River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 273 Immortal Taoism

Chapter 273 Immortal Taoism
The white crane flew over the Yellow River, the barking of the dog couldn't catch up with it, and gradually faded away.

Looking down from a high height, at this time on a mountain road outside Mingyang City, two lights and shadows are like star pellets jumping, meandering, coming towards the city.

'Two monks? '

Jiangling erased the white crane, fell from the sky, and stood on the main street, hidden in the darkness.

After waiting for a while, the two lights and shadows really came into the city.

The gates were closed, and they entered through the walls.

When I got inside, I saw a man and a woman, both young.

The man is about 25 and [-], and the woman is only in her early twenties.

Wearing black clothes, the shoes are not stained with dust.

The man holds the compass in his hand and locates the direction according to the point of the compass.

The woman showed a bit of impatience, and suddenly said: "Why don't you find a place to rest first, and it won't be too late to find it tomorrow."

The man said: "No, Master ordered, the sooner you find him, the better. People chosen by destiny are rare in the world. If they are recruited by other forces in advance, it will be our loss."

The woman refused to accept and hummed: "What's the big deal, the person chosen by destiny is just luck."

The man smiled and said, "That's true, but what the master told me, what should I do?"

The two moved forward, and the compass pointer in their hands suddenly pointed to the location of Jiangling.

When Jiang Ling saw it, he said what he said, "Move away", and then the pointer on the compass really moved away, pointing in another direction.

Those two people walked through several streets according to the pointer, and finally found the door of Xue's house.

Jiang Ling quietly followed behind and watched, and finally understood their intentions.

——They came here for the seventh son of the Xue family.

As a person chosen by destiny, if he can be recruited into his own family, and he will make a fortune in the future, it may be said that he will be all prosperous.

And from ancient times to the present, anyone who is chosen by the destiny will become a great event, without exception, so this kind of business can be regarded as a steady profit.

'As a cultivator, there is no reason not to say hello when we meet. '

Jiang Ling, who was hiding in the dark, picked up two rocks, and when the two of them were unaware, he suddenly threw them out.

Unexpectedly, the woman was alert, with long eyes in the back of her head.

As soon as the sound of the breaking wind started, she turned around quickly, and when she saw the stone flying towards her, she only turned her head slightly to avoid it.

Compared with her, the man's reaction was a bit slower. Just as he turned his head, he was hit on the face by the stone, and his nose bleeds, and half of his eyes turned black.

"Bastard, who is sneaking up in the dark?" the man shouted angrily.

The woman has already strode out, quickly catching up.

However, she chased to the street, only a short distance away from Jiangling, but because of the nightmare prayer technique, she still couldn't see him.

The woman only found three sandalwood sticks lit in the corner,
She kicked away, and the technique of nightmare prayer was broken.

But Jiang Ling also left earlier, and never saw the woman face to face.

'Unexpectedly, this woman is younger than that man, but her cultivation is higher than that man. '

Jiang Ling was satisfied when he returned to the inn.

The stone hit the man's face, and the energy feedback of [Daily Actions and One Evil] also sent a lot.

In short, it is several times more than ordinary people.

"Siya, can you see who it is?"

The man rubbed his eyes and chased after him, furious.

Woman: "Never."

She looked down at the three sandalwoods: "This person has been lurking here for a long time, but you and I haven't discovered it. His concealment method is really clever."

The man resented: "It's best not to let me see him again, if I run into him, I'll have to skin him off."

The woman thought for a moment: "Or the purpose of this person coming here is the same as you and me."

Man: "If that's the case, then he must not be allowed to succeed."

The woman pointed at Xue's mansion: "Do you still want to come to the door?"

Man: "Of course."

Woman: "You just come to the door like this? Are you afraid of affecting the prestige of the teacher?"

The man wiped his nosebleed, took another breath, rubbed his dark eyes, and suddenly took out a mask from his body and put it on: "That's it, mere mortals, when we see you and me, why don't we bow down? "

After agreeing, the two entered without invitation, followed the guidance of the compass, and after a while, they found the room of the seventh son of the Xue family.

The seventh son of the Xue family called it [Xingwei], which means that the starry sky is so big, with vertical and horizontal latitude and longitude.The name is a good name, but his parents wanted him to be a civil servant, but as he grew up, he became more and more like a general.

It was late at night, he was not asleep in the room, and he was still practicing his arm strength with a hard bow.

Sweating profusely all over the body, but never tired of it.

When the two men found him in his room,
He saw that these two people didn't leave the door, but actually passed through directly.I was also taken aback and asked them if they were people or ghosts.

The man and woman looked at each other and smiled, and the man said, "Do you know what your future destiny should be like?"

Xue Xingwei: "Who are you two? How dare you break into my mansion?"

He was really startled just now, but after recovering his senses, he took a few steps back, reached the table, picked up the quiver, and pulled out two feathered arrows.

Then the bow was drawn to the full moon and aimed at the two of them.

The man said coldly: "With a bow and arrow, you feel confident? If you really need to rely on it, you can try to shoot at me."

Xue Xingwei has never been frightened since he was a child. He killed wolves and tigers at the age of 14. He is so courageous that no one in the entire Xue family can match him.

Since this man wanted to seek death, he was not used to it, he immediately let go, as soon as he let go, two arrows shot at the man.

The man only held up two fingers contemptuously, and with a light squeeze, he clamped the two feather arrows together.

You must know that Xue Xingwei's arrows can pierce stones within twenty steps.Even if Li Guang is alive, it may not be in time.

But this man managed to completely hold his arrow with two fingers.

Xue Xingwei was shocked and couldn't believe it.

The man enjoyed his surprise, and said: "We are immortals, and today we are here to enlighten you. If you are not awake at this time, when will you wait?"

Xue Xingwei was taken aback, came to enlighten me?
He asked, "How are you going to enlighten me?"

The man said: "Your destiny is extraordinary, it's just that the heavenly orifice has not been opened. If you enter my door and open your heavenly orifice, what's the matter with you in the future? It's okay to be a god. Are you willing? "

When Xue Xingwei heard this for the first time, he still felt somewhat joyful in his heart.

Since he took the martial arts exam last year, he voluntarily gave up a subject, and finally missed the exam.After he came back, many elders in the clan ridiculed him, and he heard a lot of bad words.

Now, this man's words can be regarded as an affirmation to him.

In addition to being happy, he shrugged his shoulders again and said, "Even if what you said is true, so what? I'm not very interested in being named a marquis or general."

The man and the woman looked at each other, and they were not interested in being a marquis or a general?

The man asked: "You are not interested even in learning the Taoism of the immortal sect?"

Xue Xingwei: "So what? Learning the Taoism of the Immortal Sect can make a girl who doesn't like me fall in love with me?"

The man chuckled and looked at the woman again, only then did he understand.

It turned out to be trapped by love.

The man: "What's the difficulty? As long as you enter my mountain gate and learn the Taoism, a mere woman can easily catch you. Besides, once you become a fairy, in this world, there is no one who can stop you from doing what you want to do." ?”

Xue Xingwei's eyes suddenly brightened: "Really?"

Man: "It's true."

(End of this chapter)

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