Chapter 166
After an hour,

Mrs. Cai hurriedly picked up the skirt from the cabin, put it on, and left in a daze.

The next day,

The sun is beautiful and the wind is peaceful.

Jiang Ling woke up, looked at the few strands of hair left on the couch, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Thinking of last night, it was a bit ridiculous.

Mrs. Cai would come to look for him in the middle of the night, and he couldn't hold back at that time, and had such absurd things happen to her.

Ordinarily, he had that jade ring by his side, so distracting thoughts could hardly shake his mind.

But what happened last night, thinking about it now, is quite a bit of a coincidence.

"It turns out that the master likes a mature woman like Mrs. Cai."

Nie Qian suddenly appeared, Ling Po stood on the white clam, like a three-inch girl, and said sourly.

"Don't talk nonsense, last night, something seemed wrong."

Nie Qian: "Of course something is wrong. After all, Mrs. Cai yelled so loudly. Almost everyone on the boat heard it."

Jiang Ling couldn't help laughing, and asked, "Is it really that loud?"

Nie Qian pouted: "Yes."

Jiang Ling shook his head.

What Nie Qian said is an exaggeration.

Mrs. Cai was indeed more active last night, but if she barked so loudly that the whole boat could almost hear her, that would be impossible.

She is still a relatively reserved woman in her bones, at most, and Nie Qian listened to the whole thing last night.

"You don't understand the matter of men and women."

Nie Qian: "Who says you don't understand, Xiaoqian knows a lot."

"is it?"

"Of course, grandma taught me a lot back then."

When she was in Lanruo Temple, her grandmother taught her many ways to seduce men.

However, that is at best a teaser.

She is a ghost, she has no entity, even if she wants to seduce people with her body, she can't do it.

And before she died, she was just an official daughter who had not left the cabinet.

The relationship between men and women may be understood on paper, but not in real practice.

Seeing Jiang Ling's straight gaze, she finally hesitated and said, "At least she knows no less than that Mrs. Cai."

Although Mrs. Cai is a wife, she behaved very jerky last night.

"Okay, okay, you know."

After a few laughs, the maid outside the door brought meals.

Early in the morning, there will be ginseng soup, squab, and lotus seed soup for food.

Since rescuing Old Madam Duan for the second time last night, his treatment on this boat is no different from that of the master's family.

"Girl, where is the boat now?"

"Sir, just call me Hexiang. The boat has left Huanqing County just now, and the next place will be Nanjiang."


It's finally here.

"Miss Hexiang, the little girl who came with me is going to Nanjiang to find relatives. If we arrive in Nanjiang County, can the boat stop for a while?"

He Xiang said politely: "Sir, wait a moment, I'll go back to you after I've asked the senior officials."


He Xiang left, came back after a while, bowed and said: "Sir, the senior officials said that it's okay to stay, as long as you need it, even if you wait for half a day, it's fine."

"So, thank you very much."

Half a day later, Nanjiang arrived.

This place is also considered a big county, not inferior to Linzhou.

Because Jiangling was going to do business here, the steward on board also led people to the city to replenish food and daily needs.

Nanjiang is here, and it can be regarded as a thousand-year-old city with a long history.

Jiang Ling took Li'er off the boat and asked her, "Do you know the way to your aunt's house? How can I get there?"

Li'er rubbed her chin, looked at the city gate, thought for a while, nodded, and then went ahead to lead the way.

Every time she turns a corner, she has to think about it for a while,

After all, she was still quite impressed.Follow a river in the city, go to the end, and you will see a big family with stone lions standing.

She smiled and pointed to the stone lion and said, "Brother, that is my aunt's house. I always remember that there are two big stone lions in front of her house."

When Jiangling saw that house, the word "Baifu" was inscribed on the door plaque.

He asked her, "Your uncle's surname is Bai?"

"Yeah." Li'er nodded.

"then you go."

Jiangling was at the end of the bridge, signaling her to go if she wanted.

Li'er took a few steps and looked back at him, "Brother, don't you want to go?"

Jiang Ling: "I won't go, I have to go all the way north, let's part here."


Li'er waved to him, then happily ran to Baifu to knock on the door.

After a while, the Baifu concierge opened the door.

The old gatekeeper looked at the little girl outside in bewilderment, and was about to ask her who she was looking for.

Unexpectedly, a purple light suddenly appeared in the little girl's eyes.

The old gatekeeper was in a trance, and like a puppet on a string, he stepped out of the way and invited the little girl in.

When the little girl entered, she waved again to Jiangling on the other side of the bridge.

Seeing that she was able to enter the door smoothly from a distance, Jiang Ling thought that she must have found the right marriage.

And turned around with confidence.

When he returned to the main street, he saw the butler of the Duan family had someone buy a lot of fishing nets.Basket by basket is being transported to the ship.

"Sir, but the matter has been settled?"

"It's done."

"Then sir, you can get on the boat and wait a while, our side will be ready soon."

The butler was very polite, with a three-point respectful tone.

"Why do you buy so many fishing nets? Is it possible that you have to catch fish for food along the way?" Jiang Ling suddenly asked curiously.

The housekeeper smiled and said: "Mr. You are joking, even fishing requires an expert. Even if we have fishing nets, we probably won't be able to catch fish.

Nanjiang fishing nets are famous all over the world, and buying these things is also for others. "

Jiang Ling boarded the boat first, and after half an hour, the housekeeper and the others also came back one after another.

The fishing nets they bought were piled up into twenty baskets and placed neatly on the deck.

During lunch, Mrs. Duan was in good condition, so she invited Jiang Ling to gather together.

Jiangling also went,
At the banquet, I saw that Mrs. Cai and Miss Cai were also there.

When Mrs. Cai saw him, she was flustered, and before Jiang Ling could take the seat, she confessed to the old lady, saying that she was unwell, and went back to her room first.

Jiang Ling saw her behavior like this, and he could roughly understand it.

Or last night's actions, both parties have impulses.

When you calm down, you will feel absurd.

It's just a show of love, it's over, it's over, don't worry about it anymore.

During the meal, Mrs. Duan asked about Jiangling's birthplace and age.

Jiangling also returned one by one.

It was probably because she admired Jiangling's medical skills and invited him to have a meal with him to find out his background. She really wanted to introduce a marriage relationship with him.

While talking, Mrs. Duan mentioned that she has a niece who is about the same age as Jiangling.

Ask if you want to marry Jiangling?
During the dinner, everyone was waiting for him to make a statement.

With Duan's family background, saying such a thing is flattering him.

If you refuse, it will be to sweep the face of the old lady.It will be directly cold.

Jiang Ling smiled, and talked about his experience, and what he did in the village.

There's a murder case ahead,
You must look down on such a person.

But Duan Daguan said: "This is not a big deal, a few country women, if they are killed, they will be killed. How can it be considered a big deal?"

In the eyes of Duan Daguan, not only did he not dislike him, but he also thought that Jiang Ling was a bit of a man, and he even appreciated it.

But the old lady was different, when she heard that Jiang Ling had done such a thing, she talked and laughed a few times, and didn't mention it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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