River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 318 Gutan Strange Things

Chapter 318 Gutan Strange Things
Jiang Ling: "Strange thing? Can you tell me about it?"

The three brothers were also cheerful, and Da Lang said: "Yesterday, at about the same time, my three brothers were looking for water in the mountains to eat. We have been to this place before, so we know the relationship between the three ancient pines. Next, there is an ancient pool, where there is water all the year round, sweet and sweet.

But just as we were passing by, we saw a young child jumping and jumping in the forest ahead of us, and went to the ancient pool.

At first, we thought someone's child had lost his way in the mountains, but when we searched for it, we found that there was no child there.

Nothing at all. "

Jiang Ling was surprised when he heard this, and wondered if it was some kind of ghost?
At this moment, San Lang continued, "That kid is white and fat, wearing a red bellyband, and braided upside down. We also thought about it for a long time before we suspected that it might be the ginseng essence that the old people in the village talked about."

Jiang Ling: "Ginseng essence?"

Jian Dalang patted his thigh and said: "No, if it wasn't for the ginseng essence, how could you just say you didn't see it? And the kid's dress was exactly the same as the ginseng essence in the old man's mouth. It's a pity, if you can catch it, Tsk tsk, we three brothers will be able to live comfortably in the future."

Jiang Ling: "If it's really ginseng essence, but the three of you tell me about it, aren't you afraid that I'll leak the news?"

The three brothers laughed when they heard the words.

Sanlang said: "The legend of ginseng essence in Jiugong Mountain has existed since ancient times. There are no less than a hundred people who have come to look for it in groups. But these things are rare and cannot be found unless they are destined."

Jiang Ling: "So the three of you stayed in the mountains, trying to find a way to catch that ginseng essence?"

San Lang said with a smile: "Where do we want to catch that ginseng essence? Three generations of our ancestors have lived in the mountains. Once we go out of the mountains, it takes several days to return. We set up some traps along the way and circled in the mountains. Only then will I go back, so as not to climb the mountain a second time.”

Da Lang said: "In this area of ​​Jiugong Mountain, if you don't know the way, it is easy to get lost in the mountain. If you don't know the way, Brother Jiang, you can come with us. But, we still have to watch the traps, I'm afraid we have to pay back. It will take a day or two to go down the mountain."

Just now Jiang Ling said that he got here because he lost his way in the mountains.

The three brothers didn't have any doubts, they really regarded him as a lost traveler.

Sanlang: "If little brother Jiang is interested in that ginseng essence, he can go with us to the ancient pool to try his luck later. It's just that we can't guarantee whether we can see it today."

Jiang Ling smiled, he wanted to leave on his own, but after hearing what they said, he thought that he would not be in a hurry for a while.

He was a little polite and stayed.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, the three brothers cut some branches here and built a simple shed.Then in front of the shed, a bonfire was lit.

Tonight, I will rest here.

According to the three brothers, in the past, they would not go so far when hunting in the mountains.

It's just that recently, the prey has become more refined, and it's not easy to catch.

In order for their family to make ends meet, no, they had to go deeper.

From the village to here, the mountain road stretches for almost 90 miles.

Just one way.

Set up traps and hunting ropes along the way, and wait for a few days at the end.After that, just go back the same way to see if there is any harvest in each trap.

"The weather has been fine for the past few days. If it rains, it will be difficult to stay in this forest."

According to Jian Dalang, no matter how strong a man is, he is afraid of typhoid fever.

Their father, when he was hunting, got caught with typhoid fever after getting caught in the rain, so he just went there.

In their generation, fortunately, there are three brothers who support each other, work hard and work hard, and life gradually gets better.

After the bonfire was lit, they took out the dried meat from their bodies and roasted it by the fire.

Jiangling was divided into half a rabbit's leg, and the food was very bland.

It's not that they are reluctant to put salt, but that ordinary families really can't afford salt.

Ordinary food is eaten as soon as you can put your mouth on it, so how can you be so particular about it?

Although the rabbit meat is bland, it has a strange fragrance after roasting.

Occasionally eat it, it is also a taste.

"Brother Jiang, look at your clothes, you should be a son of your family. With your status, you really shouldn't come to this kind of place. It's good to get lost now, but it will be dangerous if you encounter a big bug."

Jiang Ling smiled: "How many big bugs are there in this mountain?"

Jian Sanlang said: "Of course there are many. Just yesterday, our three brothers saw one. Fortunately, it was not big. After being threatened for a while, it ran away first."

Jian Dalang said: "However, after staying in the mountains for a long time, there are ways to deal with the big insects. Usually, if you hear the roar of a tiger and know where it is, you just don't go. In addition, if you encounter it in the mountains unfortunately, if you can beat it, you can fight it. If you can't beat it, then There is only resignation."

"Usually, tigers often come and go in this area, so if it's not that we really can't catch prey, we seldom come here."

They simply ate something, and they also set up some obstacles around them, in case there would be beasts coming and attacking at night.

But even so, they said that many villagers would still be eaten by big worms every year.

When Jiang Ling heard this, he was all moved with emotion.

If in the mountains and forests of later generations, where are there any tigers?

But in this era, there are many ferocious beasts in the mountains and forests.

It is very common for people who live in the mountains to die under the claws of ferocious beasts.

Jiang Ling: "How does hunting compare to farming?"

The three brothers looked at each other, and Da Lang smiled and said, "Plowing land? Where is the land to plow? All the fields belong to the landlord's family, and you have to wait for God to reward you with food. The weather is bad and you have to work hard all year long. It can't be done well." There is no income for grains, and taxes have to be paid.”

"If the harvest is not good in farming, you will starve to death; if you are not lucky in hunting, you will be killed by wild animals. In fact, it is the same."

"It's not easy to be alive these days."

After talking for a while, Jian Sanlang got up and stretched his muscles and bones: "It's still early, brother Jiang, would you like to go to the ancient pool with me?"

As soon as the words were finished, Jian Dalang scolded: "Sanlang don't mess around, it's already dark, so it's inconvenient to go again, wait until tomorrow."

Jian Sanlang: "Hey, it's not too far away, you can go back as soon as you go, and it will only take a while."

Jian Dalang: "If you want to go, just go by yourself, why bother to call Brother Jiang?"

After all, they are all honest and honest people. In his eyes, Jiang Ling is the kind of noble son who has never suffered.How can you compare with them?

They grew up in the mountains since they were young, and it is normal to travel at night.

But Jiang Ling went with him, if he fell and got hurt, he might not be held responsible.

Sanlang smiled awkwardly, and soon understood what the elder brother meant, so he scratched his head and had no choice but to give up: "Yes, it's too dark, we'd better go tomorrow morning, and rest here tonight, Brother Jiang, you should be sleepy earlier, I The three brothers take turns to watch the night, and if there is a situation, call in advance."

At this moment Jiang Ling said with a smile: "Brother Jian, don't underestimate me. In this forest, I am not much weaker than you. Third Brother Jian wants to go and have a look, the way is not too far, I will go with him It’s okay to go.”

Jian Dalang and Jian Erlang looked at each other, only smiled and said nothing.

In order to prove himself, Jiang Ling borrowed Jian Sanlang's bow and arrow, and suddenly the bow was full of the moon, and with the light of the fire, he shot through the three bats flying in the sky one after another, and nailed them to the big tree three feet away.

The astonishment of this arrow directly changed the expressions of the three brothers of the Jian family.

Jian Sanlang applauded directly and called out: "Brother Jiang is good at archery."

Jian Dalang and Jian Erlang also stared in amazement, and couldn't help clapping their hands and applauding.Looking at Jiang Ling's eyes, there is also more awe.

Jian Sanlang stood up excitedly, and patted his elder brother on the shoulder: "It seems that we have indeed underestimated Brother Jiang. Brother Jiang has this ability, so there is no problem. Brother, you wait here, we Go and come back."

Jian Dalang didn't stop him again: "Be careful in everything."


Jian Sanlang and Jiang Ling blinked, then happily ran out of the camp, heading towards a mountain nest.

Jiang Ling followed closely behind and went with them.

(End of this chapter)

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