Chapter 159
There are several guest rooms on the first floor of the cabin.

Jiangling and Li'er were arranged in the last two rooms.

The first floor has the strongest sense of vibration, but the second floor is where the Duan family's women and children live, so no one else will be allowed to live on the second floor.

Although Jiang Ling was arranged at the end of the first floor, the high-ranking officials made the maids treat each other extra.

After entering the guest room, the servant girl brought fresh melons, fruits and snacks, and specially told Jiang Ling that if necessary, she could call her anytime.

After the servant girl went out, she lived in the room next to him and was there to wait for him at any time. It was probably arranged by Duan Daguan.

Li'er lived in the cabin opposite Jiangling, after she entered the cabin, she did not come out again.

Jiang Ling guessed that she was either shy of strangers, seasick, or missing her family.

But now that he can get on this big ship, going to Nanjiang County is not a problem.

The big ship stayed at the pier for another hour,
I thought that the boat would not set off easily due to the flood in the Hujiang River.

But what do you think, after an hour, a boatman called outside, saying that it was time to set sail, everyone pay attention.

As the anchor was pulled up, the big ship shook with a strong sense of turbulence.

The big ship left the pier and began to flow eastward.

Sitting bored in the room was no fun, so Jiang Ling opened the door and went to the back deck of the ship.

Here, too, some boatmen are on the lookout.

One of them was the one who spoke before boarding the ship.

Goodbye to Jiangling, the boatman also changed his attitude and was very polite.

"Mr. Xiao is really a real person. So many doctors failed to cure my wife's headache. I heard that Mr. Xiao cured her illness with just one shot. It's really amazing."

Jiang Lingqian said: "It's just a coincidence that I know the disease."

As he said that, he changed the subject and asked: "The Hujiang River is flooded. Is it really suitable to sail in this kind of weather?"

When it came to the voyage, the boatman showed a certain look on his face, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Hujiang, the water of the Hujiang River is not too big. Our [Pioneer] can even go in the sea. There is no wind and three feet of waves in the sea. If you compare it with Hujiang, the current situation of Hujiang can only be regarded as calm.

It is difficult for other small boats to sail in Hongboli, but for the [Pioneer], it is just a trivial matter.

The only thing to worry about is that some rivers are narrow and need to be noticed at all times to remind the helmsman to control the direction.Other than that, there's nothing wrong with it. "

"I see."

I remembered the last time I took a black-topped boat and went east from here.The whole way was rippling with the waves, thanks to the old sailor's pole in his hand, the Wupeng was able to cross the blue waves in a stable manner.

But now, the same waterway, different ships.

Under the Pioneer, no matter how fast the current was, standing on the boat was only slightly bumpy.

It can be seen that the boats are different, and the feeling is quite different when traveling the same waterway.

Carrying the torrent down,

In normal times, it takes an hour to get to Linzhou.

But today, after only half an hour, Linzhou was already in sight.

At this time, an order came from upstairs, saying that they would stay in Linzhou for a while.

Another guest is coming, and the maids are required to make preparations for the reception.

The duty of the boatmen at the stern is to watch the road and keep their eyes on both sides of the Hujiang River as they sail along the way.

Seeing that the boat was approaching, they suddenly started chatting.

As we talked, we talked about Fengyue Restaurant.

In other words, the food in Fengyue Restaurant is really unique.

In addition, it is a pity that the unique taste of Fengyue Restaurant has become a famous restaurant.

Jiang Ling was puzzled when he heard this, and asked, "Feng Yue Restaurant is fine, why is it so famous?"

The boatman snorted and said, "Little Mister, haven't you heard of it? It is said that the food in Fengyue Restaurant is so delicious, it depends on a strange condiment.

Ever since the fame of Fengyue Restaurant spread, it has been coveted by many.

It was heard that Fengyue Restaurant seemed to be in the hands of a female shopkeeper at the beginning, but later Fengyue Restaurant became so famous that the Lin family took the restaurant back and replaced it with another person.

Five days ago, there was a big fire in Fengyue Restaurant, and it was said that all the strange condiments were burned.Without that thing, the deliciousness of Fengyue Restaurant has plummeted since then.

Today, it is no different from other restaurants.

Therefore, everyone said that Fengyue Restaurant has become a swan song like that Guangling San. "

What happened?

After hearing this, Jiang Ling sighed in his heart.

I don't know what happened to Yue Wei!
When he left MSG and chicken essence, he had already guessed this result.

I just didn't expect the result to come so quickly.

"Before, the officials wanted to go to Linzhou County to try the deliciousness of Fengyue Restaurant, but now, there is nothing to go to."

Listening to the boatmen's words, Jiang Ling looked at Linzhou's outline and fell into deep thought.

Do you want to go to Linzhou County to see Yuewei?

But since we said goodbye last time, wouldn't it be wrong to appear in front of her again?

After thinking about it again and again, he finally sighed.

'Forget it, I still won't go. '

Since you can't give her a future, it's best not to bother her anymore.

The boat stopped at Linzhou Wharf, and the huge ship attracted many people to stop and watch.

Unlike Guobei, Linzhou County is a waterway hub, even if the Hujiang River is flooded, there are still some medium-sized ships that can still sail unimpeded.

After the ship was anchored and the steps of the gangway were lowered, a moment later, the guests came. They were five women.

Three maids accompanied by a mother and daughter!
The mother is very young, only in her early thirties, standing with her daughter like sisters.

Jiang Ling looked at each other from a distance from the stern, suddenly surprised: "It's them?"

Seeing the shore, the sender waved goodbye to them.

In it, Jiang Ling also saw a familiar person——Cai Ping!
He and a group of guards did not follow the boat.

The boatman said, "Sir, do you know those guests?"

Jiang Ling said casually, "I just met once before."

Boatman: "Oh, that's how it is. I don't know who the lady is, but she is pretty."

The beautiful people mentioned are naturally Mrs. Cai and Miss Cai.

Jiang Ling never expected that he would meet their mother and daughter here.

After Mrs. Cai and Ms. Cai boarded the boat, they were greeted grandly by maids, and they went directly to the second floor to protect them.

After picking up the people, the ship anchored again and set off again.

On the shore of the pier, Cai Ping and his guards watched the big ship leave.

Even though he couldn't see anyone, he still waved them off until they got farther away.

Just as he was about to return with his guards, suddenly, he seemed to see something out of the corner of his eye.

Just turning around, he looked at the boat again.

Seeing his strange expression, a guard asked him, "Uncle Ping, what's the problem?"

Cai Ping frowned and looked towards the stern of the ship, but unfortunately the ship was far away, and it became increasingly difficult to see clearly.

"Probably I've misread it," he said.

The guard was curious: "What's wrong?"

Cai Ping said: "It seems to see a person who shouldn't exist, it should be dazzled."

That person should have died in Tianxing Mountain a few days ago, how could he appear here?

No matter what, it is impossible to get on the boat of a high official Duan.

Therefore, it must be a blind eye.

"Let's go, Miss Madam, walk slowly by the waterway, but we have to hurry up and catch up with the master. Within five days, we must reach the capital."

(End of this chapter)

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