River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 234 The Wonder of Changchun

Chapter 234 The Wonder of Changchun
For a woman like Miaoyu who is as beautiful as flowers and jade, if she wants to make a promise with her body, as long as it is a man, it is difficult to refuse.

But Jiang Ling knew what she was thinking,
Miaoyu had only met him three times, and there was hardly any interaction between them.

It was also probably because she saw that Jiang Ling was able to save her and Qingshuang from Cai Xiang that day, so she guessed that Jiang Ling had an extraordinary identity.If she could win Jiang Ling's favor, she might be able to take advantage of the opportunity to break out of the cage of fireworks, and be a free person like Qingshuang from now on.

Speaking of Qingshuang, she denied it with her mouth, but she was envious in her heart.

Over the years, she has also saved some money. If she redeems her body and spends all her money, it may be enough.

However, the Qingxiang Pavilion is not as easy to talk as the Yanyu Pavilion. Mom refuses to let people go, and she also thinks that she can't be as strong as Qingshuang, so she chooses to throw herself into the river to resist.

Jiang Ling got up suddenly: "Miss Miaoyu, please rest, I have something to do, so don't bother me for now."

Miaoyu also asked herself that she had never said anything to other men that she was willing to make a promise with her body.

Just mustered up the courage to pour out,

But the result in exchange was Jiang Ling's non-disturbance.

For a moment, she looked astonished and lost, and forced a smile: "It seems that in the eyes of the young master, Miaoyu is no match for sister Qingshuang."

Jiang Ling: "It's finally daytime. Even if you want it, your mother won't. Goodbye."

He pushed the door and went out, just a tortoise barged in from outside.

The furious Mr. Gui was about to speak when he saw Jiang Ling walking away from him and got off the flower boat.

He ran into the room and saw Miaoyu sitting on the bed with neat clothes, it seemed that the two of them hadn't done anything out of the ordinary just now.

"Miao Yu, who is that man?" Gui Gong asked.

Miaoyu, who was originally depressed, became relieved at this time.

Miaoyu: "Doctor."

Mr. Gui was suspicious: "Doctor? What kind of doctor is he? You must know that Qingxiang Pavilion has trained you up to now, but it is not easy. You have to bring all the messy men into the room."

Miaoyu: "Uncle Wu, let's tell Mother Xu, Miaoyu will save it."

Seeing that Miaoyu seemed dissatisfied, Mr. Gui persuaded again: "If you are a romantic and talented man with both talents and talents, you bring him to the room, and Mother Xu will definitely not say a word. But this messy person, bring him here In the room, not only will it cause gossip, but it will also damage your value, do you know it?"

Jiang Ling returned to the attic on a bamboo raft,

At that time, Meng Longtan also came to his senses, and seeing that Jiang Ling really got off Miaoyu's flower boat, he was full of admiration when he met him: "As expected of Brother Meng, this famous oiran in the capital was actually given away by you." down."

Jiang Ling chatted with the two of them for a while, declined their offer to stay, and left.

After leaving the Qingxiang Pavilion, before he had traveled far, an old woman suddenly called him to the entrance of an alley.

The old woman was about sixty years old, with gray hair, a stooped figure, and wrinkled, withered hands, leaning on a rotten wooden cane.

But her voice was clear and clear, she sounded like a woman in her forties, full of energy.

"The jade pendant in Mr. Xiao Lang's hand, was it a gift from Miao Yu?"


"This is the treasured item of Miss Miaoyu. If Mr. Miaoyu can get it as a gift from her, it is probably the person she loves. But this jade is her jade for protecting herself. If Mr. Miaoyu takes it, I am afraid that Miaoyu will lose it." Jade generals may encounter unexpected events."

Jiang Ling frowned: "Oh? So, what should we do?"

The old woman said: "If Mr. Xiaolang loves Miaoyu, you should return this jade to her. If so, there will be no problem."

Jiang Ling smiled in his heart, he was still suspicious just now, how could Miao Yu easily pick up such a thing by the river back then?
The appearance of the old woman now just answered the question in his mind.

Immediately, he secretly opened his Dharma eyes to peek at the old woman, and he saw that there was a spirit lingering in her body, and she was not a mortal.

Jiang Ling: "This jade pendant looks quite valuable. Do you want me to return it to her? Don't even think about it."

The old woman looked angry: "Miaoyu treats Xiao Langjun like this, but Xiao Langjun wants to treat her like this?"

Jiang Ling: "Since Miaoyu gave me this thing, it is mine. How to deal with it is up to me. You are old, what kind of mind are you messing with?"

The old woman stomped on the ground with her cane: "Okay, since Mr. Xiao Lang thinks this thing is valuable, how much money do you want to exchange it for?"

Jiang Ling played with the phoenix-shaped jade pendant: "Is it 1 taels?"

The old woman sneered and said, "Young Lord is greedy."

She didn't return the price, she took out the clothes on her body and took out a stack of bank notes.

One thousand taels, ten in total.

"1 taels, I want it."

Jiang Ling chuckled, suddenly grabbed the ten banknotes, turned his hand over, and the banknotes turned into blank paper in an instant: "If you want to buy it, you must be sincere."

The old woman was startled, and looked at Jiang Ling, the white paper in her hand flickered, and it turned into a banknote again: "Xiao Langjun, take a closer look, these are all genuine banknotes."

Jiang Ling stopped reaching out to pick it up: "You have no sincerity, I won't sell it."

He turned around to leave, but the old woman swung the crutch in her hand and stopped him directly: "The three fires on Mr. Xiao Lang's body are all extinguished, be careful that disaster is imminent."

Jiang Ling chuckled, and stopped pretending to her, and said directly: "This jade pendant, could it be that you always gave it to Miao Yu?"

The old woman said nothing.

Jiang Ling said again: "This jade pendant is used to support people first. If Miao Yu continues to wear it, it will be the turn of people to support jade in a short time. You insist on wanting me to return the jade pendant to her, and let Miao Yu continue to wear it?" Let me guess what you are planning, could it be that you want to use this jade to return to youth?"

The old woman's face changed when she heard it,
In fact, when Jiang Ling saw through her tricks of banknotes just now, she felt that there was something wrong with him.

But she observed Jiangling carefully, but she didn't see anything unusual.

I only know that the three fires on his head have all been extinguished, or he is so dead, that he happened to see through the blindfold.

But when Jiang Ling said the second sentence, she was really shocked.

The old woman: "My lord, where are you?"

Jiang Ling: "This jade pendant belongs to me now. You don't have to think about it anymore when you are old."

"This is my [Eternal Spring Valley] treasure, how can Mr. Xiaolang just take it?"

Jiang Ling: "Just take it, so what?"

The old woman stomped the rotten wooden crutch three times on the ground, and in an instant, a wisp of black smoke flowed out of the crutch.

When approaching Gangneung,

Jiang Ling turned his head suddenly, opened his mouth, and swallowed the black smoke in one gulp.

When I looked at him again, he had already walked away with his hands behind his back.

The old woman stumbled back a few steps, she couldn't believe it, and suddenly got the backlash, choked out a mouthful of old blood, and fell down on the street.

Jiangling returned to the courtyard by the river,

As soon as he entered the door, he saw He Xiang sitting in the courtyard waiting.

In front of her was a plate of cured fish.At this time, there was only half a plate left, probably because the girl couldn't help her mouth, and she ate one piece for a long time.

"Sir, you are back."

Seeing him, He Xiang got up happily, and obediently went to the room to bring out some tea.

Jiang Ling pointed to the dish: "This early in the morning, did you cook it yourself?"

He Xiang shook her head, her mouth was still swollen, she quickly covered her face with her hands to prevent him from seeing it, chewed for a while, then swallowed and said: "Sir, I didn't do it, sister Qingshuang did it."

Jiang Ling: "Where is she?"

He Xiang: "She went back last night and practiced this cured fish nuggets for a long time. This morning, she finally made a satisfactory plate and asked her husband to comment. But after learning that the husband went to find Miss Miaoyu, she went back. "

Jiang Ling: "You told her that I went to find Miaoyu?"

He Xiang probably wouldn't lie, so she nodded honestly.

Jiang Ling couldn't help but knocked her on the head.

He Xiang groaned, covering her little head: "Sir, shouldn't I say that?"

Jiang Ling flicked her forehead again, then walked into the room: "Eat less cured fish, when you get angry, don't cry to me."

(End of this chapter)

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