River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 256 Strange Woman

Chapter 256 Strange Woman
The next day was breezy and cloudy.

The rooster was just crowing, and suddenly a group of chariots and horses approached outside the small courtyard by the river.

This group of carriages and horses did not disturb them until the owner of the courtyard woke up, and they politely asked to see him outside the door.

Jiang Ling got up the earliest that day, and when he saw them, he asked why.

People outside the door said that he was a retainer of the Prime Minister's mansion. He was ordered by the Prime Minister to come here to make an apology.


Jiang Ling smiled, which was really in line with Cai Lao's style.

Probably because they saw the body of the Laoshan Taoist priest lying in front of the Prime Minister’s Mansion, and Mr. Cai spent the whole night in pain like his head burst,
Only then did he decide to put on a low profile and come to give gifts and beg for mercy.

It's just that the same scene has already been performed last time, and now it's happening again, which is not something ordinary cheeks can do.

Jiang Ling: "What did you give this time?"

The vassals of the Prime Minister asked to open the boxes, five boxes of silver, one box of gold, and one hundred bolts of high-quality cloth.

Retainer: "It's a mere gift, sir, please accept it. This time, the monster made trouble, and my family's master was bewitched. If there is any disrespect to sir, please forgive me."

Jiang Ling roughly estimated that there were about 500 taels of gold and 5000 taels of silver in larger boxes.

As for the high-quality cloth, it is also worth several thousand taels of silver.

Jiang Ling glanced at it briefly: "It's really a small gift, just such a small gift, it really seems that your family is stingy."

The retainer was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly listened respectfully: "You can tell me what your conditions are, if you can meet them, you will definitely not disappoint you."

Xu Shi was told when he came,
Faced with this situation, the retainers were very kind.

Jiang Ling waved his hand: "I don't like what you can afford, so let your Prime Minister stop bothering me in the future."

The retainers listened quietly, with joy on their faces at this moment.

The implication of these words is that he accepted the apology?

The retainer bowed back three steps and bowed deeply: "In this way, the villain will not disturb you."

Let the team unload their belongings, the retainers lead the team, and hurried away.

Jiang Ling looked at those gold and silver cloths, took out the Qiankun bag, and put all of them in it.A box of silver was left, and he threw it into the pond in the courtyard.

He never refuses a door-to-door gift.

The things that are decided will never be changed.

"I want to buy my life with this little money. Did you underestimate me, or yourself?"

In the air, he flicked the lifeline and flicked it a few times.

Far away in the prime minister's mansion in Dongcheng, Cai Yongning, who had just fallen asleep with less than half a stick of incense, suddenly held his head and cried out in pain again.

Burst-like pain breeds in the brain,
He tossed and turned on the bed, his limbs were about to convulse.

In the small courtyard by the river, after He Xiang and Qingshuang woke up, He Xiang went to the back kitchen to make breakfast.

Qingshuang came out to greet Jiang Ling.

She has a slender figure, fair and delicate skin, even without makeup, she is very beautiful and natural.

Jiang Ling: "Did you sleep well last night?"

Qingshuang lightly tapped its head, said "En", and wanted to make a speech before going back.

Jiang Ling: "He Xiang has already made breakfast, so I'm not in a hurry to go back after eating."

Qingshuang lowered her head and said: "Thank you, Young Master, for your kindness, but Qingshuang is always a prostitute, if people see that she is always with Young Master, it will not sound good."

Jiang Ling frowned: "What prostitute? I know you have always kept yourself clean, why would you belittle yourself like this?"

Qingshuang smiled forcefully: "Master, Qingshuang is grateful for his love. It's just that people's words are terrible, and Qingshuang is also afraid of being criticized by thousands of people, and she will be infamy."

After finishing speaking, she bowed again, and without waiting for Jiang Ling to say anything else, she left the courtyard and went back.

When the lotus fragrance was cooked and brought out early, I searched the room and found no sunshine.So he asked Jiangling about it.

Jiang Ling also looked in the direction of the far door, "You women, you are so weird."

He Xiang felt inexplicable: "Why did you say that, sir?"

Jiang Ling asked her: "You didn't quarrel with Qingshuang, did you?"

He Xiang shook her head like a rattle: "No, Sister Qingshuang has a very good temper, no matter who is with her, she probably won't quarrel."

Jiang Ling: "She insisted on going back just now, and asked her to stay and eat breakfast, I don't know why."

He Xiang thought for a while, then said hesitantly: "Sir, actually... Sister Qingshuang seems to have been up all night."

Jiang Ling: "How do you know?"

He Xiang: "I woke up several times in the middle of the night, I can feel it."

At the end of Mao,
Sun Dazhuang came to the courtyard by the river to fetch fish.

It was a mess last night, and there was still a lot of baked fish left.Enough for a few days.

After he took the fish away, he sent it to Qingshuang's house.

When it arrives,
Sun Dazhuang picked up the finished fish pieces from her house, and she also went to the restaurant to collect the bill without asking He Xiang to accompany her.

After taking the money and returning, Sun Dazhuang also asked Sun Dazhuang to send the share of Hexiang to the small courtyard by the river, but she never came again.

Jiang Ling didn't know the reason for such a strange change.
But when he was wandering around the last few scenes of the capital with lotus fragrance, he accidentally heard a shocking news - General Gu had passed away.

and has been dead for days,
I don't know why, but I don't mourn.

Hearing people talk in private, only then did he know that this collegiate meeting had an additional condition in Beiguo, that is, Gu Qifeng was required to die.

The Honglu Temple was attacked at night, and the envoys of the Northern Kingdom were very angry. They thought it was Yongchao's provocation and disrespected the Northern Kingdom. They proposed to the emperor on the same day that Gu Qifeng should be bestowed with death.

In the end, the royal family agreed to this condition. That night, Gu Qifeng was bestowed with a cup of poisoned wine, and the Gu family was not allowed to make any noise about it, so he had to be buried quietly.

So far, the contract was successfully signed.

When Jiang Ling heard about this, he was filled with emotion.

It's no wonder that Cai Yongning's luck was lost so quickly,
It turned out that it was General Gu's death that made the world hate and curse Cai Yongning from the bottom of his heart.

At this point, he also lost interest in playing, so he took the lotus fragrance and diverted to the General's Mansion.

I wanted to get to know each other for a while, but after knowing this, I should pay homage to him.But the general's mansion refused to let him in when he reported his intention, so he had to give up.

On the way back, Jiang Ling looked up at the sky, and suddenly said: "I'm afraid this day will change."

He Xiang also looked up, thinking he was talking about the weather.

Jiang Ling suddenly asked her again: "He Xiang, what do you think of this capital city?"

He Xiang thought about it for a while, first nodded and wanted to say yes, then remembered the experience of coming to the capital these days, and shook her head again: "Sir, He Xiang thinks this capital is not very good."

Although this place is very prosperous, there is too much filth and horror hidden under the prosperity.

The noise of the streets, the flow of people coming and going, is not written about prosperity, but full of the word cannibalism.

If she hadn't been by Jiang Ling's side all the time, there might be no bones left now.

He Xiang shook her head firmly: "The capital city is very bad."

Jiang Ling: "How about we leave here in two days?"

He Xiang: "Well, I listen to the master."

Jiang Ling: "Do you have a place you want to go?"

He Xiang thought about it seriously, but shook her head not knowing.

Jiang Ling: "Then we'll talk about it when the time comes."

(End of this chapter)

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