River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 326 1 male and 2 female

Chapter 326 One Man Two Women

Zhiqiu Yiye: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, why don't we go to Guizai Ridge to have a look while it's still early?"

Jiang Ling: "Alright."

Anyway, I have no other plans for the time being.

Now it was raining, the mountain road was slippery, and the horses did not ride.After untying the reins, Jiang Ling let it graze around by itself.

Knowing that Qiu Yiye went there once yesterday, this time he is still leading the way.

Not long after, the two came to a gloomy mountain.

Among the mountains, there are human heads everywhere, either under the trees or in the grass.

All of them have protruding eyes and look weird.

Ever since he came to this mountain, Jiangling had the illusion of being stared at by thousands of people.

These heads are all carved in stone, crying or laughing, angry or sad.

"I just chased here yesterday, and the monster disappeared."

"What monster are you chasing?"

"It's a blood corpse that eats the living. I cut off its head, but it wasn't enough to kill it, so it escaped."

"Is that the one?"

Jiang Ling suddenly pointed to the top of the mountain, where a figure stood.

Although it has human limbs, it lacks a head.

Listening to what Zhiqiu Yiye said just now, it happened to be right.

Zhiqiu Yiye has a keen sense of smell, but his eyesight and spiritual sense are far inferior to Jiangling's.

Looking along Jiang Ling's hand, he didn't see anything. After advancing more than 30 meters, he finally saw clearly that there was a headless man standing motionless on the top of the mountain in the hazy mountain mist.

"it's him."

After Zhiqiu Yiye set his sights on it, he quietly approached him in a dungeon.

But the blood corpse was also highly alert, and seemed to sense movement at this moment, and started running in the mountains with its legs free.

When Zhiqiu Yiye broke through the ground, the blood corpse had already run into the jungle first.

"Where to run."

Zhiqiu Yiye chased after him closely, one after another with the blood corpse, got into the jungle and soon disappeared.

Jiang Ling didn't have any interest in the blood corpse, he went straight to the edge of the cliff.

I just feel that this cliff is deeper than Feifei Eagle Cliff,
Thin mist lingered in the middle of the cliff, and bursts of Yin Qi were blowing outside.

It's a hot day in July, even if it rains, the weather is still hot and humid.But as soon as you get close to this cliff, the chilly feeling makes you feel like returning to winter in an instant.

Suddenly, five or six black shadows flew out from the depths of the cliff.

One of them flew to Jiangling.

As soon as he approached, a scene of evocative scenes unfolded in front of Jiang Ling.

In a daze, he saw a naked woman walking towards him on the sunny beach.

With his current cultivation level, his mind is as stable as a rock.

But even so, when he saw the woman, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of a heartbeat.

At the critical moment, the Jade Jue on his body trembled, bringing his divine sense out of the trance.

After waking up, he looked at himself and saw that the clothes he was wearing had petrified at some point.

When you slap it with your hand, it turns into fly ash.

When he looked again, a big black snake stood upright on the edge of the cliff, with a woman's face on it.

Seductive and seductive.

'What a powerful ecstasy. '

If Wu Ding Xin Jue had settled his mind just now, he would not have doubted that even his body might have been petrified.

From this point of view, I am afraid that the thousands of stone carvings on this mountain were not carved by hand, but were all living people who had been taught by this beautiful snake. '


Jiang Ling squeezed the seal formula with his hands, and pushed it out in one form [Opening Heaven Seal].

The golden light in his hand turned into a great sword that opened the sky, smashing the beautiful snake with one blow.

But after it was broken, it just turned into a black mist, first dispersed, then condensed again, and flew to other places.

Jiang Ling looked towards the jungle below, and knew that Qiu Yiye hadn't returned yet.

'This idiot hopes not to meet this beautiful snake. '

When I turned back, I suddenly saw a movement under the cliff.

It was a crimson glow like a horse, shuttling vertically and horizontally below.

In just a moment, most of the fog on the cliff was disturbed and evaporated.

Jiang Ling looked as far as he could, and now he saw the bottom of the cliff.

It turns out that this cliff looks very deep, but in fact it is not too deep, only about a hundred feet.

The crimson glow shuttled for a while, followed by a tragic roar sounded from the bottom of the cliff.

Jiang Ling plunged down, landed three times on the steep cliff, and finally landed lightly on the ground.

And that crimson glow, like a horse, suddenly burst towards him from afar.

Jiang Ling made a somersault in the air and dodged away.

Chihong Xiaguang's attack was ineffective, turned a corner, and chased him again.

In the second round, Jiang Ling drew out his iron sword and collided with the scarlet glow, finally knocking the scarlet glow away.

it flies far away,
About two hundred feet away, three figures stood.

With a choking sound, the scarlet red glow fell into the scabbard of one of them.It turned out to be a red sword.

"Who is coming?"

The owner of the scarlet sword changed form and walked out of the canyon in a zigzag phantom step.

In just a few blinks, the two of them were separated by about three zhang from Jiangling.

"Yeah, it's you."

When the three approached, Jiang Ling recognized a man and two women.

And the two women among them were also people he had known before.

"Yunhan, do you recognize him?"

The man suddenly asked.

A woman nodded, looking very surprised: "I know you."

Jiang Ling was equally surprised: "Miss Yunhan, are you here all right?"

It has been more than half a year since the last farewell.

At the beginning, the eccentric girl who slandered him for roasting chicken, looking at it now, seems to be a little more mature and a little less agile.

"Don't come here without any problems." Yun Han smiled slightly and nodded.Between the words, he really didn't look as spiritual as before.

The other girl beside her, if Jiang Ling remembered correctly, should be Li Zhien.

She was the same as before, reticent, and she didn't have any special reaction when she saw him.

Yun Han: "By the way, let me introduce you, this is our senior brother, Zhong Jin."

Zhong Jin has long hair loose and is about thirty years old.He really looked like he was in his thirties. In him, Jiang Ling didn't feel that kind of old but rejuvenated spirit.

Zhong Jin: "Where is he from?"

Yun Han: "He..."

She couldn't speak for a moment.

Jiang Ling said to himself: "Scattered cultivators."

Zhong Jin didn't even look at him, "Don't get in the way, go as far as you can, if you accidentally hurt you, don't blame me."

At this moment, a human-faced snake in a crack in the canyon took the opportunity to bite Zhong Jin close to the ground like lightning.


Zhong Jin pushed the two junior sisters away one from the left and one from the right, and then made orchids in his hands.

Singing Sanskrit in the mouth, behind it, a huge golden swastika shines brightly.

At that moment, it seemed that thousands of hands stretched out from behind him.

As soon as the human-faced snake approached, those tens of thousands of hands grabbed forward at the same time. As soon as the human-faced snake touched it, it was severely injured, flying hundreds of meters and hitting the cliff.

Jiang Ling saw that his eyelids twitched twice, and the future Maitreya mantra in his mind resonated involuntarily, and started to run automatically.

He took a closer look, and suddenly thought: Could this... be the Tathagata in this world?

(End of this chapter)

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