River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 188 Greeting Panasonic's Former Customers

Chapter 188 Greeting Panasonic's Former Customers

Ruan'er was just confused, why did she have to leave when she just arrived?

But when the woman who chased him out of the city saw that he was about to leave, she rushed to chase him like crazy.

Shout and shout.

Seeing this, Jiang Ling was even more afraid to stay.

Whether it was because of their kindness, or because they had other plans, he thought he would be unlucky to accept such a situation.

The white crane flew off into the sky, and the woman who chased him out of the city didn't give up, and started running down there.

"Hurry up, don't be caught up by them."

The white crane chirped and fluttered over the hills.

Women on the ground, or riding a horse, or riding an elk, trek across mountains and rivers.

Jiangling flew over the hills, and they chased them over the hills.

When Jiangling flew over the plain, they rode across the plain.

Perseverance is daunting.

The white crane is always the object in the painting, and the spell lasts, but only the time of the incense stick.

When the effect was about to come, the figure of Baihe began to appear unreal, and Jiang Ling began to sit unsteadily on its back.

Just after crossing the plain and reaching a hilly area, the white cranes finally dispersed.

Jiangling fell from the sky and fell into the green field in the mausoleum.

The group of women screamed excitedly, made strange noises, rode their horses and whipped their whips, and came even more urgently.

The leader, with big arms and round waist, has the power to lift mountains and surpass the world.

The rest are also physically strong, better than any men Jiangling has seen before.

He also thought suddenly, if Ruan'er is so young, he can drive tigers across the river, so why talk about these grown-up women.

Most likely, when Ruan'er grows up, she will be so strong, burly and unyielding.

'What race is this? '

Thinking of men like them is crazy, if you really go to their place as a guest, this body will be directly emptied!

"It seems that neither Daughter Country nor Daughter City is a good place to go."

Seeing the sound of horseshoes approaching, Jiang Ling suddenly twisted the ring on his hand.

The surrounding space reversed, and in the next moment, he was already tens of miles away.

So far, it can be regarded as finally getting rid of those women.

Mountains and forests are green, and animals are everywhere.

There are white horses that give birth to wings, and there are giant birds that give birth to light.

Looking at the winged white horse, Jiang Ling said to himself: "I'm afraid this is a heavenly horse?"

The white horse walks alone, eating the apples of the wild.

Jackals, tigers and leopards, avoid them when they meet them.

Seeing its majesty, Jiang Ling was very happy: "If you ride this horse, you can go up and down every day."

Thinking of this, he hurried away.

It's close, turn over and jump, and you're about to get on your horse.

The white horse heard the movement, suddenly raised its hind legs, and kicked towards the rear.

It can divide gold and break stone with one foot.

If you are kicked, you will feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Ling leaned back sharply, avoiding its legs, then grabbed the horse's tail, pulled it, and sat on the horse's back with strength.

The white horse was frightened and ran wildly.

Suddenly flying into the sky, suddenly entering the forest, all kinds of tossing, just wanting to throw the person on the back off.

"Why are you so irritable? Can you give me a ride?"

Jiang Ling brushed the horse's mane lightly and spoke to it.

The white horse didn't listen, and went even more hastily.

Under the speed of the wind, the surrounding environment is unreal.

In this way, after a cup of tea, I don't know how far I have traveled.

Seeing a mountain in the distance, it hangs in the air.

The white horse fluttered its wings and was about to fly towards the mountain.

From a distance, Jiangling saw that there were people living on the mountain, and he didn't want to approach it.

Then he dismounted halfway, turned over and landed.

The white horse got out of restraint, looked high into the sky and walked, turned back to stare at him, and never approached again.

Jiang Ling shook his head and smiled: "It's hard to be liked by people who are so rebellious."

The white horse was panting with rage, flew over his head, and pissed down.

Jiang Ling saw it clearly, and seeing that he couldn't dodge it, he simply pointed at the white horse and said nothing - [Go back]!
The white horse pissed, as if the picture was reversed, and fell halfway, but went back the same way, and shrank back.

The lower limbs of the white horse trembled, and his eyes seemed suspicious.

Why do you want to urinate again just after peeing?
Then it flew towards Jiangling's head again, and sprinkled urine down again.

【go back】!
Jiang Ling pointed at the white horse and yelled again.

The urine that flew out did not leave a drop, and returned the same way again, and got back into the body of the white horse.

The white horse was urinating endlessly, and he could see it clearly. He was terrified, and with his tail between his legs, he fled towards the floating mountain.

Jiang Ling laughed twice, but stopped teasing him.

Suddenly there is a clear spring in front of me,

On the left side of the pool, there is a pine tree.Its shade is like a cover, and it lives for a hundred years.

Under the pine tree and on top of the black stone, there was a man lying in a black shirt with a big belly.

It looks square, barefoot and without shoes, eyes closed, lying on a stone, motionless.

After a few more glances, Jiang Ling suddenly recognized that this potbellied man was the one he had seen at the seaside a few days ago, the man who crossed the boundary?

At the beginning, this person walked out of thin air and went straight to the top of the clouds.

The achievement of Taoism is no small matter.

'It turned out to be him! '

There was a sound in Xu Shi's voice, the man with a big belly suddenly opened his eyes, and seeing Jiang Ling approaching, his eyes were also curious: "Your friend is from Dongtu?"

Jiang Ling was dressed in a completely different outfit from here, no doubt about it.

The big-bellied man laughed and said, "Why did you come here?"

Jiang Ling smiled bitterly: "It was purely accidental."

"Accident?" The big-bellied man looked him up again and shook his head: "Dare to ride the Hanging Mountain Tianma, such ability, I'm afraid it's not an accident?"

Jiang Ling was slightly surprised, it turned out that although the eyes of this big belly man were closed, he knew everything that happened just now.

The big-bellied man gave him a thumbs-up, and said: "But I have to say that Xiaoyou is courageous. He even dares to ride a heavenly horse. This kind of courage is rare in this world of longevity."

"That horse is just a bit reckless, with Your Excellency's ability, you can definitely ride it." Jiang Ling said.

But the man with a big belly waved his hand and said: "It's one thing to be able to ride, but another thing to dare to ride; to be honest, the Sajia don't dare to ride."

Jiang Ling: "Why?"

The man with a big belly said with a smile: "The heavenly horse has an owner. If you ride it without permission, the owner will be blamed."

Jiang Ling: "Who is the owner of the horse that day?"

The big-bellied man suddenly withdrew his smile, looked again, and said suspiciously: "Little friend, you don't even know who the owner of Tianma is?"

Jiang Ling shook his head: "This time, it's really an accident, it's not deliberate. I don't understand all of this yet."

The big-bellied man nodded and smiled, "So that's how it was. It's an accident, and you have some ability to get here."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the west: "If you go there, you will be a tribe of giants. The golden giants can eat people without spitting out their bones. If people go to them, they will almost die."

He pointed to the side: "If you go that way, you will be the daughter of Chengluo, the woman there, tsk tsk..."

Jiang Ling saw that he was very familiar with this person, so he asked him curiously: "What about the women in Daughter City?"

The big-bellied man laughed and said, "Men are not tolerated in Daughter City. If a man comes, they will invite him warmly and treat him passionately. But after the warm hospitality, they will share the man and eat him without any allowance. "

Jiang Ling was startled when he heard that, but fortunately he walked decisively at that time: "Why is that so?"

The man with a big belly shrugged and said, "You ask me, I don't know. I can only say that the custom is like this, so what can I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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