River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 254 Misfortune Comes From Eight Directions

Chapter 254 Misfortune Comes From All Directions

Jiang Ling walked out of that stone gate, strange to say, as soon as he stepped out, he saw the water of Xihu River flowing quietly.

This is really the place I entered before.

'This Montenegrin old demon is really capable. '

It's just that I owe her a favor this time, and I don't know how to repay it to her in the future.

'She is in the underworld, and she seems to be well-known, but most ghosts call her Master Black Mountain, but how can she be a little girl? '

Back to the small courtyard by the river, there were many footprints at the door, and the inside of the house was also in a mess. It was obvious that people had been here during his absence.

And it was a lot of people who searched here and there.

"Where is Xiaoqian?"

Jiang Ling sat in the courtyard and shouted into the air.

Then, a huge white jade clam shell crawled out of the clear water pond in the yard.

The jade pendant hidden in Nie Qian's Yuanhun floated out, and came to Jiang Ling's side, "Master, you are back."

Jiang Ling: "What happened?"

Yu Pendant pointed at the messy room: "You also saw that a lot of officers and soldiers came just now and searched everything inside and out. There was also a sloppy Taoist who came with the officers and soldiers.

I saw that his skills were not shallow, so I got into the water early.Fortunately, his perception is not as strong as his master, so he didn't notice me.I searched with officers and soldiers and left. "

officers and soldiers?

In the capital, if you can find such an expert in Taoism, and you can also find the help of officials and soldiers, you don't need to guess Jiang Ling to know who is behind the scenes.

"Xiaoqian, do you think some people are born to be the kind of people who don't cry when they see the coffin?"

Nie Qian is not stupid, even she can guess who is behind all these things tonight: "After all, he is the prime minister, the prime minister of the dynasty, although the master has powerful mana, but he is majestic. The one who is superior, how can he tolerate another person who is also superior to him? The friendship with the master before was just his tactic to delay the attack. After he invited an expert to help him, he immediately showed his sincerity. "

Jiang Ling nodded: "Where are Qingshuang and Hexiang?"

The jade pendant moved slightly, and the white jade clam opened its shell. Although Nie Qian has not yet hatched in the jade pendant, the white jade clam is still her body outside her body, and she can still control it freely with her thoughts.

When the white jade clam shell was opened, both Qingshuang and He Xiang were naked inside the clam shell, lying on the soft clam meat.

Two jade bodies with white flowers are intertwined and laid out horizontally, beautiful and delicious.

"One of them is the master's silly maid, and the other is the master's love sister. Xiaoqian couldn't leave them behind, so she took their bodies away early."

In the words, the sourness is sour.Jiang Ling just smiled: "What about you?"

The jade pendant that Nie Qian was hiding fell on his shoulders charmingly: "I, I have a more miserable life, and I can only be a cow or a horse."

Jiang Ling picked up the jade pendant and stuffed it into his bosom: "Why did you take off their clothes?"

Nie Qian didn't know if it was intentional, so she said with a smile: "Master, Xiaoqian is soft, if you don't take off their clothes and hurt your little tongue, how about it?"

White jade mussels are indeed soft and delicate.

Jiang Ling carried the two daughters back to the bed in the room, found clothes and put them on with them.

Afterwards, he took out the Qiankun bag and released the souls of the two girls. Just a little on their chests, a stream of Yin Qi injected, and the blocked heart orifices were flushed away.

Only then did the dull second daughter wake up slowly,
But before they realized what was going on, Jiang Ling even blew two breaths.

Blow them to his body respectively.

The primordial soul is as light as paper, floating in the air.

The second daughter got used to it for a while before waking up from her main body.

After waking up, and seeing herself lying in Jiangling's room, He Xiang was still slightly puzzled, she clearly slept in her own room before, why did she come to Mr.'s room?

Qingshuang was even more puzzled, she slept in her own house, why, she also came to Jiangling's room?And even the clothes on his body, even the underwear, seemed to have been changed.

Looking at the doubts on the faces of the two girls, Jiang Ling asked them: "You don't remember anything?"

He Xiang looked confused: "Sir, why did I come to your room?"

Jiang Ling didn't explain either: "It's fine if you can't remember."

A trip to the underworld is not a good thing after all.

Probably when they were picked up by the wedding reception team, they were fascinated.So what happened after that, there is no memory at all.

Qingshuang thought about it briefly, and suddenly said: "I seem to have had a dream before, dreaming...dreaming that I was going to get married. Then, why did I end up here, Young Master!"

When He Xiang heard it, she also echoed: "Yes, I remembered it too. I also dreamed that I was going to get married. Someone called my name. After that... I don't know."

Sure enough, as Jiang Ling expected, they only remembered the short memory at the beginning of the marriage reception.

Jiang Ling: "In the future, if someone asks you to sign your name outside, don't sign any more."

He Xiang and Qing Shuang both heard clues from his words: "Sir, are we being plotted against?"

Jiang Ling didn't answer, but said: "It's getting late, you guys should sleep here first. If you have anything to say, we can talk about it tomorrow."

After the two women got down, looking at the mess in the room, they probably guessed what happened before.

Jiang Ling didn't talk to them, and they knew how to behave, so they didn't ask more questions.

Gangneung who left the room,
Left and right are not sleepy.

He took out the scroll in the courtyard, called out a white crane, and rode away on the crane, heading towards the prime minister's mansion.

He was still halfway there when he suddenly saw dark clouds gathering over the prime minister's mansion, which was a sign of impending bad luck.

Black air gathered from all directions, with the prime minister's mansion as the center.

Jiang Ling suddenly laughed, probably it was God's will.

Before the Great Yong Dynasty asked for peace from the Northern Kingdom, Cai Yongning was the leader of the peace-seeking faction.

But when the peace agreement was signed, all the people cursed and cursed from the heart, and the luck disappeared.Disaster is imminent.

With this speed of accumulation, Cai Yongning's luck will surely dissipate within three months.

At that time, or when he stepped down.

Jiang Ling suddenly understood.

In fact, whether it is a summation or a main battle, it is the meaning of the royal family after all, and Cai Yongning is just a pawn.

The royal family felt that it would be beneficial to seek peace, so they praised Cai Yongning highly and used him as their endorsement.

Afterwards, if the main battle is to be fought, Cai Yongning can be pushed out and his charges reduced.At that time, all the people will praise it, and the royal family can still get the word "sage".

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous."

The face of the dynasty, seemingly beautiful, is just an old dog after all.

As he got closer to Xiangfu, he suddenly saw a sloppy figure smoking a pipe on the stone lion in front of Xiangfu's gate, and suddenly threw the pipe in his hand, sparks from it flew out and shot straight at the white crane in the sky.

The white crane burns when it encounters fire,

Jiangling fell into the sky.

The sloppy figure chuckled and said in a long voice, "I expected you to come tonight, but you really did."

(End of this chapter)

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