River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 333 Wufeng Fortress

Chapter 333 Wufeng Fortress

In the west of Qingzhou, after only flying more than [-] miles, they saw a large number of people fighting chaotically below.

Those who wore official uniforms were killed and retreated steadily,

Those who wear rough linen as their clothing and bamboo spears as their weapons are unparalleled in bravery, and the more they fight, the more fierce they become.

The rebel army is the general, erecting the word "Chen" as the flag, and the first person is riding a tall horse, full of vigor.

Jiang Ling looked over from the heights, but he saw familiar faces, wasn't it the same Chen brothers who met in the ruined temple back then?

Chen Xiangyi, the boss of the Chen family, was entertained by him in the ruined temple with all his brothers, eating pig and dragon meat, walking away with red eyes.

I haven't seen each other in just a few months, and these brothers have already made a name for themselves.

After a hundred and twenty miles, I suddenly saw starvation everywhere.

There are villages where all the villagers die,
Under Faye's eyes, a black mist lingered over the entire village.

Jiang Ling knew that it must be the lingering disease of the plague.

In such an era, whenever a plague occurs, it will be the dead from one village to another, or the dead from one city to another.Pretty scary.

Another hundred miles

Seeing that a city is being attacked by rebels, four city gates are about to be breached.

In and out of the city, blood flowed like rivers.

On the top of the city, the county magistrates and local gentry were running around like ants on a hot pot.

The gentry's wealth is full of anxiety. All their wealth is in the city. If they are attacked by the rebel army, the accumulation of their ancestors may be wiped out overnight.

"What should I do? What should I do? Master Liang, you are the county magistrate, and you must keep these goddamn traitors out."

The county magistrate also had black lines on his face, and said angrily: "I asked you to donate food and food earlier, but none of you are stingy and don't donate.

Little do they know that rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone humans?
If you make them unable to survive, they dare to fight with their lives.

Now you ask me to think of a way, what can I think of?

If they donated some food early, they would not starve to death. How could they be bewitched by others to do such things as siege? "

The rich and powerful nobles were speechless by him.

Ten days ago, the county magistrate found them and suggested that they donate food.

Because there are too many refugees recently, the nearby villages have been affected by the war, and the plague has ravaged, more and more people have come to the gate of the city, wanting to enter the city to seek asylum.

If these people are refugees from other places, it's fine to ignore them.

But these people are all citizens of the county, so it's fine not to let them enter the city, if they don't give them any hope of surviving, then the emotions will brew to a certain extent, and chaos will inevitably arise.

At the beginning, these gentry rich and wealthy didn't take it seriously, thinking that there had been people like this before.

But in the end, wasn't it wiped out by the government army?

Do they need food donations?

Even if the dogs eat their own food, they cannot be given to these refugees.

Unexpectedly, it was only a few days, they did not wait for the government army to suppress, but instead waited for refugees to attack the city.

"Master Liang, if the city breaks down today, you might as well bear the main responsibility."

The county magistrate looked at the city gate that was about to be knocked down, sighed, and suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist and pointed it at his neck: "I have studied hard for more than ten years. It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, the world has become like this, it's all because of you people who are short-sighted and greedy for profit.

The city is broken, and Liang has no face to face the people in the city, so he will take a step first! "

After speaking, he drew his sword and killed himself.

The rich and wealthy of the noble family were dumbfounded, and the majestic county official committed suicide just like that.

And at this moment, the refugees below finally picked up a huge thick log and smashed through the city gate.

In an instant, refugees rushed in from outside like a tide.

Burning, killing, and looting are like hungry wolves pouncing on food, and no one can stop them.



The rich and wealthy of the gentry chose a way to escape.

In the end, he was surrounded by refugees without even escaping from the gate of the city.Hacked them to death.


The white crane fluttered away,

In only three and a half hours, they came to a Wufeng mountain range.

Take the white crane away, and Jiangling falls into the mountains.

The location of Wufengbao cannot be seen from the sky.

Under the eyes of the eyes, I can only see that a huge area is shrouded in a huge bubble enchantment.

Everything in the enchantment looks unreal.

If you really want to find Wufeng Fort, you have to find the mountain gate and enter.

On the road, I met a stream with a stone bridge on the stream.

A woodcutter was carrying firewood and was about to go home down the mountain.

Jiang Ling met him and asked about Wufengbao.

The woodcutter looked puzzled, "Wufeng Fort? I've never heard of its name. This area is called Wufeng Mountain, which has existed since ancient times. As for Wufeng Fort, I've never heard of it."

Jiang Ling: "Have you heard of the immortals on the mountain?"

Then the woodcutter laughed: "If you want to talk about immortals, there are indeed immortals haunting this mountain. Going up from here, there is a three-character peak, and at the foot of the middle peak, there is an altar.

If the local people on our side suffer from any intractable disease, they will go there to ask the immortal.

In many cases, it can be cured effectively.

The guests should be people from other places, isn't it famous? "

Jiang Ling said casually, "Exactly."

The woodcutter: "It's a little late today. If you want to go up to the Three-character Peak, you have to start at Mao in the morning. If you climb to the afternoon, you can go to the bottom of the Three-character peak. The mountain is very cold. After the worship, the remaining time is just enough Come down. Guest, if you go up the mountain at this time, I’m afraid you won’t be able to climb halfway, and it’s going to be dark.”

Saying farewell to the woodcutter, Jiang Ling followed his instructions, and within a quarter of an hour, he went up to the foot of the three-character peak.

It is true that the mountain road along the way is steep and not easy to climb.

Under the middle peak of Sanzifeng, there is indeed an altar.

It is made of stone, and there are many incense ash and tribute residues on it.

When he got here, Jiang Ling opened his Dharma Eye, looked at it for a while, and saw that there was a mountain gate on the edge of the cliff.

To the naked eye, it looks like a cliff, but in reality, it is a smooth road, as long as you cross it, you can enter the real Wufeng Mountain Range.

He crossed in one step.

After stepping over the blindfold, you really came to a world of vitality and peace.

Here, it is still the Wufeng Mountains, but the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and it is as warm and suitable as spring.

Many mountain peaks are suspended on the ground, and occasionally figures can be seen flying around in the air.

'This Wufeng Castle is not too small. '

A little farther away, there are mountains and rivers.

There is a long waterfall, falling from the mountain peak, like a horse, falling into the Bitan below.

At this time, in the Bitan, Yingying Yanyan laughed and laughed.

Listening to the sound, there are many women playing in the pool.

Jiang Ling restrained his breath and hid in the jungle to approach quietly.

Through the lush bamboo forest, it is true that patches of whiteness are looming in the clear pool.

Young body, delicate skin.

Every move is full of energy.

However, the woman in the pool was divided into two sides.

At this time, after a certain woman arrived, the previous laughter and laughter suddenly stopped.

A woman sneered and said something: "Hey, isn't this the former Taoist companion of the elder brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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