River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 304 Necronomicon

Chapter 304 Necronomicon

A piece of complicated and profound words, like spring water, flows in the depths of my mind.

Jiang Ling browsed with his eyes closed, read from beginning to end three times, and then opened his eyes again.

After understanding the full text, he sighed, "So this is "Nine Nine Ways of Hades"."

In essence, it can be regarded as the same way as "Qian Kun Yi Qi Gong" and "Shang Qing Yu Ling Jue", with the same general line.

It's just the middle part, "Nine Nine Hades" has many more delicate details, and the function of these details is to filter the aura of Ksitigarbha.

"Let me try it!"

He had absorbed a lot of Ksitigarbha Spiritual Qi before, but now it is no longer visible in all his limbs and bones.

But after the exercises followed the path of "Jiujiu Hades", these Ksitigarbha auras were uprooted by the farmers like seedlings, and all of them were caught out of the limbs and bones one by one.

This method runs for a week, and a ten-wheel mark appears in the dantian.

These ten rounds of imprints are like ten copper rings condensed into one big copper ring.

After the spiritual energy of the earth storehouse passed through here, it was filtered into two in an instant.

The first aura that was filtered out was normal aura, no different from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the human world.

The second thing that was filtered out was no longer aura, but drops of purple liquid.

They dripped down, and a concave pool was automatically opened below to hold the purple liquid.

"The Nine Nine Ways of Hades is really wonderful."

Not to mention anything else, just this filtering method is enough for people to survive in Ksitigarbha.

It's a pity that the first three bells scared all the corpses back into the ground.

At this moment, it is impossible to accumulate more spiritual nutrients.

Jiang Ling came to the place where they appeared before, and made noises on it.Shout and dance to attract.

wait a moment,

The corpses under the soil were really attracted, and their heads sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, popping out from under the soil little by little.

Seeing this, Jiang Ling swept across with his sword, beheading thirteen heads in an instant.

After the corpse clan beheaded, all the purple air came out of the body.A thick cloud of purple mist formed here.

Jiangling would not refuse anyone who came, and all of them were absorbed into the body.

After the "Jiujiu Hades Way" practiced, these spiritual powers were divided into two again and became their own nourishment.

The more the spiritual energy pool is replenished, the more vigorous the golden lotus will grow in the body.

Now the root system of the golden lotus in his body has spread all over Yuanchi, and above that, there are germs growing to an inch high.

"According to this speed, I'm afraid it won't be long before I will give birth to three flowers."

More and more corpses popped up underground,
Jiang Ling also killed more and more vigorously.

The individual strength of each corpse clan is not high, and they all have simple-minded, brutal and violent personalities.

Their horror lies in the sheer number of them, and they are inexhaustible.

If it was Feng Yiran, Bai Xuwu and others, it would be no problem to kill dozens or even hundreds of them, but if they do it for a long time, they will definitely exhaust themselves and encounter difficulties.

Moreover, it is okay before the corpse clan devours each other.

Once the white corpse appeared, it would be a different story.

Jiang Ling was killing at this time, while absorbing spiritual energy continuously to supplement himself.

This is equivalent to a perpetual motion machine, tireless and inexhaustible.

At the same time, there is a trade-off.

The more spiritual power he has accumulated, the more vigorous the golden lotus will grow in his body, and the more vigorous the golden lotus, the higher the body's responsiveness will be.It's a virtuous circle.

After two hours,
The corpse race on this piece of land was almost wiped out.

The number of massacres is estimated to be seven or eight hundred if not one thousand.

Jiang Ling inserted the iron sword into the soil, and moved his five fingers a little.

"I don't feel tired, and the spiritual power replenishment can keep up, so I can keep killing. However, the poison pool of purple venom in the dantian is almost full."

This venom stays in the body and does not do any good.

The method of "Jiujiu Hades" is to accumulate it first, and then use it as a weapon to vent it out.

"Try the power of this venom."

He stood on a high rock, and the remaining six corpses below were devouring each other.

Two of them have become white corpses, and after the white corpses devour each other, their bodies will turn slightly red.

The limbs of the last remaining corpse clan turned white, and the entire head seemed to be stained with blood.

It has sensitive limbs and excellent jumping ability.

Locking on Jiangling, he jumped up and threw himself on the rock.

With a shake of Jiang Ling's right hand, the spirit liquid in the poisonous pond flowed into his palm, and then he punched it out.

From the palm, like a rainstorm erupting, a cone-shaped liquid shot out.

As soon as the necromantic liquid fell on the white corpse, the white corpse pierced through it instantly.

Necromancer liquid is like a hundred times sulfuric acid, wherever it touches, it will corrode instantly.

Even the white corpse, the flesh and blood were worn away, and the bones were pierced through.

Just as the white corpse jumped onto the rock, Jiang Ling watched helplessly as its body decomposed, bit by bit like mud, and collapsed on the ground.

In the end, the entire white corpse became a stinking sludge.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ling was terrified.

"This poison is really unreasonable."

Even the corpse clan in Dizangtian can't handle this poison, let alone others?

If the human race is attacked, it will be wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Three days passed in a row.

During these three days, wherever Jiang Ling went, he killed him.

Killing the corpse clan, no less than tens of thousands.

The golden lotus in the body has been richly nourished, and now the germ has grown to the position of the upper dantian.

According to his guess, it will take at least ten days and a half months before the gathering of three flowers will be completed.

on the fourth day,

He met an old man by the river.

The cold-tempered woman and Bai Xuwu hid here in a state of embarrassment.

Because they didn't know each other at all, Jiangling was speechless.

When he was about to leave, Bai Xuwu called him back: "So who, you have a long life. You haven't died in the past few days."

Jiang Ling smiled, generally speaking, he had a good life these days, compared to the embarrassment of the two of them, he didn't care about them at this time: "If you die, you should be behind you."

Bai Xuwu snorted coldly: "Have you seen us all this way?"

Jiang Ling: "Have you dispersed?"

Bai Xuwu: "What are you talking about, let me ask you if anyone saw us?"

Jiang Ling: "Is this your attitude when asking people?"

Before Bai Xuwu came to Dizangtian, he had targeted Jiangling.

At that moment on the cliff, if it hadn't been for Feng's resolute appearance and his elder brother's shouting, he couldn't help but want to fight Jiang Ling.

Now in the Dizang Heaven, they have been wronged and frightened for the past few days, and their chests have long been filled with anger.

But who would have thought that Jiang Ling was so ignorant.

If it's a good answer, it's fine.

But he just wanted to provoke him, and dared to speak in such a tone.

Bai Xuwu suddenly jumped up, and with heavy feet, he fell from the sky.

"I have such an attitude, so what are you doing?"

Jiang Ling turned to dodge, Bai Xuwu's heavy foot landed on the stone slab on the ground, the slate cracked on the spot and shattered into a pile of slag.

(End of this chapter)

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