River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 335: The Elemental Insect Breathing Technique

Chapter 335: The Elemental Insect Breathing Technique

Jiang Ling suddenly threw the dress in his hand towards her: "Let me lead the way."

Bai Siya took the dress, her body was like a ray of white light, she jumped into it, and in the blink of an eye, she put the dress on her uneven body.

It's just that the water hasn't been wiped clean, and the dress always looks a little wet and fits the curve better.

"Why should I lead you the way?"

Jiang Ling: "If I go looking for it by myself, I will always meet other people along the way. When they see me as an outsider intruding here, they will stop them if possible. Once they stop, I will inevitably kill them.

If you are not worried about too many casualties of the Bai clan, you'd better lead me the way. "


This reason seemed outrageous and rude, but she couldn't refuse it.

There are many people in the Bai clan, and she doesn't care whether they die or not.

But if a relative from her line met Jiang Ling, it would be something she didn't want to see.

Bai Siya pondered for a while: "I can lead you the way, but you must not reveal your tracks, and you must not make trouble in the Wufeng Mountains."

Jiang Ling: "For your sake, as long as my people are safe, I can promise you."

Bai Siya: "Actually, it's useless even if I take you there. You can't enter the Yuhua Cave if you want to. Those two girls can only get out if they cultivate their Qi of unity. Outsiders can't help them. "

Jiang Ling: "You don't need to worry about it, just lead the way with me."

Bai Siya didn't speak anymore, and with a wave of her sleeves, a gust of wind blew away, and the dress on her body became dry immediately.

She jumped away like a kingfisher, on the tip of the bamboo forest, she walked towards the mountain like stepping on blue waves.

Jiang Ling followed below, hidden in the bamboo forest.

Walking towards the mountains, Bai Siya met many people on the road.

There are elders and peers.

On a wide cliff, she also met the most embarrassing people——Bai Xufeng and his new Taoist partner!

As the head disciple of the Xu generation in Wufengbao, Bai Xufeng not only has a distinguished status among the younger generation, but also holds considerable weight in front of the older generation.

Because everyone knows that with his achievements, he will definitely be the leader of Wufengbao in the future.

If Wufeng Castle is regarded as an imperial court, then Bai Xufeng's status is equivalent to that of a prince.

Although young, he holds a high position and authority.

When Bai Xufeng saw her, he pretended not to see her.

With his hands behind his back, all eyes were on the new Taoist companion.

The new Taoist couple is called Bai Siqi, she dances a sword in her hand, and asks for advice from time to time.

Seeing Bai Siya passing by, she purposely asked loudly: "Brother Xu Feng, is this the tenth move [Bright Moon Chasing Stars]?"

Hearing these words, Bai Siya's delicate body trembled, her gaze was slightly absent.

I didn't want to look this way anymore, but I couldn't help but still took a look.

I saw Bai Xufeng said: "[Bright Moon Chasing Stars] raise your hand a bit higher, the moment you strike, the tip of the sword will be shaken by the stellar energy, and an arc will change, so that Haoyue Chasing Stars can be formed."

Bai Siqi covered her mouth on purpose: "My understanding is too poor, I can't learn it after several times, Senior Brother Xu Feng, will you blame me?"

Bai Xufeng: "What nonsense are you talking about? No one knows it at the beginning. You have surpassed many people with your current progress. It can be said that among all the female disciples in Wufengbao, your understanding is the number one."

Hearing this, Bai Siya resolutely turned around and left quickly.

Only now did Bai Siqi look this way "behind the clock": "Ah, that seems to be Sister Siya, Senior Brother Xufeng."

Bai Xufeng only hummed lightly.

Bai Siqi lowered her head, with a face full of self-blame: "I didn't notice her coming, is she...will be angry with me?"

Bai Xufeng: "Don't worry about her, let's continue practicing swords."

Bai Siqi was overjoyed: "Yes."

Bai Siya hurried all the way, and soon came to the bottom of a black mountain.

Jiang Ling also came out from the bushes behind her: "That bitch woman, is your replacement?"

Bai Siya: "Who else would it be if it wasn't her?"

Jiang Ling chuckled: "Didn't you say that the last four swords of [Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars] will not be passed on to ordinary people? It was not passed on to you before, but now Bai Siqi has learned the tenth sword. It seems that you are indeed not as lovable as her." .”

Bai Siya's almond eyes widened, her face covered with frost: "Shut up."

Jiang Ling: "Am I wrong?"

Bai Siya: "Don't say any more, this is the Yuhua Cave. Those two women are inside, if you have a way, take them away. I have already taken the way, and the rest has nothing to do with me, so don't come again Find me."

After saying this, she turned into a wind and floated away from here.

Obviously, just now on the other side of the cliff, she was greatly stimulated.

Jiang Ling smiled slightly, and then looked at the sealed Yuhua Cave.

The black mountain peaks stand tall.

The three characters of Yuhuadong are written with vigor and vigor, but someone used their fingers to vividly portray them.

The entrance of the cave, which is as tall as a person, is filled with golden light.

He moved forward, and the golden barrier immediately produced a repulsive force, repelling him out.

I wanted to forcibly break this barrier with mana.

Thinking about it again, if there is a lot of noise, it may cause trouble.

Then he took out a pen, stained it with blood sand, and drew a second door on the wall.

Once the door was completed, he walked in without any hindrance.

After entering the cave smoothly, I saw that it was full of jade.

The whole cave is built with flawless white jade,

On the white jade, the method of entraining and gathering Qi is engraved.

No. "Yuan female sting technique"!
"The god of the valley does not die, which is called Xuan Min."The gate of the mysterious female is the root of heaven and earth, if it exists continuously, it is not used frequently. '

Inside the cave, the length and width are two feet each.

There are 72 futons in the middle.

On the 72 futons, there are six people sitting here.

Among the six people, Jiang Ling saw Xiao Ke and Yue Wei.

The two of them closed their eyes, as if they had entered a deep sleep.

He didn't disturb them, he went up to check their physical conditions first, and found out that they were all right, so he was relieved.

Looking at the other people, they are no different from the two of them, they are all sleeping like that.

Judging from the "Yuan Min Zhexi Technique", this is the initial entry feature of the Zhexi technique.

People will be in a dormant state, sleeping for nine days.

If the qi is formed, you will wake up naturally after nine days.

If the breathing fails, you will not be able to wake up after nine days.

Jiang Ling is quite disdainful of "Yuan female sting technique",
This technique is not only superficial, but also quite risky.

If it were him, it would be absolutely impossible for Yue Wei and Xiao Ke to practice such a method.

Both "Qian Kun Yi Qi Gong" and "Shang Qing Yu Ling Jue" must be based on this method.

Of course, this law of Wufengbao may not be under these two laws.

But this method should not be qualified for everyone to practice.

It's like the last four swords of "Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars", which are hidden from everyone.

Right now, Yuewei and Xiaoke don't know how many days they have been sleeping.

During the deep sleep, not a drop of water entered, and both of them looked a lot thinner.

If you can't wake up after nine days, it's probably because you can't nourish your body with qi, and your body is exhausted and you die.

At this time, he took two roots of ginseng essence from the Qiankun bag and stuffed them into their mouths.

With ginseng essence to nourish the body, even if they cannot gather Qi after nine days, they will not die of exhaustion.

"Forget it, after practicing, it depends on whether you can successfully gather Qi after nine days."

At this moment they couldn't wake up, Jiang Ling simply put them into the universe bag.

Take it out from Yuhua Cave.

(End of this chapter)

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