River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 190 Missed Opportunity

Chapter 190 Missed Opportunity
The clear pool under the tree is about thirty miles away from the Xuankong Mountain.

Jiang Ling left from the foot of the mountain, and without looking back, he headed for the clear pool under the tree.

When he was under the tree, he suddenly saw thunder and lightning flashing in the distance, causing smoke and dust to billow on the ground.

A dingy figure turned into a wolf and rushed here.

He collapsed on the ground exhausted, took two breaths, and then regained his human form.

Jiang Ling saw that he was the one with the big belly, he was in a mess, his back was bloody, and there were many injuries.

He also looked at Jiangling, and was surprised to see that Jiangling was unharmed, but before he had time to say anything, he jumped down from the pool first.

Jiang Ling followed closely, drilled into the pool, swam to the bottom, and saw a green well floating in the clear water.

Those with a big belly look fat and fat, and they run away, but they are also flexible.

Grab the head of the well, drill down, and the person disappears from then on.

Jiang Ling also followed, and also got into the well. In the next second, he only felt a mighty wave rolling towards him.Rolling himself, rampaging in the undercurrent.

It was difficult to breathe in the water, but there was something on his body that suddenly emitted fluorescence.

He took it out and it was exactly the pearl given by the fish girl.

So far, he still doesn't know what the function of this bead is.

At this time, I saw that it could actually generate an induction in the water. As soon as I held it in my hand, the surrounding rapids suddenly dissipated by itself.


When the torrent came again, he held the bead again and swept it forward.The torrent scattered on the spot again.

'It turns out that this bead can melt away the torrents and undercurrents in the water. '

But it is inconvenient to hold in the hand,
He looked up, and the place he was at now seemed to be the bottom of the deep sea, and there was still a long distance from the surface of the water.

He simply put the beads in his mouth, and then used his hands and feet together to swim up quickly.

But as soon as he put the bead into his mouth, a strange feeling spread from the bead.

Previously, Jiang Ling had to hold his breath in the water, but now, he seemed to be able to breathe freely, and he no longer had to suffer from the lack of oxygen.

'This...the pearl of the fish girl, actually has such an effect? '

"Master, let me help you in the water."

Nie Qian also crawled out of him at this time, and the dharma body unfolded, turning into a huge white oyster, carrying him like an arrow leaving the string, and the speed was even faster.

Riding on the white clam, Jiang Ling couldn't help but feel that it was convenient in the water because he still had to rely on the strength of the Aquarium.

Swimming up with manpower alone is not to mention strenuous, and the efficiency is extremely slow.

After a while, he floated to the surface of the sea, and as soon as he exposed his head, he saw the first light of morning.

On the east side of the sea and sky line, a fish-belly white has just floated up.

He looked a few more times, but he wasn't sure if he had returned to the human world.

As soon as she felt someone coming under the sea again, Nie Qian quietly shrunk her Dharma body and slipped back into his arms.

A fat black man suddenly popped his head out, and when he opened his mouth, he vomited out a large amount of sea water.Tears flowed.

His whole body was wet, his beard and hair were disheveled, and he was in a mess.

This is very different from the graceful and unrestrained appearance when I first met him.

The man with a big stomach choked a few times, and finally said: "Little friend, you run fast, not only you run fast inside, but you still run so fast outside."

Swimming while talking, he climbed to the shore, and he seemed to be paralyzed from exhaustion, lying on the reef, and didn't want to move anymore.

Jiang Ling also climbed up a rock, and said with a smile, "Maybe if you are thinner, you will run faster."

"Are you turning a corner and saying that the Sa family is fat?"

The man with the belly closed his eyes and gasped for breath: "It's a big loss this time. I didn't pick the peaches, but I wasted a lot of magic weapons. It's a pity, if the Sajia didn't bring a few extra amulets, this time, I really have to die." It's built in."

After finishing speaking, he asked Jiang Ling: "Little friend, can you gain anything in Taolin?"

Jiang Ling asked back: "The peaches are obviously not ripe, so what's the use of picking them?"

Hearing this question from him, the man with a big belly said with a strange expression, "You didn't pick any of them, did you?"

After all, the two are not familiar with each other, so Jiang Ling will not be able to fully understand the truth.

Besides, the big-bellied man took him to pick peaches in order to share the risk with him.

That being the case, he should have some reservations.

He said: "I saw that the peaches were not ripe, so I didn't pick them."

Hearing his answer, the man with a big stomach slapped his thigh with regret, "You...you missed the opportunity, you really missed the opportunity!"

Jiang Ling: "Why?"

The man with a big belly said: "That is the longevity peach in the longevity world. Eating one can increase the life of the first year; I have worked hard and waited for more than ten years before I have such an opportunity to go in. You are good, I will take you to the treasure land. You came home empty-handed!"

After Jiang Ling heard this, he also expressed regret: "The peaches have such efficacy? Senior, why didn't I say earlier, if I knew about this earlier, I would pick two or three bags from him, no matter how big or small it is."

The man with a big belly laughed when he heard this: "Two or three bags? Come on, if you can pick one or two, you are considered lucky. If it is too small, it is useless, and it doesn't mean that picking it is useless. At most, eating it will make people feel sick." Just stay away from some minor diseases and minor afflictions. Only when the head grows to the size of a walnut, it will be considered slightly effective. A ripe flat peach can increase the life span of a person. Half-ripe ones, at least 30 years."

Jiang Ling was amazed, it turned out that the peach had such efficacy.

"Then can the senior gain anything?"

The man with a big belly felt from his bosom, and took out a peach, which was only the size of a pigeon egg: "This is the only one, with this size, it may only add ten years to your life. But that's the case, take it Returning to the human world is still a priceless treasure."

He sighed a long time, not much joy.

Most likely it was because he had used too many magic weapons in the Longevity Realm to get such a small peach, or felt it was not worth it.

Jiang Ling: "Since ripe flat peaches are more effective, why didn't seniors wait for them to ripen before picking them?"

The man with a big belly said: "You think I don't want to? If the flat peach is bigger, there will be heaven and man guarding it. At that time, you will not even be able to enter the edge of the peach forest. Why are you talking about picking peaches? And, go to the Longevity Realm The road is not available at any time, I have waited for more than ten years for this Jinmen Haishi, and I have only waited for it once."

Having said this, he stood up from the reef.

Still very regretful in his mouth: "No wonder you ran faster than me inside, so you didn't pick any of them. You, what a pity."

Jiang Ling said: "Perhaps, I have nothing to do with it."

The big-bellied man laughed: "That's right, everything is predestined, you don't have a predestined relationship, and I don't have a predestined relationship either. That's all!"

After speaking, he laughed and jumped onto the water, walking like a tiger, waving his sleeves, and striding away.

Did not say goodbye.

Jiangling looks forward to his departure,

The feet don't get wet, and every time they step, they only splash small circles of ripples.I can't help but praise it in my heart-this fat man, what a handsome light-weight kung fu!

Since the two met, they did not know each other's names. Having this experience can be considered a wonderful relationship.

When the back of the pregnant man disappeared, Jiang Ling also took a look at what he had gained from this trip—【Nineteen longevity peaches, eighteen small ones, and one big one. 】!
The small ones are almost all the size of pigeon eggs, and the largest ones can be compared to walnuts.

'In this way, my trip is not a loss. '

Put away the peaches and head west along the coast.

A quarter of an hour later, the east was bright, illuminating the blue sky for thousands of miles.

He climbed up and looked west, and he could see Jinmen in sight.

'It turns out that this place is not far from Jinmen. '

(End of this chapter)

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