River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 252 Three Coffins

Chapter 252 Three Coffins
After the ghost boy chewed the paper figurine, his smiling face slowly lifted up, and he glanced at all the guests.

Finally did not see any clues.

After another moment,

In the lobby, a Spirit Tablet floated over.

It floated to the center of the lobby, exuding a red aura, and slowly, the spiritual tablet turned into a man in red.

He couldn't see his face, and his hair was messy, covering his face.

He stretched out his hands and saluted all the guests without saying a word.

However, Jiang Ling saw [Tao Gong taboos the spiritual seat of the old man Yanchang] written on the spiritual tablet in that surprised glimpse just now.

Judging from the taboo name of the spiritual seat, this person should be called [Tao Yanchang].

And judging from the attire, he is still one of the protagonists today.

Wearing a red robe, full of joy.

When the guests saw him coming, they all got up and raised their glasses to celebrate together.

Tao Gong returned the salute, and the wine actually flowed out from his stomach after drinking it.

It seemed that his body was also made of paper, and the paper was not waterproof, so the wine he drank naturally soaked through the paper layer of his abdomen and leaked out.

But Mr. Tao didn't take it seriously, standing in the center, suddenly a few bats led two newcomers out from the entrance of the side hall, holding the red thread.

The newcomer, Fengguanxiapei, looks beautiful.

When all the guests saw it, they all paid attention.

Jiangling looked at the two brides, they were Hexiang and Qingshuang.

But at this time, they are also like puppets, as if someone is manipulating them behind their backs.

The expression is dull and the behavior is blunt.

The bats pulled the strings in front, and they followed behind, little by little, towards the lobby.

Afterwards, a paper man shouted loudly, asking the new couple to salute.

Jiangling rose at the right time, holding jewels, gold and silver, and offering them away.

As soon as he moved, all the guests turned their heads to look at him again.

And that paper figurine suddenly shouted loudly: "Grandpa He, give me a gift!"

Jiang Ling approached the bride and groom with jewels and silver, but fortunately no one noticed the clue.

The red-clothed Tao Gong also bowed, as if he wanted to thank He Gong for his great gift.

However, at the moment Tao Gong bent down, Jiang Ling waved his hand, and the Qiankun bag hidden in his sleeve opened its mouth.

Swallowing it in one gulp, the souls of Qingshuang and Hexiang were included in it on the spot.

When this scene happened, all the guests were suddenly silent.

With a crackling sound,

All the guests disappeared as soon as they said they would disappear, and in the blink of an eye, there was no one left.

Even the red-clothed Tao Gong suddenly turned into a spiritual tablet and fell to the ground.

Looking at it again, the spiritual seat is covered with dust, as if it has been dusted for decades.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ling was also shocked.

I thought that there were so many ghosts in the hall, after I robbed people, I might have to fight hard.

However, such a result was greatly unexpected.

Immediately, he had no choice but to open the Qiankun bag and release the real Mr. He.

He Gong fell to the ground, still looking like a paper man.

He looked up at Jiang Ling.

Jiang Ling only gave him the gold, silver and jewelry in his hand.

However, He Gong didn't pick up the jewelry, and just looked at him intently. The next moment, the paper figurine turned into ashes and was blown clean on the ground by the wind.

When Jiangling reached the sedan chair, the paper figurines carrying the sedan chair were also reduced to ashes and disappeared with the wind.

He released Hexiang and Qingshuang again to watch their situation.

I saw that they were still dull, as if possessed by a demon.

Reluctantly, they were put back into the Qiankun bag.

After that, he wanted to go out along that way.

But when he walked to the end of the passage, he saw that the place was full of walls, and the way out had already been sealed.

wait to come back,

Deep in the passage, a ghost boy appeared.

It is the ghost boy of Tao Gong,
It still smiled like that, but this time it waved to Jiang Ling, and then led the way.

It seems to take Jiangling to a place.

Jiang Ling was not afraid, so he followed it, wanting to see what tricks it had.

But after passing through the lobby, the ghost boy directly entered the side hall.

In that side hall, there are three coffins.

Two of the coffins are red and one is white.

Guitong smiled and pointed to the white coffin, signaling Jiang Ling to lie down in it. The other two red coffins belonged to the bride.

"This means that you want me to be buried here?"

Jiang Ling snorted coldly, and the exit was a Buddhist lion's roar.

Under the vibration of the sound waves, Guitong trembled all over, and immediately, blood burst out from his seven orifices.

It's obviously a ghost, so how could there be blood?

However, it is really bloody.

After shaking its body on the ground, it burrowed into the ground.

After disappearing for two seconds, he suddenly appeared and grabbed Jiang Ling's legs, trying to drag him underground.

At the same time, other heads appeared on the ground, they grinned and stretched out their hands, wanting to drag Jiang Ling.

Jiang Ling struggled with all his strength, Qian Kun stomped his feet on the ground in one breath, causing the ghosts to drop their hands one after another.

He took his foot out and jumped out into the lobby.

At the exit, a flag was erected at this time, with the words [This road is blocked] on it.

Jiang Ling kicked over the flag, only to find that the dark passage just now was also gone.

It disappeared completely, and what is left now is only the lobby and the side hall.

If you look closely, this is clearly an underground mausoleum.

"Is this trying to trap me here?"

Jiang Ling touched the black ring on his hand.Suddenly reversed.

The teleportation ability of the black ring is still not restricted here.

Under a twist of space,
When he opened his eyes again, what he saw was yellow sand—it really came out of the cemetery.

As soon as he came out, the ghost boy chased after him.

When it saw Jiang Ling, it was quite surprised to be able to move away from the air.

Jiang Ling suddenly took out a mahogany nail from his body, let go and shot it, the mahogany nail nailed the ghost boy to the ground, creaking.

Afterwards, the paper figures and horses that were originally in the sandpit also came out one after another at this time.

If you want to come to *** Mausoleum, you must keep him.

Jiang Ling walked up to the ghost boy and grabbed it.

At the beginning, I felt that this ghost boy actually had a real body, but it was extremely cold, not an ordinary human body.

"You guys are really daring to rob people in my house. Do you really think that I won't be able to destroy you in this underworld?"

As he said that, he took out a piece of yellow talisman, threw it, and the yellow talisman caught fire, instantly igniting all the paper figures and horses that came out of the bunker.

Guitong was shocked, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes: "Where are you... who is sacred?"

Jiang Ling: "Why do you want to rob my house?"

With a white face, the ghost boy argued, "We never robbed people. Those two girls signed the deed of sale and promised Tao Gong to be their concubines. We just picked people up."

Contract of sale!
No wonder the small courtyard by the river clearly had restrictions, but failed to prevent these ghosts.It's a shame that they were only calling outside at that time, but He Xiang walked out of the room by herself because she signed the contract of selling herself.

Jiang Ling: "Who is the middleman?"

Ghost boy: "I don't know."

Jiang Ling: "Why are the two of them dumbfounded now?"

Ghost boy: "If you lose your mind, you just need to untie it."

Fascinated, that's how it is.

This is the so-called obsession.

(End of this chapter)

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