River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 201 Toad wants to eat swan meat

Chapter 201 Toad wants to eat swan meat
"Master Jiang, it's getting late now, please return to the guest room to rest."

A tortoise slave in gray clothes and a small hat climbed onto the boat with a three-pointed smile on his face.Impressively, it is an order to evict guests.

At this time, Jiang Ling and Miss Qingshuang were talking happily,
Normally, when the oiran invites guests to board the boat, it is to spend the spring night together.

But the mother of Yanyu Pavilion, seeing that the invitee was not the one she had planned in her heart, actually asked the turtle slave to chase away the guest directly.

Jiang Ling didn't feel offended when he heard it, because he didn't come here just to covet Miss Qingshuang's body.

Thinking that this should be the case, he nodded and got up.

But Miss Qingshuang suddenly said, "Uncle Jia, how can you be so rude?"

Guinu smiled and said: "Miss Qingshuang, Mama Hu said that you are not feeling well, it is better to rest earlier. Now other girls are receiving them opposite, you are the best, don't delay Jiang Rest, son."

Jiang Ling got up, cupped his hands and said: "Miss Qingshuang, since you are not feeling well, you should rest earlier. Although we had a pleasant conversation today, it is indeed late."

Before Qingshuang could express his opinion, the turtle slave laughed and said: "That's right, Mr. Jiang is considerate, and please get off the boat, this old slave will take you to rest."

Jiang Ling smiled at Qingshuang, and got off the bamboo raft along the gangway.

Afterwards, Gui Nu followed.

Qingshuang chased after a few steps, and suddenly shouted from the boat: "My lord, stay a step."

Jiang Ling turned around and saw something falling from the boat, he reached out to catch it, it was a silver hairpin.

"The gathering time is short, so I will take this as a memory and present it to the young master as a souvenir."

It means to treat it as a meeting ceremony.

Holding the hairpin, Jiang Ling felt a faint fragrance.

If you take gifts from others, if you come and don't go, you will be indecent.

Then he also looked around and took out a pearl necklace.This is what was left on me from the beginning.

Throwing it towards the boat: "I'll give you something as a present too. The gift is light and the meaning is heavy. I hope you don't think it's disgusting."

Qingshuang caught the pearl necklace, feeling heavy in her hands, and looking at the size of the pearls, each one is extremely huge.

Such a size is worth a lot.

How can it be said that the courtesy is light and the meaning is heavy?It is obviously important to pay attention to etiquette.


Qingshuang held the chain in her arms, and was about to say another word, but the bamboo raft broke through the water and left.

"Young Master, if you have time in the future, you can come to Yanyu Pavilion again. The little girl is always waiting for you."

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Ling had reached the other side, he smiled slightly and nodded towards her.

After landing,
Zhu Xiaolian and Meng Longtan are about to come up.

"Brother Jiang, why are you here again?"

"Yeah, brother Jiang, what are you doing here during the spring night?"

The turtle slave did not follow, probably because he had other arrangements.

Jiang Ling didn't hide anything, so he told the truth.

Zhu Xiaolian stomped his feet and said angrily: "It's unreasonable, it's just too deceitful, how dare the turtle slave do this?"

Even Meng Longtan was filled with righteous indignation when he heard it, "It's too much, it's too much, Yanyu Pavilion treats guests like this, is this how they treat guests?"

Jiang Ling couldn't help laughing and said: "Miss Qingshuang is just unwell, why are you two brothers so excited?"

Zhu Xiaolian said: "Brother Jiang, you are too kind, what are you talking about feeling unwell? How can there be any kind of unwell?"

Meng Longtan also said: "Oiran invites guests, and they always stay on the boat until dawn. Now, they chase people halfway, not only because they don't give face, they are really deceiving."

"That's right, brother Jiang is so talented and has a superb melody. Could it be that he's not worthy of Qingshuang?"

Zhu Xiaolian yelled, and rushed down to ask the turtle slave to come over and reason.

However, Gui Nu didn't pay any attention to it, and just paddled the bamboo raft and left in the dark.

After a while, Yanyu Pavilion ordered a girl to come here as compensation, saying that she would replace Qingshuang and would like to spend the night with Jiangling.

"What's this? Just pretending to be a fool? Let Qingshuang accompany you if you want to accompany her, otherwise, don't come here to be an eyesore."

Without waiting for Jiang Ling to refuse, Zhu Xiaolian and Meng Longtan had already refused for him.

But at this time, other students also have arrangements, and have already entered the room.

Even though Zhu and Meng were dissatisfied, Yanyu Pavilion did not make any unnecessary gestures.

If you don't want it, you can save it.

The three of them on the left and right are not some powerful people, and if they make trouble, they will make trouble, so it doesn't matter.

In the follow-up, no one will come to Yanyu Pavilion,
Jiang Ling and Zhu Meng just sat in the hall for the whole night.

until the next day,
Zhu and Meng were so angry that they went to find someone to make a theory.

Misty Rain Pavilion just said that it was too busy last night and apologized a little, but let it go.

But what Zhu and Meng want is this simple apology?
Before they could continue to attack, the Northland students were already sneering.

"Could it be that the toad wants to eat swan meat and wants to go crazy?"

"That's right, Miss Qingshuang just thinks that someone's song is novel, she's just curious, but someone covets Miss Qingshuang's body, it's really shameless."

"There are many people who are cheeky, and there are also many people who are shameless. I have seen those who are cheeky and shameless."

The words are ugly and endless.

Zhu Xiaolian and Meng Longtan rolled up their sleeves, wanting to fight them.

But the other party didn't give this opportunity, and under the leadership of Zhang Yuebin, all the people in the north suddenly left together, as if there was an urgent matter.

"Brother Zhu and Brother Meng, that's all, it's just a woman, there's no need to be like this." Jiang Ling also persuaded the two of them at this time.

Zhu and Meng snorted coldly, and said to Yanyu Pavilion: "We will never come to such rude places in the future."

After speaking, he took Jiang Ling and left together.

The way back is not 【Hongxia Inn】.

"Brother Zhu, Brother Meng, where are you going?" Jiang Ling asked.

Zhu and Meng said: "Brother Jiang, don't you know? Registration for the scientific examination starts today. If you want to participate in the scientific examination, you must register your name first."

It turned out to be an ancient version of the exam registration.

"In that case, then I don't have to go."

"Brother Jiang, what do you mean?" Zhu and Meng looked puzzled.

Jiang Ling said: "To be honest, I have a criminal record and I haven't been named as a juror. Even if I go, I don't have the qualifications."

"How could this be?" Zhu and Meng didn't believe it at first, how could such a great talent not even get the name of Juren?
And the reason why he traveled thousands of miles to Beijing is to participate in the scientific examination?

After Jiang Ling repeatedly confirmed, the two finally sighed.

"Forget it, like Brother Jiang, sooner or later he will jump over the Dragon Gate and transform into a dragon. It's just a scientific examination, so it's worth noting not to participate."

After a little consolation, the two parted ways on the road.

Jiang Ling returned to the inn by himself, but as soon as he reached the gate, he saw a group of officers and soldiers surrounding the place.

And in front of the inn, he saw someone identifying He Xiang from a distance.

"She, she was following a man yesterday. When the young master had an accident, the two of them were also present, but the man has disappeared at this time."

The designator was also one of the two slaves yesterday.

It was the death of Song Yanei, but now he is going to investigate.

It's just that yesterday, dozens of pairs of eyes watched that Song Ya Nei was killed by two vicious dogs he raised. Now, why should he be held accountable to others?
He Xiang was trembling, hugging the burden and shrank against the wall, wanting to cry.

Others bully her as helpless, and their attitudes are bad.

When Jiang Ling saw him, he shouted loudly from outside the crowd, "What are you doing? Bullying women, is it a man's doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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