River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 320 Gutong County

Chapter 320 Gutong County

At this time, the mountain wind was blowing, bringing a wisp of strange fragrance.

Just smelling its taste, you will feel a strong medicinal fragrance.

After a short search, Jiangling is on a steep rock, and there are green leaves wandering. The green leaves are divided into three branches, and each branch has five petals.

From the middle of the three branches, a bunch of green stems grows with some red vermilion fruits on them.

Look at the appearance of this thing, isn't it just wild ginseng?

'Growing in this dry land, it's no wonder that at night they would go to Gutan to drink and eat. '

Jiang Ling pulled the elk out of the hole first.

Seeing that its foot was broken, he connected the broken bone with it. Fortunately, it was only dislocated, and after a little rubbing, the elk was almost unharmed.

"Go quickly, from now on, don't be greedy anymore."

Jiang Ling nodded on the elk's head, and the elk sniffed him, then yelled, as if to thank him, and then flung its short tail away.

After that, he walked towards the cliff.

But stepping on a piece of soft soil, the place suddenly collapsed, revealing a deep pit.

make him fall into it.

As soon as he went down, countless roots sprouted in the pit, trying to wrap around him.

Jiangling let it do what it wants,
In just a few blinks, that tendril was like a steel wire, wrapping around his body and tightening it tightly.

A whisker even wrapped around his neck, trying to strangle him to death.

Jiang Ling suddenly shouted: "Release."

The roots that were tightly tied to him were all loosened in an instant.

And he also jumped out of the pit, jumped up, and arrived at the side of the ginseng in a blink of an eye.

Take a rope, put it on the branch, and the ground here suddenly trembled.

"In the stories of later generations, ginseng spirits are kind and well-behaved, but in reality, since they are spirits, how can they be kind and well-behaved?"

In fact, Jiang Ling had already seen it clearly last night. The ginseng doll looked like a doll, but in fact his face was full of wrinkles, and he looked older than a 90-year-old lady.

If you look closely, it must be very scary at night.

After all, it is a spirit monster, and it has lived for an unknown number of years before becoming a spirit.

It just looks like a doll, not really a ginseng doll.

And it usually needs a lot of nutrients to strengthen itself,

After becoming refined, the older you are, the more nutrients you need.

The most common method is to emit medicinal fragrance to attract those small animals to eat it, and it will hollow out the ground with its roots and set traps.

Like the little elk just now, it just smelled the smell of medicine and fell into the pit accidentally.

If Jiang Ling hadn't rescued it, then its end would naturally be strangled to death by the roots of ginseng essence, and then suck its flesh and blood for nourishment. Before long, only a dead bone would be left in the pit.

And Jiang Ling just fell, if an ordinary person fell, his fate would be the same as that of an elk.

It's no wonder that Jian Dalang and Jian Erlang are not very interested in capturing ginseng spirits. It is indeed not so easy for ordinary people to take advantage of spirits.

"Since you want to eat me, then I have to reciprocate."

He drew out his iron sword and slashed at the rock.

The place where the ginseng essence hides is also ingenious, it is a rock crevice.

If you pick it with brute force, you will at most pull off its stem, and its body can take the opportunity to escape.

But Jiangling has already wrapped its roots with ropes at this moment, so he doesn't try to pluck them with force.

The iron sword smashed the rock, and slowly dug out its main root, which was as big as a child.It is human-shaped and has limbs.

"It is said that ginseng can prolong life and eliminate all diseases. If it really has this effect, it would be good to take it back to Qingshuang and Yuewei to nourish their bodies."

From the perspective of the effect alone, the effect of ginseng essence is nothing, because the peaches he picked in the Longevity Realm also have similar effects.

However, the good thing is that peaches are not available every time, and if the ginseng essence can be cultivated, and usually only cut some roots to eat, it can be eaten all the time.

"It's just that since it has become refined, why is it still in this dry and barren place?"

Ginseng essence can walk, of course, it cannot run around during the day.Once at night, it can run around in the mountains and forests like it did last night.

With its ability, it is completely possible to leave this dry and barren land.

But it happened to drink the water all the way, and ran back again.

At the place where it grows, Jiang Ling discovered after a little sensing that this place connects to the Yin meridian and connects to Ruiyang.It cannot be said that it is a rare geomantic treasure land.

It is here, it can gather the spirit of heaven, earth, sun and moon, no wonder it still refuses to give up even if it is caught in a fire here.

At this time, after the ginseng essence was pulled out, some surrounding vines also slowly crawled towards Jiang Ling in front of Jiang Ling.

They haven't matured yet, but they already know how to compete for this feng shui spiritual position.

Whoever successfully occupies it for a hundred years, maybe he can really achieve the second ginseng essence.

The vines being contested at this time include a wisp of mountain tortoise vine and a wisp of Spatholobus vine.

They didn't grow on this side of the mountain originally, but after the fire, they spread from the opposite side of the mountain.

Looking at this strange scene, Jiang Ling was also amazed.

Without much intervention, he stepped down the mountain.

I wanted to call out the white crane and drive it to the east. I'm afraid it will take half a day, and it can be easily reached by nine hundred miles.

Then I thought about it again, since I came here, it was also fate, and it was only a day or two late after traveling all the way back.

Can also experience more.

If he hadn't stayed last night, then this ginseng essence should have been missed.

Thinking of this, with a clear mind, he took a big step, and after only half a stick of incense, he came to the foot of the mountain.

Seeing that there is a road at the foot of the mountain, I also happened to see a carriage parked below, and half a cart of firewood was still loaded on the carriage board.

But there was an old man on the side, lying in the grass on the side, his body shrunk into a ball, his right leg and ankle area was already purple and black.

In the purple-black center, two cavities are very obvious—obviously bitten by a poisonous snake.

Seeing that the old man was almost unconscious, Jiang Ling suddenly pulled him out of the grass.

After thinking about it, I pulled out some roots of ginseng essence from the Qiankun bag to try the effect.Chisel it with a stone, and then apply the broken juice and residue on the old man's wound.

After this application, the old man seemed to feel more comfortable.

Jiang Ling was afraid that the effect of the medicine would not be enough, so he plucked a few more whiskers from the Qiankun bag and fed them to the old man.

After the old man applied the medicine, he became somewhat awake.Seeing that Jiang Ling came to feed the medicine, he also ate it in cooperation.

After a while, the purple-black area on his leg disappeared as expected.

The whole person is also in good spirits, and his fatigue is swept away. It looks like he is still a few years younger.

The old man thanked Jiang Ling,

Jiang Ling also responded politely.

The old man looked at the Qiankun bag hidden in his sleeve several times, and was extremely curious.

Then he asked where Jiangling was going.

Jiang Ling thought of the three brothers of Jian's family and said that there is a county not far from here called Gutong County.

He replied, "I'm probably going to Gutong County."

As soon as the old man heard it, he said joyfully: "That's a coincidence, old man, I also want to go back to Gutong County. If you don't dislike it, Mr. Xiaolang, can I let the old man's carriage take you for a ride?"

If there is such a good thing, Jiang Ling will not refuse.

Nodding in agreement, he helped the old man load all the firewood on the roadside into the car, and then he sat on the firewood, drove the carriage with the old man, and wandered back to the county town.

(End of this chapter)

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