River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 174 He Xiang, You Just Sleep Here

Chapter 174 He Xiang, You Just Sleep Here
The voice was high-pitched and hoarse.

Singing and singing, the bamboo leaves swayed like rain.

Steward Lin led the people back to the back garden at last.

A few lanterns were unfurled, and Steward Lin let go of his voice and shouted, "Who is pretending to be a ghost?"

I only heard that in the depths of the bamboo forest, suddenly the Huangmei melody was sung again.

Manager Lin was furious, and followed the sound with a stick in his hand.

When he chased to the source of the sound, he saw a paper figurine standing on a rockery, singing opera there.

When he came over, the paper man's eyes happened to meet him.


The paper man smiled,

That laughter was diabolical.

But Guanshi Lin was really daring, no matter what it was, he picked up the stick in his hand and threw it at the paper figurine.

The paper figurine didn't dodge either, and after being hit by the stick, it burst into flames.

In a blink of an eye it turned into ashes.

The two who were following Steward Lin felt chills down their spines.

Both of them were two feet away, and they didn't dare to approach.

Steward Lin snorted coldly, pointed at the ashes, and said, "What are you afraid of? All evil spirits are just paper tigers. If you are fierce enough, you can stop anything."

The two of them nodded frequently, you are very capable, so naturally you are right in everything you say.

But when Steward Lin came to them, by the light of the lantern, the two of them suddenly shouted at the same time.

"What's the name of the ghost?" Steward Lin scolded.

The two men pointed at his back at the same time, as if there were traces.

Steward Lin turned his head to look, but couldn't see it, so he simply took off his clothes.

After taking off his clothes, he realized that there was an extra palm print on the back of his clothes.

And the palm print was bright red, as if it had just been soaked in blood.

Seeing this palm print, even the courageous Steward Lin changed his face a bit.

But in front of others, he still pretended to be calm: "What are you afraid of, maybe it's just stained with vermilion paint somewhere. What do you do when you are suspicious?"

After the paper figurine turned into ashes, there was no sound from the back garden.

Steward Lin searched around again before leading the people away and locking the backyard door.

Jiang Ling was in the room, listening to all the movements in the backyard.

At this time, he couldn't help but said: "This manager Lin is really courageous."

Some people are naturally bold, and they are born with three points more yang energy than ordinary people.

Perhaps, he is such a person.

He Xiang wiped her tears and said: "Guard Lin was originally a butcher, six or seven years ago, the backyard of the Duan Mansion began to be troubled.

But one day, the butcher Lin delivered the meat to the door in the evening, but the movement in the backyard was silent because of him.

After the master made this discovery, he invited him to be a steward in the mansion.

After he came in, the Duan Mansion really enjoyed a few months of peace.

But half a year later, the uneasy situation still appeared.

Although Steward Lin was still able to control the situation over there, the old lady couldn't stand the panic every day. Afterwards, the entire Duan family moved away from here. "

"Who is Sister Ni?" Jiang Ling asked suddenly.

But He Xiang looked at him curiously: "Sir, did you really dream about my sister? My sister is the first concubine taken by a high official."

"Is it the woman who died of dystocia?"

He Xiang was taken aback for a moment, then cried again.

Jiang Ling was able to tell that her sister died of dystocia, which also proved that what he just said about dreaming was true.

"My poor sister...all these years, why didn't she entrust her dreams to me, instead she gave her dreams to Mr. Mr., in your dream, what did my sister say?"

Jiang Ling shook his head,

In that dream, he just looked at the whole process from a third-person perspective.

During the process, I did not communicate with anyone.

Speaking of which, it's hard to say whether the person who really conceived the dream was her sister or someone else.

"So, you just went to the backyard to burn money for your sister?"

"Sister, it was her birthday six days ago. We were still at sea and couldn't make it back, so we thought about making it up for her today."

"Then what will happen if you are caught by Manager Lin?"

"The high official once sealed the back garden with his own hands, and said that anyone who trespasses will be given a thirty stick; if he commits another crime, he will be given a sixty stick, and he will be driven out of Duan's mansion."

"Since you know this, why take the risk?"

"My sister has given me everything since I was a child, and I don't want to have no incense burner after her death."

"Your sister should have a daughter."

In the dream, Mr. Duan's first concubine had a difficult delivery, and what Mr. Duan wanted was to keep the baby.

"That child...was also a hard-fated one. He died young when he was half a year old."

Jiang Ling sighed upon hearing this, and said, "Actually, you don't have to go to the back garden to burn incense. You just need to find a secluded place, and when you burn incense and paper, recite her name silently. She can also receive her kindness."

He Xiang nodded, once again thanking Jiang Ling for his help tonight.

"Three years ago, I went to the back garden and was arrested once. If I were arrested this time, I would have been beaten sixty times. This time, sir, I saved my slave's life."

"You have been punished once, and you dare to go again. You are a kind person. But in the future, don't go again."


After wiping away her tears, He Xiang stood up from the ground and apologized again: "I lost my composure in front of my husband, please don't blame me."

Jiang Ling: "It's just human nature. You must have held this emotion in your heart for a long time. It may not be a good thing to cry out today."

Just as she was about to say goodbye and leave, Jiang Ling called her back again.

Said: "If you leave at this time, I'm afraid Manager Lin will still suspect you. Now that you have done a show, let's do a full set. You can rest here tonight."

He Xiang clenched her red lips tightly, extremely nervous: "Sir... sir... do you want He Xiang to sleep with you?"

As early as when she was on the big ship, Duan Duan had indeed ordered her to do so.

If Jiang Ling really needs to sleep with her, then she must take the initiative to do so.

Jiang Ling went to close the doors and windows, and said: "Don't think too much, I'll give you the bed. Go and rest."

After speaking, he sat down on a chair by himself and closed his eyes.

He Xiang stood there in a daze for a while before walking to the bed.

Hesitant to speak, she wanted to speak several times.However, seeing that Jiang Ling was silent, he was afraid of disturbing him.

After hesitating on the side of the bed for a while, she finally sat up and lay down on the side without hesitation.

To tell the truth, she was indeed tired.If she hadn't been thinking about burning incense and paper for her sister tonight, she would have gone to bed long ago.

At this time, as soon as her head touched the pillow, she felt that she had sunk within a short while.

Jiang Ling also meditated quietly, meditating again.

But in the front yard of the Duan Mansion,
The lights in Steward Lin's room were still on.

He spread the clothes on the table and looked at the red handprints on them, full of doubts.

Since Mr. Duan's family moved out from here, he alone has the final say in this huge mansion.

Although he lived in the front yard, his room was the largest and most magnificent in the front yard after rectification, not much inferior to the master's room at the back.

However, although the room is large, the furnishings inside are not very tidy, and messy things are thrown everywhere.

Especially under his bed, there are seven or eight black jars.

At this moment, he knocked on the table, and suddenly spoke to those jars—"What's the matter with the red handprint on my clothes? Who did it?"

The mud prints on those jars loosened, and phantoms emerged one after another.

Those phantoms are not very old, they are just little children, their eyes are black, and their bodies are blue and white, they are all lonely souls.

They were all frightened by Guanshi Lin's ferocity, they all lowered their heads and shook, expressing their ignorance.

(End of this chapter)

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