River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 337 I can't bear it anymore, I don't need to bear it anymore

Chapter 337 I can't bear it anymore, I don't need to bear it anymore
Ten flying stars flew out from the tip of the sword one by one,
Bai Siqi's complexion changed drastically, and she staggered back.

She was still surprised that Bai Siya would also be able to do the tenth sword in [Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars],

The surprise didn't stop, and Bai Siya used the No.11 sword again.

It should be known that the last four swords of [Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars] are the essence of the whole sword art.Because of this, since ancient times, Wufeng Castle has been passed down to the descendant but not to the concubine.And each generation is not allowed to teach it privately.

Therefore, the gold content of the last four swords is quite high.

The power is so strong that it is far better than the previous nine swords.

Seeing ten flying stars flying towards him one by one like a moon disk, Bai Siqi could only use all her strength to block it with [Star Shining in the Sky].

With a swing of the sword, she blocked the four flying stars in front of her, but at this time, her moves were old and she was at the end of her strength.

After the four flying stars, there are six more coming one after another, attacking all vital points on her body at the same time.

At this time, she had no energy left to make another move.

Seeing that she was about to be unable to stop her, Bai Siqi could only instinctively swing the long sword with her eyes closed, screaming again and again.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~~~~~~~~
The sword energy of the flying star shot towards her, and the skirt on her body was cut into six or seven cracks in an instant.

When she was about to injure her body, suddenly a stream of black and yellow gang qi gushed out from behind her, like a metal eggshell, protecting her body and resisting all the six sword qi.

Bai Siqi closed her eyes, but she didn't realize it. She didn't open them until someone patted her shoulder.

When she saw the person coming from behind, it was actually Bai Xufeng, she burst into tears, and then buried her head in Bai Xufeng's arms: "Senior Brother Xufeng..."

With a gloomy face, Bai Xufeng patted his head lightly.

Bai Siqi immediately complained: "Thanks to Senior Brother Xu Feng who arrived in time, if it was any closer, Sister Siya would have killed me."

Bai Xufeng yelled angrily: "Bai Siya, why did you attack your family like this?"

Just as Bai Siya was about to speak, Bai Siqi rushed to talk: "Brother Xufeng, you don't have to say that about Sister Siya. In fact, people can understand Sister Siya. Don't blame her for this matter. If you want to blame me, blame me. Sister Siya shouldn't have seen Senior Brother Xu Feng teach me how to practice swords."

Bai Xufeng: "I'll teach you how to practice swordsmanship, what does it have to do with her?"

Bai Siqi: "Sister Siya is Brother Xufeng's former Taoist partner after all. When she sees her, she will always feel a little emotional. It's because she didn't think carefully, and it's my fault."

Bai Siya was mad with anger,

Obviously, it was Bai Siqi's fault-finding and provocation from the very beginning.

Now in front of Bai Xufeng, she turned black and white.Also pretending to be decent.

"Bai Siqi, you shut up." Bai Siya shouted angrily.

Bai Xufeng suddenly said: "Bai Siya, you should shut up. The matter of Taoist companions has been the rule of the Bai clan since ancient times. Why are you jealous of Siqi? Instead of having time to be jealous, you might as well put your mind on cultivation On. Your innate destiny is indeed excellent, but if the structure in your heart is only so big, it will be difficult to achieve great achievements in the future. Now, you and Siqi apologize, and I will not pursue this matter."

Bai Siya's slender fingers clenched into fists unconsciously.

Like back then, when she was Bai Xufeng's Taoist companion, she had never seen Bai Xufeng protect her like this.

But now, it's only been a few days since the replacement, and there is a world of difference between her and her treatment.

Involuntarily, she smiled miserably, inexplicably thinking of what Jiang Ling said about her—【You really are an unpleasant person】!
Bai Siqi: "Brother Xu Feng, forget it, from the beginning to the end, I didn't blame Sister Siya at all."

Bai Xufeng snorted coldly: "Siqi speaks for you everywhere, but what about you? If you don't apologize today, I will never forgive you lightly."

Bai Siya felt a pain in her heart, and after the severe pain, it actually aroused her old arrogance.

The face inside was gone, and the little bit of dignity left made her have to clean up and protect herself.

"If you don't apologize, how will Senior Brother Xu Feng treat me?"

Bai Xufeng: "The state owns the state law, and the family has the family rules. If you don't apologize, you will be treated as fratricide, and you can do whatever you want."

The Wufengbao clan law, fratricide, abolition of cultivation, confinement, expulsion from the clan, never to return.

Bai Siya couldn't help but took a few steps back, looking at the man she was once proud of with miserable eyes.

Now, to punish her with such a serious crime!
At this moment, Bai Siqi pulled Bai Xufeng's sleeve and advised him: "Why don't you let it go?"

But Bai Xufeng was even more aroused to protect her: "You don't need to intercede for her. If I hadn't arrived in time, your life would have been in danger. She treats you like this, why should you treat her like this?"

Bai Siqi pretended to be puzzled: "Speaking of which, Sister Siya's swordsmanship is a bit like the No. 11 sword of [Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars]. Could it be that Senior Brother Xu Feng taught her so much?"

It's better not to mention this,

As soon as he mentioned it, Bai Xufeng also remembered it.

[Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars] He knows it all, so when he saw No.11 sword suddenly, he didn't have any special feelings.

But after Bai Siqi deliberately mentioned it, he realized that not everyone can learn the last four swords of "Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars".

For example, the tenth sword that Bai Siqi learned was also an exception to teach her because of her obedience and understanding.

But that's all.

Can't teach much.

If you teach too much, the Presbyterian Church can't justify it.

And Bai Siya, as a collateral, is also a woman.

He never taught Bai Siya any tricks.Normally, Bai Siya shouldn't be able to use the last four swords of [Thirteen Star-Chasing Swords].

"Tell me, where did you learn [Valley in the Sky]?"

Bai Siya: "You don't care."

Bai Xufeng's face turned cold, and he stepped forward suddenly, his body erupting with momentum.

Three flowers gathered on the top of the head, and a surging air pressure rushed towards Bai Siya like a bell like a tripod.

"What do you want me to do? Say it or not?"

Bai Siya: "Don't tell me."

Bai Xufeng took a step in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Bai Siya.

A palm hit her shoulder, and her body flew back four or five feet.

Bai Siya's throat was fishy and sweet, her stomach felt nauseous, and a large stream of blood gushed out of her mouth.

Obviously, Bai Xufeng's palm was not light.

Bai Siqi watched from behind, showing an imperceptible smile, which disappeared for a moment, and then she begged again: "Senior Brother Xufeng, why don't you let Sister Siya go?"

Bai Xufeng: "Today I am the family law, no one should intercede for her."

After finishing speaking, he raised his palm again, wanting to approach Bai Siya for the second time.

But at this moment, Bai Siya's ears were inexplicably heard from a secret sound transmission from nowhere—"Being beaten while standing, and not fighting back? Are you stupid?"

Bai Siya's delicate body trembled, and she instantly recognized who the voice was.He hurriedly turned his head to look around.

—— "Don't look around, take care of your own business, such a bitch, you still give way modestly, and keep it for the New Year?"

Bai Xufeng blinked and approached again: "Say it?"

While speaking, the second palm struck again.

Bai Siya grasped the green bamboo sword, feeling resentful and angry.

Jiang Ling's instigation was like a spark that ignited a long-simmering powder keg.

With a scream, she swung her sword and stabbed at Bai Xufeng's wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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