River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 281 Primordial Spirit

Chapter 281 Primordial Spirit
Lin Jianqing's words were like nails piercing into Lin Yuewei's heart.

On one side is his family, on the other side is his husband.It is a dilemma.

However, Lin Jianqing really went too far this time.On this street, in front of so many people, talking about Jiangling like that.

If it is true that Jiang Ling is a married woman, then in Mingyang City, he will definitely be stabbed in the back.

And even if he hadn't taken every needle and thread from the Lin family, other people would not care about that, they would just take everything seriously, thinking that he was something inferior to a pig and a dog.

Although Lin Yuewei has a weak temper, it is impossible to watch her husband being put in a position of criticism.

Therefore, in such a choice, she resolutely chose to side with Jiang Ling.speak for him.

However, the price of this choice was that Lin Jianqing, as the patriarch, wanted to drive her out of the Lin family and confiscate everything except her name.


Watching Lin Jianqing and others leave, Lin Yuewei apologized to Jiang Ling in shame.

Jiang Ling: "What are you apologizing for?"

Lin Yuewei: "I just heard from the clerk in the store too, and I didn't know that such a thing would happen... Husband, sister Qingshuang and the others are all right?"

Jiang Ling: "They are fine."

Approaching her, Jiang Ling picked up the oil-paper umbrella to cover her from the rain: "Just now, actually, you don't have to say that."

Lin Yuewei shook her head: "Uncle talks nonsense like that, if I don't say a few words for my husband, outsiders will definitely blame my husband regardless of right and wrong."

Jiang Ling smiled slightly: "Fame is not important to me."

Lin Yuewei: "But... I don't want my husband to be misunderstood."

Jiang Ling pushed back the hair on her forehead for her: "But the price is that you will be expelled from the Lin family."

Lin Yuewei forced a laugh: "Yuewei is the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family."

Jiang Ling nodded, then took her hand, and went to the inn: "That's right, Jiang's daughter-in-law, so what if she is expelled from the Lin family. From now on, I will let them all know that when you leave the Lin family, not only It won't be a bad life, but it will make them all envious."

Lin Yuewei's hand was held by him. Although the two of them had the name of husband and wife, such an act of intimacy was rare.

Before people, it was even the first time.

And at this moment, listening to his words and feeling the warmth from his palm, Lin Yuewei's heart thumped, and she felt that no matter what happened, she had no regrets.

"Xiao Ke, don't come in yet, do you like to get in the rain?" Jiang Ling turned around and shouted.

Xiao Ke was in a daze in the rain, completely shocked by Jiang Ling's domineering attack on the Patriarch just now.

As the little maid of the Lin family, Lin Jianqing was a high-ranking figure in front of her. She just felt extremely excited after being beaten like that.

In the entire Lin family, only my uncle dared to do this.

"Oh, here we come." When she came back to her senses, she was extremely happy, and ran into the inn with joy and joy.

In the inn, Qingshuang and Hexiang are at the stairs.

When Qingshuang saw Lin Yuewei coming in, she lowered her head.

In front of his wife, she still couldn't pass her test, and she was ashamed to face her.

He Xiang opened her eyes curiously, looking at Lin Yuewei for a while, and Xiao Ke for a while.

After all, Lin Yuewei came from a family of merchants, and she was considered sophisticated in dealing with people, although she didn't know who was Qingshuang and who was Hexiang.However, from the reactions of the two women, one can see the general idea.

Before Jiang Ling could introduce them, she already walked up to Qingshuang and bowed to Qingshuang: "Yuewei has met Sister Qingshuang."

Qingshuang's delicate body trembled, and she, who was in a low self-esteem, suddenly received Lin Yuewei's confession. She was terrified, and hurriedly bowed her body in return.Can't bear it.

Lin Yuewei smiled and said: "I heard my husband talk about my sister earlier, and I saw her today, she is really beautiful."

Qingshuang was at a loss for a moment, extremely nervous, opened her mouth, but finally said nothing.

Lin Yuewei looked at He Xiang again: "Sister He Xiang is also pretty and cute, and I can have a companion with Xiao Ke in the future."

He Xiang was born as a maid, but at this time she was much calmer than Qingshuang, she bowed with a smile on her face, and shouted "Hello Ma'am."

Compared to Xiao Ke, she pouted at this moment.

Lin Yuewei was able to accept Qingshuang graciously, but she felt that this woman was going to compete with the young lady for the uncle, and she couldn't help but look at her eyes with two points of hostility.

"Xiao Ke, call someone?"

When Lin Yuewei reminded her, she just bowed and saluted as a gesture, but she didn't speak.

Seeing such an atmosphere, Jiang Ling felt relieved in his heart.

Mostly he didn't need to say anything, the two women could handle the relationship well by themselves.

Thinking of this, he asked the shop assistant to reopen the two rooms.

Let the four women go to the same room, talk more, and get acquainted.

With Lin Yuewei's temperament, he believed that as long as a little contact, Qingshuang's knot in her heart could be eliminated.

He himself went to a room alone,

At this time, in his soul sea world, the primordial soul formed a huge ball of light, spinning rapidly.

Before, he used [Daily Do One Evil] to tease the man and woman, and got enough soul power feedback from them.

Originally, he planned to sit quietly and digest when he returned to the inn, hoping to transform his soul.Who would have thought that this kind of thing would happen, so there was a slight delay.

Things are going on now,

He naturally returned to the topic and let the original soul enter the metamorphosis.

When the mind diverged, the halo in the soul sea world suddenly shook violently.

When the shaking frequency reached its peak, the light ball suddenly split open, and a glowing person walked out of it.

This man is three feet tall.

If you look closely, its features are very similar to those of Jiangling.

He walked a few steps in the soul sea world, and then crossed his legs, suspended in mid-air, his body shining with silver light.Like a god.

'This is the primordial spirit. '

The primordial spirit is in harmony with his mind, and when he has no thoughts, the primordial spirit is also clear in mind.

When he keeps his mind focused for a while, the primordial spirit raises the sky with both hands to sense the heaven and the earth.

At this time, if you come to meditate again, the unity of heaven and man will come with a bang.

The magnetic field of the earth's poles, the direction of the wind, and the human voice in the distance, once they are within a hundred meters, they cannot escape the sensing of the soul.

With just one thought, he saw with his own eyes that in the next room, Lin Yuewei was holding Qingshuang's hand, and the two girls were smiling.

Thinking again, he "saw" in the corridor again, the innkeeper was having a headache because of the smashed guest room.

Thinking about it again and again, the peddler's hawking on the street can be clearly heard, including what kind of goods he is carrying.

Feel free to move, and go further away.Suddenly, by chance, he "saw" the man and woman, returning from outside the city.

Both of them were in a bit of a panic, and both of them were angry, pressing down in their hearts.

Just because I "looked" at them more.They stopped suddenly, and the hairs all over their bodies stood up suddenly.

"Siya, do you feel that someone is spying on us?" The man looked in all directions.

Even a dull person like him can sense it, not to mention the woman's sharp sense of spirit.

She looked around to no avail, and cautiously, she winked at the man and left quickly.

At this time, Jiang Ling smiled and retracted his spiritual thoughts, and opened his eyes from the sedation: "The wonder of the primordial spirit is really indescribable."

(End of this chapter)

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