River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 214 Eight Kinds of Torture

Chapter 214 Eighteen Kinds of Torture

Jiang Ling got up and stood up: "You are the servants of the yamen, so you can take people at will?"

"What nonsense? Do you still want to toast and not eat fine wine?" Yacha forced him to lock him up.

Jiang Ling only clasped his wrist with his backhand, pushed him hard, and pushed him to the ground.


"Reverse! Do you want to rebel?"

Other yamen servants also pulled out their knives one after another, wanting to do it.

The faces of Zhu and Meng changed drastically, and they hurriedly told Jiang Ling to calm down.

With Yachai, you can't do it easily, because the official word is two mouths, and the right to speak is on the other party. Once you do it, it is justified and you can't tell.

In order not to implicate the two of them, Jiang Ling asked He Xiang to inform Luo Qianhu.

Ordinary things, mortals.

Since this matter has already happened, even if he intervenes forcibly with mana, it will be difficult to change it.

Anyway, this is nonsense.Last night, where did he intend to do something wrong?

He Xiang hurried away.

Jiang Ling said to several yamen servants: "You guys keep saying that I broke into people's houses at night with wrong intentions, do you have any evidence?"

Yachai looked at each other and sternly shouted: "What evidence is not actual evidence, you dare to do it but dare not admit it?"

Jiang Ling frowned, and his tone suddenly became three-pointed, "I'm asking you, is there any proof!"

At this moment, his entire aura was completely different from before.

With a murderous aura all over his body, an indescribable aura was suddenly released from his body.

Even the yamen servant suddenly felt a chill gushing out from the soles of his feet, and couldn't help but replied: "No...no."

Jiang Ling: "You have no proof, but you dare to chain someone up? Who gave you the guts?"

Under his questioning, the yacha still couldn't help answering: "Yes... it was Mr. Jing Zhaoyin who asked him to lock him up."

"Jing Zhaoyin, okay, then I'll meet Jing Zhaoyin for a while. Lead the way."

After the words fell, a few yamen servants obediently led the way in front.

Jiang Ling followed them and went.

Zhu and Meng sat in place, stunned for a long time.

Zhu Xiaolian: "Brother Meng, do you think there is something strange about Brother Jiang's talent?"

Meng Longtan: "All the clerks seem to be frightened by him, not to mention the clerks. The moment his tone became more serious, I was also taken aback. I almost didn't dare to look at him."

Zhu Xiaolian: "I also feel the same way. Those who are so calm and self-aggrandizing probably have extraordinary backgrounds. Brother Jiang, I'm afraid his identity is not that simple."

Meng Longtan nodded: "I have long thought Brother Jiang is quite extraordinary. He said that he is not even a Juren, but you and I have seen his poems and ideas. It is impossible to not even get the title of Juren, maybe It's because he doesn't care at all, if that's the case, it's hard to say that he is a relative of the emperor."

Zhu Xiaolian seemed to be awakened by his words, he slapped his thigh and said: "Brother Meng is right, and only in this way, he doesn't care much about the imperial examination."

Meng Longtan: "If that's the case, he doesn't have to worry about this trip."

But Zhu Xiaolian became curious: "By the way, he and Ms. Qingshuang have a common interest, so it can be regarded as a hit-and-miss relationship. When the two meet at night, it can't be that Ms. Qingshuang reported the case?"

Meng Longtan: "This... I'm afraid it's hard to say."

But on the Jiangling side, he followed the yamen to Jingzhao Mansion, and was overtaken by a group of cavalry when he was only halfway there.

The leader is Naluo Qianhu.

He came so fast because he happened to meet He Xiang on the way.As soon as I knew about it, I came right away.

"Stop all of them."

As soon as Luo Jinpeng came, he surrounded all the servants.

These yamen servants may also know him, and ask him what he does.

"Are you blind? Doctor Jiang is my uncle's benefactor. Even if you dare to offend him, who gave you the courage?"

Seeing his anger, the yamen chaps begged for mercy: "Master Luo, don't tell me, we are yamen chaps, and we are following the orders of Master Jing Zhaoyin, and this has nothing to do with us."

"Jing Zhaoyin? Huh, that old fool, handling cases randomly is not one or two."

"Lord Luo, this man broke into a house at night and plotted against a woman. He was arrested after someone reported the case."

"Who is he plotting against?"

"It's Miss Qingshuang from Yanyulou before."

"Miss Qingshuang reported the case?"

"That's not true, it was reported by her neighbor."

"Fuck, if Miss Qingshuang doesn't report the crime herself, what's the matter with her neighbors?"

Luo Jinpeng turned his head and asked Jiang Ling again: "What did you really do to Miss Qingshuang?"

Jiang Ling: "It's just for medical treatment. The neighbors reported the case because of a misunderstanding."

After Luo Jinpeng heard this, he said to the Yachai: "Did you hear that? They are only treating illnesses. What kind of conspiracy are they trying to do? Get out of here."

With a gesture, the yamen were scattered one after another.

Because of his identity, the yacha couldn't have an attack, so he had to run away in despair and go back to file a complaint.

After the yamen servants left, Luo Jinpeng said with a dark face: "Doctor Jiang, if you like that Qingshuang, a brothel girl, just buy it. Why do you have to make such moves at night to provoke people's tongues for nothing?"

Jiang Ling smiled wryly: "I'm not joking with you, Miss Qingshuang is seriously ill, I'm treating her with her, not seeking pleasure."

Luo Jinpeng stared at him for a while, and thought for a while, "That's right, your maids are so beautiful, so you won't be so hungry and thirsty that you go to a brothel girl's room at night."

"It's good that you know, where is He Xiang? Why don't you come here together?"

"Hey, your maid ran two streets in one breath and met me halfway. I was afraid that something would happen to you. I wanted to bring her here, but she said she had something to do and left by herself. She should have gone home."

"Okay, then this time, thank you."

"Why are you being polite? I have to protect you no matter what, my uncle's health is said to be better today, and it's all thanks to your medical skills. If he feels unwell in the future, you will definitely have to go to see him. So , If you have anything to do, feel free to come to me. Anyway, as long as you don't conflict with the rich and powerful, ordinary people, like me, can help you down."

Jiang Ling smiled and bid farewell to him.

Most likely, it should be reported by Mrs. Sun's family.

Jiangling returns here,

But Hexiang has returned to the bank of Xihu River at this moment, and after some people inquired, she learned of Qingshuang's residence.

She was afraid that Jiang Ling would really run into trouble, so she wanted to find Qingshuang and ask her to prove it herself.

Yesterday, Qingshuang obviously went to their house for dinner, so there must be some misunderstanding.

Even though Luo Qianhu had already gone, it was expected that Jiangling would be fine, but this matter would ultimately damage his reputation.

Therefore, as soon as she came to the door, she told Qingshuang about the matter.

After a night's rest, Qingshuang regained her strength a little today, and when she heard from He Xiang's mouth that Jiang Ling was taken away by the yamen's servant, her frail face was filled with shock.

He couldn't help explaining what he said, so he agreed to go to Jingzhao Mansion with He Xiang to explain clearly to the official.

So they are like this,

They left on the front foot, and Jiang Ling came back on the back foot, just staggered.

After being blasted away by Luo Qianhu, the yamen of Jingzhao Mansion filed a complaint against Jing Zhaoyin when they returned to Jingzhao Mansion.

Jing Zhaoyin didn't want to deal with this case at all, and if he wanted to report the case, he usually had to file the case himself, unless he couldn't move and there was a special reason.

But that Qingshuang just had a cold, and your neighbor came to help report the crime, and he didn't know whether it was true or not.

What should he do?

Coincidentally, a certain lord above had passed on with him just yesterday and asked him to take care of a young man named Jiang Ling.

And the person Sun Dazhuang reported to today is also precisely named [Jiangling]. What's more, he is the person whom an adult named to take care of him.

With this relationship, of course Jing Zhaoyin has to deal with small things.They also sent people to arrest Jiangling and bring him to justice.

"Then Luo Jinpeng's thousands of families are really getting more and more unruly. Relying on the fact that his uncle is General Jianwei, he ran amok. Humph, since he said that it is not counted as reporting the crime by himself, then you all bring that Qingshuang and let her Accuse yourself. As long as she comes to accuse, it will be his uncle Gu Qifeng, Luo Jinpeng, who will come forward in person, and I will not give him any face."

Yachai: "My lord, what if Qingshuang doesn't want to?"

Jing Zhaoyin: "I don't want to? If I don't want to, then let her have a taste of prison, [-] kinds of torture. I don't believe that a mere woman can withstand it."

(End of this chapter)

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