Chapter 185
The seventh bird flew to Jiang Ling's hand, bit the scale, turned into a beam of colorful light, flew to the sky, and disappeared in an instant.

Heiyu sank in the waves, his two huge eyes stared straight at Jiangling.

"Why, do you still want to do evil?" Jiang Ling asked it.

Heiyu was annoyed, he flicked his tail, and a huge wave hit him.

Jiang Ling just said nothing again, waved his sleeves lightly, and shouted "Go back", and saw that the rushing wave rushed halfway, and suddenly, like a replay of the camera, it roared and rolled back into the sea.

Heavy waves washed over Hei Yu's body.

It hit it back and forth.

'This Maitreya mantra is really magical. '

Jiang Ling was startled by the effect of the words, but the black fish suddenly felt terrified, turned around in the water, swam a few times, and then left.

He Xiang covered her mouth behind her, too shocked to speak.

After Jiang Ling watched the vision disappear, he smiled with her and said, "What's wrong? Why are you so surprised?"

He Xiang was stunned and said: "Sir... Are you a god?"

Jiang Ling smiled slightly and said, "How can there be so many gods in the world? I'm just a mortal."


"If you follow me, more absurd things may happen in the future, are you afraid?"

He Xiang bit her lip and thought for a while, then shook her head slightly.

Jiang Ling took out the carp beads and said: "The letter has been delivered for you, what should we do after that?"

A weak voice came from the bead: "Seven days later, the sea gate will open. At that time, someone will come to pick me up. Your lord will send me to this seaside when he arrives, and I can leave."

"it is good."

Turning around to go back, I suddenly saw a white-haired old man on a rock seven steps away.

He holds a fishing rod in his hand, looking at the sea and fishing.

His existence, no one discovered when he came over.

Jiang Ling glanced at him, and all he saw was chaos.

Although the image is a white-haired old man, his real body is just a cloud of mist.

At this time, the old man said: "The pearl in your hand, can you keep it?"

Jiangling only knew that it was for this bead.

Said: "It's not easy for this little girl to cultivate, so why do you harm her?"

The old man said: "In the world, the weak are preyed on by the strong. As a human being, you should not intervene. You should let nature take its course."

"Let nature take its course?" Jiang Ling said with a smile: "The way of cultivation is to go against the sky. Whether it's you or me, everything you do is against the sky. If you go against the sky, how can you talk about going with nature?"

The old man laughed too, and said, "That makes sense."

As soon as he turned around, he drew a circle on the sand in front of him with his fishing line.

As soon as the circle was drawn, a fog suddenly appeared.

The old man's voice continued: "Since you want to protect her, please come out of this three-point area. If you can go out, I will not stay. If you can't, stay here."

After all, the fog seems to grow out of the forest.

Everywhere you look, it's lush green.

Under the green, bones form mountains.

Take a step, and you will see streams converging into rivers and flying into waterfalls.

The jungle beasts are all around.

Dark and oppressive, one after another.

He Xiang was so horrified that her face turned pale, she only followed behind Jiang Ling, not daring to look sideways.

I just heard Jiang Ling suddenly say: "Trapping me with illusions, can you take it seriously?"

The old man's voice sounded again: "Your Majesty, let's try it."

Jiang Ling smiled lightly, comforted He Xiang, told her to close her eyes, then took her hand and walked forward.

In the middle of the forest, suddenly a fierce tiger came rushing towards it, its sharp claws were extremely fierce, and its roar was deafening.

He Xiang couldn't help opening her eyes, seeing this horrifying scene, she kept screaming.

Pulling Jiang Ling, I wanted to tell him to avoid him, but my heart was too anxious, so I couldn't say a word.

Jiang Ling didn't dodge or dodge, he let the tiger pounce on him.

However, the fierce tiger was a phantom, and as soon as it jumped on him, it turned into a gust of wind and dispersed on the spot.

After that, another poisonous snake fell from the tree.

This time, Jiang Ling waved his sleeve and rolled it aside.

Going further, the ground suddenly became empty, turning into a bottomless cliff.

He Xiang's legs trembled, and she was afraid of the height.

But Jiang Ling still pulled her and jumped off the cliff.

He Xiang's legs were so frightened that she almost fell down hugging Jiang Ling's waist.

I thought I was going to fall to the bottom of the cliff, but I fell only half a meter down and landed on the floating clouds.

Jiang Ling continued to move forward. After eight steps, he stepped out of the circle, and all illusions disappeared instantly.

Looking back at this moment, the cliff just now is just a hollow in the sand.

He Xiang also gradually came back to her senses, her heart was still beating wildly.

Looking at the reef again, the old man was gone.

He kept his word.

Under Jiang Ling's calmness, he secretly called luck.

This circle seems to be only a distance of more than 20 steps, but there are frequent illusions, all of which are transformed by people's hearts.

Those who enter the battle, every step they take is challenging their own hearts.

The Buddha said that external demons are easy to overcome, but internal demons are hard to eliminate.

It is so difficult for a person to overcome himself, how easy is it?

And look at the reaction of the lotus fragrance, you will know how powerful it is.

He Xiang's reaction to entering the battle was the reaction a normal person should have.

As for Jiangling, with his eyes on his eyes and his jade jue at his heart, he naturally wasn't afraid of appearances.

Instead, he looked at Yin and Yang at the same time.

The illusion in the formation has long been seen through.

The most feared part in the formation is the last cliff.

Although it is a pit, if it is not known in advance that it is a pit, who would dare to jump into it?

"Sir... I... I can't walk anymore."

He Xiang sat paralyzed on the ground, her little face was pale, so far, she was still in awe.

Seeing that her legs were weak, Jiang Ling didn't laugh at her.

He picked her up and asked her, "Are you afraid?"

This time, He Xiang unexpectedly didn't try to be brave, she thought about it, nodded seriously, and gave a hum.

The moment Jiang Ling finally pulled her into the cliff, her heart really jumped in her throat.

This is the first time I have such a feeling of shock and uncertainty in such a big age.

"Next time, you may not have to come out."

"I...although I'm scared, if I look at it a few more times, maybe I won't be afraid anymore." He Xiang summoned up her courage, but still insisted on her attitude.

Jiang Ling smiled lightly: "Yes, it's up to you."

Back to the restaurant, another seven days.

On this day, it was also foggy.

Jiang Ling got up early again.

As far as the beach, today the tide has not risen, but it has receded a lot.

When he came, there were already many people on the beach.

On the most conspicuous rock in the past, that lunatic Ma Ji also came.

He looked to the east without taking his eyes off it.

When Jiang Ling approached him, he suddenly said, "This feeling is kind of familiar."


"The gate of the sea city is about to open again." He said firmly.

The words fell within three breaths, and the clouds suddenly rose in the east, and three rainbows overlapped and condensed.

In a blink of an eye, a towering mountain floated in the mist of the sea again.

The group of people looked at it and became divided.

"Look, the sea market has appeared!"

"Haishi is here again."

"This year is also strange. In just one month, there have been two sea markets."

With the appearance of Haishi, the pearl on Jiang Ling's body also faintly jumped.

It seems that he has received some kind of induction, and wants to jump out of him and fly directly to Haishi...

(End of this chapter)

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