Chapter 232
The golden stripes form their own meridians.

The green nectar, wrapped in a ray of red light, danced slowly in it.

Judging from the rough outline, it seems to be forming the shape of a person.

'I'm afraid this piece of jade is going to become fine! '

The golden meridian was the same color as the golden meat, looking at this thing that was about to become a living body, Jiang Ling suddenly couldn't tell whether the jade pendant had eaten the golden meat or the golden meat had taken over the jade pendant.

'What a congenital jade fetus, I don't know the origin of this jade pendant. '

The jade pendant was given by Miaoyu, if you want to know, you can only ask her.

The small chaotic world should be the inner space of this jade pendant.

Just as Jiang Ling was about to go out, he suddenly saw a ray of white light falling, and Nie Qian and her white oyster dharma body also fell into this space.

"Xiaoqian, why are you here?"

Nie Qian looked around in surprise, and explained: "Master, just now I saw you sitting motionless, and I didn't respond to shouting. I thought something happened to you. As soon as I jumped out of your arms, I saw you holding a knife in your hand." The jade pendant that I was wearing turned on a red light, and as a result, I came in."

While speaking, her white oyster dharma body fell into the green nectar, and it melted completely in the blink of an eye.

It must be known that the white clam dharma body is at least half a demon body, and when it fell into the green nectar, it melted as soon as it was said to melt.

It can be seen that the green nectar is dangerous.

Nie Qian turned pale with shock: "Master, what exactly is this place?"

"This is Yuzhong World, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, you have to go out first."

As soon as the words fell, the place in the green nectar pool, where there were only golden meridians, suddenly began to grow muscles and solidify bones.

At the same time, the golden meridian suddenly rushed out of the green wine pool, entangled Nie Qian like dense silk threads, and hooked her into the pool.

"Master..." Nie Qian was shocked, unable to resist.

Jiang Ling stretched out his hand to pull her, but was a step behind, seeing her disappearing as soon as she fell into the green nectar pool.


"Xiao Qian!"

Called several times, Nie Qian also did not answer.

Jiang Ling was also angry.

When he came to this world, Xiaoqian was the first woman to follow him, and she spent the longest time with him.

She is the woman he is closest to right now.

If it is destroyed here like this, maybe he will also smash the jade pendant and kill the life inside it in the cradle.

But after a while, in the green nectar pool, Nie Qian's response finally came, which was quite weak.

"Master, I... can't get out here."

Jiang Ling leaned over to the pool and looked down: "Where are you?"

"It's right here. My body seems to be tied up. I can only move my hands and feet slightly, but I can't move my body at all."

If the voice is still there, it means that Nie Qian has not disappeared.

Jiang Ling calmed down a bit, but he suddenly noticed that the golden meridian and the jade body that had just grown muscle and bone were moving slowly.

He couldn't help frowning twice: "Try moving a few more times?"

Nie Qian: "I can only move my hands and feet slightly, but I can't move my body."

Jiang Ling: "Then you can do something."

Nie Qian: "Oh."

Then, Jiang Ling saw that the growing jade body swayed slightly.

Jiang Ling looked surprised: "You move your left hand twice."

Nie Qian complied.

Then the growing jade body moved its left hand twice.

Jiang Ling said again: "Move your right leg twice."

Nie Qian still did as before, and the growing jade body immediately raised her right leg.

Immediately, he clapped his palms, and the worry on his face disappeared, but he was more happy: "I see."

Nie Qian was still confused: "Master, what's going on?"

Jiang Ling said: "This must be a congenital jade embryo. When it meets the golden meat mushroom, it will feel pregnant and form its own meridian. When it meets your white clam dharma body, it will be condensed into a condensed body. All this is to make this embryo condense. Formed. After the embryo was formed, there was still one thing missing, and that was a primordial soul.

After you are sucked in by it, this jade fetus is completely completed even if it has both soul and body. "

Speaking of which, this may also be destiny.

If Nie Qian hadn't come in just now, this innate jade body might have absorbed Jiang Ling's body as nutrients, gathered it into the condensed body, and then incorporated his soul into it.Thus having both soul and body.

If so, then it will be him who is lying in the pool of green wine right now.

Nie Qian: "Master, how do I get out?"

Jiang Ling: "I don't know how you will come out. If my guess is correct, you will be reborn from this jade fetus only after it reaches full term. By then, you will not be an orphan." If you are a ghost, you will have your own real body."

Nie Qian: "If that's the case, will I still be considered a human being by then?"

Jiang Ling thought for a while, born from jade, maybe he can't be considered a human being, he probably belongs to the category of demon.

In this small space, he stayed with Nie Qian for another hour, after making sure that she was fine.His soul left here and returned to his body.

Silent all night.

The next day,

Early in the morning, Jiang Ling went out to look for Miaoyu.

The origin of this jade pendant needs to be clarified first.

Just went to the street, only to see that today is extremely lively.

After listening to passers-by chatting, I realized that today is the first day of the end of Chunwei, and all the candidates have completed the exam, and they are waiting for the title of the gold list in high spirits.

When I arrived at the Qingxiang Pavilion, I saw that there were many students here. They have been drinking all night long since last night.

According to the past practice, three days after the end of the exam, it is the time for the imperial court to release the results.

During these three days, most of the students will choose to be drunk and dream of death, so that they can indulge themselves.

Speaking of which, it was also a coincidence.As soon as Jiang Ling arrived here, he saw many familiar people here.

Zhu Xiaolian and Meng Longtan were the first to bear the brunt, one lying on the table and the other hugging the pillar.

One side of Zhu Xiaolian's face was pressed against the table, and his saliva was already flowing three thousand feet in his dream.

Jiang Ling went over to pat him, but it also woke him up.

"Who disturbed my clear dream?"

When he just woke up, he was very displeased. When he opened his eyes and saw that it was Jiang Ling, his face changed and he laughed: "Brother Jiang, I haven't seen you for a few days. Brother Jiang, are you all right?"

Jiang Ling sat down beside him: "I heard that the exam is over? How did brother Zhu do?"

As soon as the exam was mentioned, Zhu Xiaolian was in high spirits: "I'm afraid the leader may not have to run away, and the more I think about it, the stronger this feeling becomes."

Jiang Ling smiled inwardly. Before the rankings were released, everyone probably thought so, thinking that he had done well in the exam.

It's always good to have such confidence.

"Brother Jiang, why do you have time to come here today? Speaking of which, last time you were taken away by the yamen, the two of us didn't help, and I'm really ashamed."

Jiang Ling waved his hand: "If you don't mention this matter, it's fine if the government finds me."

Zhu Xiaolian nodded, feeling more and more that the guess that day was correct.

"Then Brother Jiang is here to find the two of us this time? It's also just right. Now that the exam is over, we can have a drink and chat with Brother Jiang and come here for a few nights."

Thinking of the amount of alcohol the two of them had, Jiang Ling shook his head and gave up. If he really wanted to drink, he would rather find a few girls than the two of them.

Jiang Ling: "I'm here to look for Miss Miaoyu, I wonder if she's here?"

(End of this chapter)

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