Chapter 171
"What is this?"

Like a diamond but not a diamond, when you hold it in your hand, you can still feel a faint energy swimming in it.

At this moment, shouts came from the east direction.

Jiang Ling looked out of the window and saw that another group of people had circled the island and returned.

Different from the previous group of people, this group of people was elated and extremely happy.

The cheers of more than a dozen people overwhelmed the tide in the night.

After the people on the boat heard about it, many of them also came out one after another.

Jiang Ling also opened the hatch and went to the deck.

I happened to see those two old men in underpants walking in the front with a proud expression on their faces.

Old Wangtou was also on the boat, and he also seemed very happy.

Of course, the happiest one belongs to a servant of the Duan family.

He was carrying a harpoon on his back, but there was something wrapped in a red cloth in his hand.

Under the night, Jiang Ling could still clearly see that his red cloth was still dripping bright red blood.

Officer Duan hurried downstairs,
Seeing the reactions of these people, he had already guessed in his heart.

At this time, he asked with a smile on his face, "But there is?"

The two old men nodded proudly and said, "I live up to expectations."

The servant came over in a hurry, knelt down in front of the senior official Duan, and held up the thing in his hand: "Your official, the slave got it by luck, and I hit it with a fork. Please check and accept it."

"Good good!"

The senior official said three good times in a row, and then excitedly took the bloody thing.

He moved aside by himself, glanced at it in the dim light of the lantern, hugged it tightly, and took it upstairs.

Jiang Ling was standing on the side, and he had just caught a glimpse, and he clearly saw that the little mermaid was wrapped in the red cloth.

It is as big as a baby, and after dehydration, it is also like a human baby.

The sharp harpoon almost tore its body apart, so it should have been directly killed by the harpoon.

After Mr. Duan went upstairs, others also lifted anchor and hoisted their sails to set sail.

After all, Old Wangtou was getting old. As soon as he got on the boat, he sat on one side and started smoking his pipe.

Although his face was happy, his eyes were inexplicably filled with a kind of complexity.

"Uncle Wang, are you going to sail back to Beijing?" Jiang Ling came to his side and asked.

Old Wang Tou seemed to be absent-minded, and he was stunned for several seconds before responding: "Yes... yes, it's time to return."

He said with a long sigh, "After this time, I can also retire at home with peace of mind."

Probably for catching the mermaid, Duan Duan will be rewarded with great rewards.

"It's so late to set sail. By the way, you just caught a fish? I don't know what kind of fish it is. Those high-ranking officials seem very happy." Jiang Ling asked.

Old Wang said: "This fish, since we caught it, it's natural to go back as soon as possible, while it's fresh. As for what kind of fish it is,"

He took a deep look at Jiang Ling: "This fish, ordinary people can't eat it, probably can't eat it. It's a crime. Mr. Jiang is a good man like a Bodhisattva, it's better not to know."

Jiang Ling: "Look at what you just caught, it's only so small, isn't it enough?"

Old Wangtou said: "It's lucky tonight, this fish is very cunning. Every time it scares the snake, it will not come here again for half a year or nine months at most.

Last year, we ran empty twice.

This year is lucky, finally caught.

Regardless of whether it is big or small, after tonight, I am afraid that there will be no more.

To come again, we have to wait for the second half of the year, or next year.

Therefore, now we can only return as soon as possible. "

These words were also said by the old Wangtou with emotion.

When he regained his mood, he quickly kept secret again.

Jiang Ling also simply changed the subject, saying: "By the way, Uncle Wang, what is the origin of those two people on the third floor? Why do they look so weird?"

Old Wangtou said: "Those two people were originally rescued by high officials at sea. They don't know where they came from. At first, they couldn't understand our language. After a few years with high officials, they only spoke our words. The personality is very withdrawn, and he rarely gets close to people. But I have to admit that the two of them are indeed good at fishing. Once in the water, they are more flexible than fish. To catch that kind of fish, you really need them two."

After the big ship weighed anchor, it began to return at full speed.

The two teams alternate day and night.

five days in a row,
The big ship went north smoothly.

Nothing in between.

On the ninth day, when the sun was setting, the boatmen on the deck cheered.

After Jiang Ling listened quietly, he realized that someone was calling the word Jinmen.

It turned out that this had already reached the shore point.

Another hour later, the ship arrived at the port.

Many people on the shore have already picked up the boat here.

These people probably came a few days earlier and stayed here every day.

As soon as the big ship arrived, a large group of men, women, old and young, lined up on the shore.

Mr. Duan was the first to disembark with his family members holding an exquisite wooden box.

As soon as I got to the bottom, I hurried there in a carriage.

The rest of them, after tidying up a little, were either in groups, or in teams of two or three, even if they braved the night, they couldn't bear the homesickness, and they jumped off the boat happily.

Jiang Ling, who had the grace to save Mrs. Duan's life, was left behind in the cold.

He was the last to disembark,
On the shore, there are no acquaintances to entertain.

I can only enter the city early while the city gate is not closed.

"Mr. Jiang, please stay, Mr. Jiang."

After walking more than a hundred steps, he was just about to approach the city gate.

A woman dressed as a maid came after her from behind.


She is the lotus fragrance,
After finally chasing after him, exhaling like blue, panting: "I'm sorry, sir, there are too many things to inform just now, but I delayed entertaining you.

Now that the city gate is closed, ordinary people cannot enter.Only high-ranking officials and people are allowed to pass.

Besides, the night is already dark, and if Mr. Wen enters the city, he may not be able to find a place to live.

Please also come with the slave, the high officials have already made arrangements for the husband.

Do not neglect sir. "

Jiang Ling followed to the city gate, only to see that the city gate was opened with a small gate.

The door was indeed closed long ago.

The previous boatmen did not enter the city after they dispersed.

Based on their identities, they cannot enter the city at this point in time.

After He Xiang informed the guard, the guard also asked how many people were behind.

After a few words, she led Jiang Ling into the city.

Walking all the way back, after walking for less than half an hour, I arrived at the Duan family's other courtyard.

Also entered from the side door,

He Xiang took the key, and took Jiang Ling to the West Wing to choose a house to live in.

For it is too late,
And we all just came back from the south.

He Xiang couldn't do other entertainment either, and after apologizing to Jiang Ling, she left the West Wing Courtyard.

Speaking of which, there are not many people living in this huge courtyard.

In the entire West Wing courtyard, there is only one guest from Jiangling.

There are even four people in the entire Duan family's other courtyard, except for the porter and the housewife.There is no one else.

He Xiang left for a while, then came back again.

He brought several candles and told Jiang Ling that if he was afraid of the dark, he could continue lighting up the candles after they burned out.

She came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Jiang Ling looked at it inexplicably and smiled.

However, when He Xiang finally left, he hesitated and spoke to him again.

——【Sir, take a good rest, if you hear something at night, don't be curious.When tomorrow dawns, I will clean up the wind and clean up the dust for my husband before entertaining him. 】

(End of this chapter)

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