Chapter 161

Heiying smiled and left, went to the corridor on the second floor, and suddenly saw a boatman on the first deck taking advantage of the night, taking a urinate.

She immediately stretched out her fingers, and then a black shadow flew towards the boatman close to the ground.

This caused the boatman to stagger, and it seemed that his feet slipped, and he fell from the side of the boat into the dark river.

Fortunately, there were other boatmen beside him at this moment. Seeing this scene, three ropes were thrown down immediately.

"Grab the rope!"

"Be careful, don't be swept under the boat by the undercurrent."

These boatmen are also people who are familiar with water. If they are called by later generations, they are crew sailors.Almost all of them grew up by the water.

As soon as the boatman who fell hit the water, he stretched his limbs, and he was really experienced.

He, who was not washed down by the rapids, also caught the rope dropped by his companion in time, and even wrapped the rope around his waist in the first time.

Seeing that he had grabbed the rope, the companions above were not too worried.

It happened from time to time among them that they fell off the boat while sailing on the road.As long as there is no undercurrent, it is generally not a big problem.

Some people even laughed: "Why are you so good, you want to jump into that water?"

The worker on the falling water bed, however, had an unhappy expression on his face: "How can I jump into the water when I'm full and have nothing to do? Someone pushed me just now."

The companions above looked at each other, he was urinating on it just now, but no one approached him.

"What nonsense, who would push you into the water?"

The boatman who fell into the water shouted angrily: "Obviously someone pushed me, why don't you admit it?"

As the person involved, he clearly felt that a pair of hands reached out from behind and pushed him very hard just now.

"Can you climb up?" The companion above stopped joking and asked him seriously: "Do you want a rope ladder?"

The boatman who fell was holding onto the rope tightly, and suddenly shouted in panic: "It seems that something is pulling my feet, and I can't climb up."

Under normal circumstances, with their skills, it is not difficult to climb up with only a rope, even if they don't need a rope ladder.

But at this moment, after the boatman who fell into the water screamed in panic, his body gradually sank into the water.

First the chest was submerged, then the shoulders, then the head.


The overboard boatman yelled the last word, with his mouth in the water.

At this moment, he really seemed to be dragged by something and wanted to drag him into the water.

The companion on the boat shouted: "Old Zhang, don't be joking, it's not the right way to scare people in the middle of the night."

But at this time, Lao Zhang could only stretch out his hand to come out of the water, his head was completely submerged in the water.

The companion looked at it for a while, and felt that something was wrong, so they all looked at an old boatman.

The old boatman was called Lao Wang, and they all came from the same place, and they were all brought out by this old Wang.

Looking at the situation down the river, Lao Wang immediately pointed to a few young boatmen and gestured to them.

Those little boatmen would agree, they hurried over, unbuttoned their trousers, and pissed down.

In their line of work, traveling by water at night, they encountered countless strange things.

Only after experiencing a lot, the accumulated experience will increase.

Before a young man is unmarried, his body is pure yang, and he can often ward off evil spirits and avoid disasters by soaking in a boy's urine, which has been tried and tested repeatedly.

At this time, the four young boys urinated against the wind, and as soon as the urine rushed to the surface of the water, suddenly the old Zhang seemed to be really relieved, and struggled to get half of his body out of the water.

He panicked and called for help: "Help me...pull me up quickly...there is something dragging my feet down here."

"Quick, throw the rope ladder." Old Wang asked someone to bring the rope ladder, and immediately threw it down.

Lao Zhang stretched out his hand and wanted to climb up.

But there was something dragging on both of his feet, and he couldn't lift his feet at all.

The black figure standing on the cabin corridor on the second floor was lying on the fence, watching this scene with a smile, as if it was not lively enough.

Or maybe he felt that the behavior of the four boys peeing against the wind was too vulgar, so he stretched out his slender fingers again, and tapped the backs of the four of them one by one.

Just when she finished clicking,
The four boys were about to put on their trousers, when they suddenly shouted in panic, their bodies couldn't hold back, and they fell down from the side of the boat one by one.

Plop, plop, four sounds in succession, all four boys fell into the water.

The black shadow in the cabin aisle on the second floor was overjoyed to see it, and even clapped hands.

Lao Zhang couldn't be rescued, and now four people fell down again, and the other boatmen on board also panicked.

For a while, ropes and rope ladders were thrown down again, calling them to catch them quickly.

But those four boys are apprentice boatmen, they haven't mastered all their skills, and their experience is not as experienced as Lao Zhang.

Four people fell, and in less than two breaths, three of them were caught in the undercurrent.

The remaining one managed to grab the rope, but he was still shouting: "Uncle Wang, there is really something under the water that is grabbing my feet... It is dragging me and won't let me come out."

When the old Wang on the boat heard this, his face turned pale.

He hurriedly ran to turn out his outfit, took out a joss stick from inside, and asked someone to light it while he took out paper money and threw it into the river.

"No wonder, and please let these children go. They are poor people. It is not easy to work as a boatman just to make a living. Please forgive me."

Old Wangtou kowtowed to the ground respectfully.

When the other boatmen saw it, they also knelt down and kowtowed.

But no matter how sincerely they apologized, the following things did not mean to let the person who fell into the water go.

Lao Zhang was dragged down again, and his head was submerged in the water.

The surviving young man was half above the water one moment, and was suddenly dragged into the bottom of the water the next moment, disappearing completely.

The old Wang on the boat saw it and knocked his head on the board: "These children are ignorant, please forgive them, please forgive them..."

When there was commotion outside, Jiang Ling suddenly came out of the boathouse, went outside to see the situation at the bow of the boat, and was about to ask what happened.

The old Wangtou suddenly called him: "Guests, go away, don't approach the side of the boat, five people have fallen into the water. The waters here are not very peaceful."

He put it mildly,

The implication is that there may be something unclean in this water area.

Five people have already been entangled by evil spirits, if another person falls, it may be difficult to die well.

Jiang Ling frowned slightly, on the boat he was on, such a thing would happen?
Immediately, he walked to the edge and looked down.

Unlike others, he opened his Dharma eyes and can see darkness as day.

Looking down at the first glance, he saw a boatman struggling in the water, his face turned purple, and he was already very uncomfortable.

And this boatman is exactly the brother Zhang who talked to him during the day.

Looking down along Brother Zhang, Jiang Ling vaguely saw a black shadow dragging Brother Zhang's leg, pulling it deep.

Seeing this situation, he jumped without any hesitation, plunged into the water and plunged...

(End of this chapter)

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