by his father.

"In the beginning, it was to monitor possible dragon activities," Chu Tianjiao paused, "It seems that you haven't taught the knowledge about 'element turbulence' in your freshman year?"

"It hasn't been taught yet, but I have read relevant materials in the library after I have experienced it," Chu Zihang said, "From the perspective of alchemy, the world is composed of five core elements, and usually the distribution of these elements is Balanced, but in the case of severe disturbances, there will be elemental turbulence invisible to normal people, and atmospheric phenomena such as atmospheric discharges, hurricanes, storms, and violent and abnormal temperature changes are intuitive manifestations caused by elemental turbulence."

When Chu Zihang was in Japan, he experienced a catastrophic disaster. The recovery of the White King broke the balance of elements in the space. The natural catastrophe almost sank the whole of Tokyo into the sea.

"Great, as expected, my son is an excellent student no matter where he goes," Chu Tianjiao praised with a smile, "Usually only the awakening of dragons above the next generation will cause elemental turbulence, and from 1989 to 1991, that There have been no less than six small-scale element turbulences in the city. I believe you can also notice some unusual weather changes in your hometown."

"An unusual and frequent rainy season?" In Chu Zihang's memory, it often rained in that coastal city, and a typhoon would make landfall from time to time.

"That's right, this kind of speculation lasted until three years ago..." Chu Tianjiao's expression became serious, and he looked around the carriage to make sure that no one else was there before continuing, "That was the first time I Meet Odin."

Father had already seen false gods before the accident more than half a year ago?Chu Zihang frowned.

The whereabouts of the false god Odin is still a mystery, especially the appearance of "demons" makes the situation more complicated-but this does not stop the footsteps of the weeping angels, aliens, heresies, demons, false gods... whatever it is, Anything harmful to humanity should be purged by them with the Emperor's wrath.

"It was also raining heavily because of the typhoon landed that day. I ran into him when I rushed back to the safe house late at night with two portions of braised large intestines and a portion of spicy chicken wings..."

Chu Zihang was a little speechless, and wanted to remind his father to delete some unnecessary descriptions. The stewed large intestine and spicy chicken wings were really out of place.

"The scene at that time was similar to what we saw in the Nibelungen, except that I did not enter the Nibelungen. Odin condensed the rainwater into a large flowing mirror. Confrontation," Chu Tianjiao said in a deep voice, "just as I left behind information and was about to get out of the car to test it out, he just turned around and left on his horse."

"Leaving?" Chu Zihang was a little taken aback, he thought that the false god would have a confrontation with his father.

"Yes, I couldn't understand it at the time. It stands to reason that this thing would never show its presence in front of people for no reason and then pat its ass and leave... So I launched an investigation in the following time. I also wanted to run into Odin again on my own initiative more than once, but to no avail...until we ran into him again in half a year."

"Well, its target is quite clear, which is the suitcase in your hand. What's in it?" The question returned to the second question he asked at the beginning.

Chu Tianjiao took a deep breath, and said slowly in a low voice: "Flesh and blood. The ultimate in the world, the flesh and blood of the black king Nidhogg."

Chu Zihang's pupils shrank slightly. He never thought that the silver suitcase he pulled out from the trunk would be related to the black alien that represented despair. He would rather believe that it contained his father's favorite stewed large intestine.

"Flesh...which part? What's the use?" he asked.

"Anyway, it's fine if it's not the appendix or the large intestine..." Chu Tianjiao made a disappointed joke, "It was in the hands of the secret party for the first time in 1900, and it was attacked by the dragon clan shortly after it was sent to the Kassel Manor in Germany. It was lost after a fierce resistance by members of the Arcadia and the Lionheart."

"Afterwards, there have been bits and pieces of information. It is said that it has been circulating among the North Pole, Russia, Mongolia, and Japan. After my divorce from your mother, I have followed the information given by the Executive Department all over Asia. Until In recent years, there have been untrue reports that it has flowed into Siberia—I won’t say much about my experience of recapturing it. In short, I almost lost my life in Siberia,” Chu Tianjiao sighed, “It’s hundreds of dollars. This is the only trace of the black emperor who has been sleeping in the ancient history for many years, it may be the key to the Dragon Race once again ruling the world, and it may also be the only key to prevent the destruction of the world..."

"The worst thing is that it was lost in my hands and fell into the hands of gods with unknown origins." Chu Tianjiao's face was serious. "I don't know what consequences this will cause, but Odin is definitely not that kind of righteous God...and during the few days when I was lying on the hospital bed, I thought about it carefully and found a somewhat horrifying fact."

"The time when I met Odin for the first time was the same day in the same month as when we 'strayed into' the Nibelungen to face Odin, but the difference in time was three years. On that day... there was also a typhoon that landed , it was raining heavily."

Chu Zihang frowned: "This is a bit too... a coincidence."

"It's not as simple as a coincidence, I always have a feeling... as if Odin knew that I would take that box, and was waiting to take it from me."

"Hmm...could it be some kind of speech spirit unknown to us that can predict the future?" Chu Zihang guessed.

"It's not very likely. If this kind of speech spirit that can predict the future really exists, then the dragon kings in history would not have been assassinated and killed by the hybrids in various ways." Chu Tianjiao's expression became a little uncomfortable again And pain, "This may be related to the memory I lost in the Nibelungen... I always feel that I have experienced these things, but not in this timeline..."

"Maybe in another timeline, I took back the box and entered the Nibelungen three years ago, but because of some force, that timeline was reset or even destroyed, and the timeline restarted without being affected Odin still thought that it was when I took back the box three years ago, but there was an error on the timeline. That's right! That's right! That's it!"

The more Chu Tianjiao talked, the more excited he became, his eyes radiated golden light, as if he had already understood some key secret.

"Calm down, Dad!" Chu Zihang hurriedly stood up and pressed his father's shoulders to stabilize his emotions. At the same time, he paid attention to his movements and expressions, and guarded against his father's possible influence from the residual demons, various blasphemy or false knowledge. Bewitched.

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