River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 218 He Xiang: I'm Already Big

Chapter 218 He Xiang: I'm Already Big
On the banks of the Xihu River, Qingshuang's boudoir.

Jiang Ling took Qingshuang back and went back first, leaving only He Xiang to take care of her.

After He Xiang fed Qingshuang and took medicine, she also stayed in her room for about two hours before she woke up.

Qingshuang who had just opened her eyes felt lingering fear, she shrank suddenly, and when she looked into the room again, she saw He Xiang sitting at the table and dozing, and this place was not in the government office, but in her own boudoir.

"Miss Hexiang?"

Qingshuang yelled softly.

He Xiang stood up when she heard the sound, with a happy expression on her face: "Miss Qingshuang, you're awake, are you feeling alright now?"

Qingshuang subconsciously looked at her hands, but saw that her hands were normal, except for a little swollen, there was no other feeling.

"Miss Hexiang, why are you here?"

He Xiang: "I've always been here."

"I...how did I get home? Shouldn't I be still in the government office just now?"

He Xiang: "Fuya? Miss Qingshuang, why do you think of going to Fuya?"

Qingshuang: "Didn't you say that Mr. Jiang was taken away by the Yamen, and then we went together?"

He Xiang shook her head: "No, Mr. Today is at home all day. He didn't go anywhere. On the contrary, Miss Qingshuang, you fell asleep early in the morning. You just woke up now."

Jiang Ling taught her to say these words.

Jiang Ling was afraid that the experience of Fuya would leave a psychological shadow on Qingshuang, so He Xiang tricked her kindly.

Qingshuang was ill and mentally fragile.For her injuries, Jiang Ling used a small peach from the Longevity Realm to heal her.

After the peaches were crushed and she swallowed them, not only were all the wounds on her fingers healed, but even the typhoid fever disappeared.

At this time, as long as He Xiang told her, the history of Fuya never existed.Most likely she herself can't tell the truth from the truth.

Qingshuang rubbed her head, really confused: "I... just woke up now, so I... haven't been to the government office?"

He Xiang nodded: "I never went, you passed out early in the morning, my husband asked me to come and see you, after discovering your condition, the husband asked me to give you some medicine, fortunately you finally woke up gone."

Speaking of this, she touched Qingshuang's forehead with her hand, "Well, it's not hot anymore."

Qingshuang was stunned for a long time when she heard her say that, "Could it be... I had a dream before?!"

He Xiang: "Miss Qingshuang, what kind of dream did you have?"

Qingshuang shook her head: "It's not a beautiful dream. If I can control myself, I don't want to have such a dream in my life."

He Xiang: "Miss Qingshuang, you don't have to worry, even if it's a nightmare, you are not afraid. Some people say that things in dreams are the opposite. Dreams are bad, but in reality they are beautiful. But there is hope in my heart, everything will take care of itself. Wishful thinking."

Qingshuang nodded slightly and smiled.

He Xiang: "Okay, now that Miss Qingshuang's health has improved, I can go back to meet my husband. The husband said that he did something wrong last night, please don't blame Miss Qingshuang."

Qingshuang: "It should be me who wants to thank Young Master Jiang for his kindness in saving me."

"Don't be too polite. It's really troublesome to be so polite between neighbors." He Xiang covered her mouth and smiled.

Qingshuang also smiled to herself: "Then I'll take Miss Hexiang out." She got up and was about to come down.

But He Xiang pressed her shoulder: "Sir, you have to lie down for a while longer. If you are weak, don't be brave. Otherwise, if you get sick again tonight, you will be in trouble."

After explaining here, He Xiang closed the door for her and went out.

After arriving at the door of Qingshuang's house, He Xiang quietly peeked behind her a few times, holding her chest and letting out a long breath.

Then he ran quickly and went back to the courtyard by the river.

"Sir, sir, I'm back."

Jiangling has taken care of the pond in the courtyard and introduced water from the West River.

At this time, Nie Qian's incarnation outside her body was lying in the pond, and her original soul was sleeping and digesting because she had absorbed a lot of living souls.

"What I taught you to say, have you said it all?"

"I've said it all, and Miss Qingshuang seems to really believe it. I'm scared to death. I'm afraid that if I say something, I will be exposed."

He Xiang patted his chest, and then asked curiously: "Sir, will the government office come to make trouble again? There were two office servants chasing me for a long time before, but fortunately I ran fast, so I got rid of them .”

Jiang Ling smiled softly: "Don't worry, no one from the government office will come to make trouble again."

He Xiang: "That's good, those officials are really annoying."

Jiang Ling: "You've been busy all day, and now you're back, let's go and rest for a while."

With that said, he also got up and went to the room.

He planned to draw the "The Art of Nightmare Prayer" mentioned by the old man by the river yesterday and study it.

He went into the room to get the drawing paper, but he was just about to grind the ink when he saw He Xiang timidly following into the room.


She blushed, suddenly looked down at Jiang Ling, and then quickly turned her eyes to the ground.

"Is there something to say?"

He Xiang pinched the corner of her clothes, hesitated for a while, summoned up her courage, and said in a trembling voice: "Sir... If you want a woman, you don't need to go to the brothel."

Jiang Ling was taken aback, why did he say this suddenly?

He Xiang lowered her head, almost closed her eyes, and said quickly: "I... I heard people say that the girls in the brothel are not clean, so...so sir, if... if... Actually, He Xiang can accompany the bed."

After saying this, her face was already red enough to bleed.

Accompanying bed?

Jiang Ling smiled bitterly: "How old are you?"

He Xiang raised her head and said seriously: "I'm sixteen, and... and I've seen... I've seen red."

Women in this era, when they see red, can be regarded as reaching the standard of marriage.

In Duan's mansion, the old lady Duan also arranged for a maid of the same age as her to accompany Mr. Duan in bed.

This age is not too young.

Seeing that she was so serious, Jiang Ling couldn't help laughing and crying: "Don't think about it, I went to Yanyu Pavilion before, but it was just a party with a group of students. It has nothing to do with looking for women."

He Xiang bit her lip,

That little face is like the fickle weather, it's sunny for a while, and it's raining in a blink of an eye.

"Sir, do you dislike He Xiang?"

When he looked at her again, his beautiful eyes were smoldering, as if he could cry at any time.

Jiang Ling: "Why have I ever disliked you?"

He Xiang: "Then can I accompany the husband in bed?"

Jiang Ling said with a smile: "I have absolutely no reason to refuse this matter, but you are still too young. If you are two years older, and you have this proposal, I will definitely accept it."

After hearing this, He Xiang turned his worries into joy.

It's good if you don't dislike it,
Although she didn't know why she had to be two years older, but when she heard Jiang Ling's words "I will accept it", she felt as if honey had been wiped from her heart.

At this time, shyness also began to show up, and her cheeks were hot.

He hurriedly turned around, paused, and went back to his room as if fleeing.

(End of this chapter)

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