Chapter 192
"Mr. Jiang...Mr. Jiang..."

The servant shouted after him, and the carriage sped away. After a few turns, it was no longer heard.

In the carriage, He Xiang looked anxious, hesitant to speak.

Jiang Ling said: "Are you worried about the safety of the old lady?"

He Xiang shook her head and said: "Sir, if you don't save the old lady, in case high officials blame you or treat you badly."

Jiang Ling smiled and said, "Why should I be afraid of him blaming me?"

He Xiang pondered and said: "Sir, actually... Duan Mansion has a lot of background."

"What is it?"

"The younger sister of a high official is now a noble person in the palace, so the Duan family is also considered a relative of the emperor."

"So what about the royal relatives, in my eyes, they are no different from ordinary people, so don't care."

He Xiang wanted to say more, but suddenly thought of Jiang Ling's tricks by the gods at the seaside that day, and gradually relieved the burden in his heart.

Jiang Ling thought about it for a while, then suddenly said: "You said that the younger sister of the high official Duan is a noble person in the palace, so then he caught mermaids in the East China Sea just to give to his sister?"


He Xiang looked bewildered, as if she had never heard the word mermaid.

"Sir, is that about fishing on a desert island?"


"It's the second time that a high official sent someone to fish on a deserted island. He does go there once a year. If there is any harvest, it is indeed sent to the palace. But what is it that catches? Fish, we are maids, but we have never seen it before. I only know that the nobles in the palace like it very much, and sometimes the high officials will go there twice a year. But not every time there is a harvest."

Jiang Ling nodded, no wonder Duan Duan went to the capital first as soon as the ship docked that day.

Probably I want to take advantage of the freshness and send it to Duan Guiren.

"That noble man is in the palace, but he is quite favored?"

"I don't know that, at least we don't know much about it as maids. But judging from the rewards the Duan family receives every year, that nobleman should be quite popular with the emperor."

Eating mermaid meat can keep you young for a long time.So desperately trying to maintain beauty is nothing more than to please the emperor.

However, while mermaid meat maintains youth, it is also accompanied by botulism.

Using it to maintain beauty is to drink poison to quench thirst. In the end, the mirror is still empty.

"It is said that the senior officials have also made arrangements this year. In the second half of the year, they should be arranged to be officials."

With this nepotism, it is not difficult for him to become an official.

"Speaking of which, do you recognize Mrs. Cai who was on the boat that day?"

When He Xiang heard the word "Mrs. Cai", she suddenly lowered her head again and stammered, "I... can be recognized."

"What's wrong? Why is Mrs. Cai so fierce? When you mention her, you have such a strange expression?"

He Xiang lowered her head even lower, seeing Jiang Ling was looking at her all the time, she couldn't dodge her eyes, so she had to raise her head, and suddenly assured: "Don't worry, sir, He Xiang won't talk nonsense, and I will definitely tell you what I heard on the boat that day." Will not tell the third person."

Jiang Ling was slightly taken aback,

It turned out that He Xiang heard all the commotion on the boat that day.

'That's right, she lived next door that day. '

Nie Qian said that day that Mrs. Cai screamed quite loudly, and the exaggeration was exaggerated, but it was not surprising that some voices could be heard through a wooden wall.

Jiang Ling: "I'm not asking this, I just want to ask, how is the relationship between Mr. Duan and Mr. Cai?"

He Xiang: "The father of the senior official and Mr. Cai used to be classmates, and the senior official can be regarded as half of Mr. Cai's student."

"Then do you know what kind of official Cai Lao was originally?"

He Xiang shook his head: "I only know that he is a high official, but I don't know what kind of official it is. A few years ago, he was impeached, and he was dismissed as an official. Now that he is restored, he should be a high official again."

From Jinmen to Beijing, the road is more than [-] li.

The official road here is spacious and flat. The driver said that if the road is unobstructed, it can be reached in two days.

the first day,
The traffic was unimpeded and very smooth.

On the second day, when approaching the capital, he encountered some obstacles.

The reason is that there are a lot of refugees. They are dressed in rags and beg along the road. What's more, they have changed their children to eat, and they are very poor.

Whenever a chariot or horse passed by, they would kneel down and ask for alms.

But all the passers-by saw them, and they all speeded up and passed by without stopping.

Jiang Ling saw him, but he didn't go to death to express his kindness.

I just chatted with the driver: "How can there be so many refugees in this capital city?"

The driver snorted and said, "There is no way. Last year, there was a severe drought, and many places had no crops. In addition to the previous floods, many villages were destroyed, and some places even had plagues.

When the plague came, it naturally made people panic. These people had nothing to eat, so they all wanted to go to the capital to beg for food from the emperor.

But where will the emperor meet them?
The dignitaries were even more afraid that they would bring the plague in, so they were not even allowed to enter the city gate.

This situation happens every year, and we have long been familiar with it. "

"There is no official to settle?"

"Settle down, it's good that nothing happened here. If something happened, such as a plague, all these people would be strangled, and none of them would be left behind."

As soon as the driver opened the chatter box, he couldn't suppress the resentment in his heart: "Besides, I heard that the Northwest War is about to start again. In the past, we had old generals, and we could fight with them. But last year, the old general's old illness relapsed, I can't afford to be sick. Now, those high-ranking officials must be busy asking for peace from that foreign race."

Jiang Ling also had a little knowledge of the original memory of this body about the affairs of the imperial court.

In the past two generations, the court has always emphasized civility over military affairs, and the result of this is that there are endless internal struggles and endless foreign invasions.

The court could not use its strength to resist foreign enemies, and often had to admit defeat and seek peace, cede territory and pay compensation.

Until 20 years ago, the military general in Chaoli came out with Gu Qifeng.This person is a late bloomer, at the age of 40, he turned from a partial general to a regular.

It was because of an attack that the main general was killed, and he led the remaining soldiers to adapt to local conditions, launched a counterattack, and won a big victory.

Only then did he make great contributions, was valued by the emperor, and was promoted to general.

After he led the army, the imperial army did indeed fight several beautiful victories.

It also made the foreigners dormant peacefully for more than ten years.

But the years are urging people to grow old, and now Gu Qifeng is over 60 years old.

After him, there was no second capable and brave general in the court.

Now, his old illness has relapsed and he is bedridden.

Under such circumstances, the imperial court may only have to admit defeat and seek peace once a war breaks out as before.

"Besides, I heard that Cai Yongning was reinstated. This old turtle grandson was a peacemaker back then. It was the old general who impeached him and drove him out of the capital. Now, the ancient general is sick; this old turtle grandson , and was immediately revived. When he comes back, he must represent the imperial court and seek peace with foreigners."

The driver of the car became more and more annoyed as he talked, and he slapped his thigh and said, "I think my dynasty is full of talents, but it's those rotten Confucians who have harmed me. It's impossible to govern the country, and it's impossible to fight wars. If this continues, the court may change hands. .”

(End of this chapter)

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