River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 169 Fish Girl

Chapter 169 Fish Girl
"It turns out that mermaids really exist in this world."

Nie Qian suddenly turned into a small white figure floating on Jiang Ling's shoulder.

Jiang Ling: "Have you heard of mermaids?"

Nie Qian: "I've heard it. I heard it from my grandfather when I was a child. At that time, my grandfather also saw it in the big river. But later, few people saw it."

Jiang Ling: "Then do you know what they want to catch the mermaid?"

Nie Qian thought for a while and said: "I remember my grandfather once said that mermaid meat can be boiled into medicine, which can keep youth forever. If you eat it, it will also have the effect of turning gray hair into black and rejuvenating. But It’s just what I heard, whether it’s true or not, I don’t know.”

Jiang Ling looked at it for a while, then went back the same way and got on the boat.

Those boatmen and domestic servants were divided into two teams and spread out from east and west to search.

They were on small boats, and they had all the tools they needed. In order to catch the mermaid, they had really made all the preparations in advance.

Two quarters of an hour later, a team of boatmen passed by in a small boat along the coastline.

The one at the helm of the boat was Brother Zhang.

When he saw Jiang Ling, he asked, "Sir, it's so late, why don't you fall asleep?"

Jiang Ling was just behind the fence on the deck, and said: "I slept a lot during the day, but now I can't sleep. It just so happens that the moon is bright tonight, so it's good to go out to see the night view."

Zhang Xiaoge said: "Mr. is in a good mood, but, did you notice any movement around here just now?"

Under the clear moonlight, most things can only be seen as vague outlines.


Brother Zhang said: "Shicai, we chased a big fish, but we don't know where it went. If we can catch it, we can call it a day."

Jiang Ling said: "The big fish must have gone to the deep sea, how could it stay on the shore?"

Zhang Xiaoge said: "Sir, I don't know. The big fish is injured and bleeding. In this case, it will not go to the deep sea, because bloody things, once they reach the deep sea, are worse than those in the shallow sea. It is more dangerous. Therefore, that thing must be near the coast. If you see it later, sir, you might as well say hello."

"it is good."

It turned out that they were sure that the mermaid was on the coast, and that was the reason.

Probably this is also the experience they have summed up in the past.

While speaking, the Zhang Xu long boat rowed past Jiang Ling.

"Although the smell of blood does attract many dangers in the deep sea, the mermaid shouldn't be so stupid, and really stay near the coast?" '

Regarding this matter, Jiang Ling did not intend to participate.

Whether the Duan family can be caught or not has nothing to do with him.

As for mermaid meat, after eating it, it can rejuvenate, he felt that this statement should be exaggerated.

The wind blew on the bow for a while, just as he was about to go back to the cabin.

Suddenly, there was a faint noise from a crack in the rock under the boat.

'Um? '

Jiang Ling stopped, walked back to the edge of the deck, poked his head out and looked down.

I saw a pair of eyes staring at him at the bottom of the dark boat, inside a palm-sized stone crevice.

so close,

Jiang Ling finally saw the face of this mermaid this time.

——She does look very similar to a human being.

The skin is like jade, white and smooth.

The pupils are slender and the pupils are blue and white.

The bridge of the nose is slightly drooping, not as tall as a human.

It became fierce, and there were four sharp fangs in the opened mouth.

In terms of aesthetics, it's actually out of the question.

But in terms of body, it is really good.

The towering scaly chest is both straight and round.

The lower waist is also thin and round, but it's a pity that it has no legs, only a huge and light blue tail.

"So you are here!"

Jiang Ling said something softly.

The two looked at each other across the stone gap, and the fish girl bared her teeth, showing a fierce look at him.

It seems that she has good eyesight at night.

"It's quite smart, knowing that the more dangerous the place is, the safer it is, but hiding here is not the way after all."

The boatmen and domestic servants will not be found in other places later, and they will still come back.

Although the cracks in the rocks under the boat look hidden, if you look carefully, you can still see some clues.

If it is daytime, it is even more obvious, no matter who it is, it can be spotted at a glance.

"Can... can you help me?"

The staring eyes lasted for a few seconds.

Suddenly, the mermaid spoke human words.

Jiang Ling was surprised when he heard that: "You asked me to help you?"

"Good human race, can you help me?" the mermaid said again.

Jiang Ling was even more surprised: "Ask me to help you? Are you not afraid that I'm here to catch you too?"

The mermaid shook her head and said, "There is no evil in your eyes, they are very pure. You should be a kind human race."

You can actually judge whether a person has evil thoughts by looking at them!
Is this the instinct of living things?

Jiang Ling said: "But why should I help you? I really don't want to hurt you, but if I help you, then their efforts tonight may be in vain."

From the beginning, his plan was to not interfere.

Whether the mermaid can escape or not, it has nothing to do with him.

In turn, he will not help to catch the mermaid.

After saying this, the mermaid remained silent for a long time.

Jiang Ling thought she had resigned to her fate, but when she took a second look at her through the cracks in the stone, she realized that her body was severely wounded.At this time, he has basically lost consciousness.

"Master, if you don't save her, maybe she won't last until dawn?"

Nie Qian also looked down, the mermaid was bleeding seriously.

Jiang Ling said: "Don't talk about Tianming, in her condition, if the bleeding doesn't stop, she won't be able to survive for an hour."

Nie Qian looked at Jiang Ling with a smile: "Is the master really not going to save her? If you save her, maybe we can have another good relationship!"

Originally, Jiang Ling really didn't intend to intervene.

But after hearing what Nie Qian said, he also felt that it made sense.

The last time I assisted the Chilian Huayou Snake, it turned out to be a good fortune and karma with ease.

If saving the mermaid this time can also create a good cause, it must be a good deal.

"You are right."

After some weighing, Jiang Ling jumped off the boat.Swimming into the water, he hugged the mermaid out from the crack in the rock.

She was two meters long and had two harpoons in her abdomen.

One of the harpoons was still half inserted into her abdomen at this time, and blood was bubbling non-stop.

"The injury is so severe, we have to find a place to rescue him."

But just after taking her out of the water, it took only three breaths, when suddenly, the tail of the fish girl gradually degenerated, and two slender and round legs appeared.

After leaving the water, even the fish girl's appearance changed.

More and more like a human!
No, to be precise, they are basically human.

The jet-black hair, white tender and smooth skin from head to toe, naked in front of his eyes, really looks like a wonderful work of art.

"It's really beautiful."

Jiang Ling sighed in admiration, seeing this, he simply took her onto the boat and carried her back to his room.

(End of this chapter)

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