Chapter 343
After Yun Han and Li Zhien were in a daze for a short time, they also discovered Jiang Ling's existence.

They were both surprised,

One must know that this is Yunyan Pavilion, why did Jiangling come here?
And among the 72 brides, there are two women who are so close to him.What's going on here?

Li Zhien was shy and didn't dare to speak. After all, Yun Han still had some friendship with Jiang Ling, so he came to ask him.

Jiang Ling said: "You Yunyan Pavilion is also very domineering. No matter if it is a woman or a girl from a good family, you will grab it as a bride without asking whether you want it or not. Are you afraid of causing unbearable karma?"

Yun Han was too ashamed to say anything, on this point, she couldn't justify Yunyan Pavilion.

Jiang Ling asked her again: "You two were Yunyan Pavilion disciples, why were you also bound there? Could it be that you two are also willing?"

Yun Han hesitated a little, nodded and said, "It can be said that none of the people who know the truth is voluntary."

Jiang Ling: "Why?"

Yun Han: "Privately, I heard that Yunyan and Rongdao exercises have disadvantages. Gathering yin and offering yang, men and women practice together, will only benefit men. Women will practice once, and they will grow old. Once fellow practitioners do not come out In three years, I will lose my youth and become an old woman."

Jiang Ling listened, and sneered: "No wonder you have to take 72 concubines. If you don't have this number, it's really not enough."

Yun Han: "Although the elders of Yunyan Pavilion said that fellow practitioners and us have great benefits, and they also have resources to make up for it, but compared to the perishability of youth, no one wants to take this road.

Just last night, after the elder's persuasion failed, the two of us lost consciousness inexplicably. "

Jiang Ling: "When you joined Yunyan Pavilion, did you ever regret it?"

Yun Han and Li Zhien looked at each other, they were both in the same class, and they both had deep feelings: "Yunyan Pavilion used to be very good, and my master also went out from Yunyan Pavilion before. Now, because of the rise of Senior Brother Zhong Jin, Yunyan In order to cultivate him, the cabinet has tilted all resources towards him. If it was before, it would definitely not be like this."

Jiang Ling: "But now, it's already like this. I want to take people away now. If you want to leave too, you can go with me."

Yun Han and Li Zhien looked at each other again, looked at the lotus pond outside the attic, and murmured: "Can we really leave?"

Although they don't know how Jiang Ling got in,
But this is the hinterland of Yunyan Pavilion, and what day is it today?
The 72 women in the attic are qualified women who were selected with great difficulty to help Zhong Jin practice.

Moreover, Yunyan Pavilion invited so many guests to watch the ceremony today, and set up a banquet,

If they ran away, how could the banquet go on?

No matter who is missing, everyone in Yunyan Pavilion is absolutely unwilling.

Jiang Ling said, "You only have to leave if you want to, there is nothing you can't do, it's up to you to decide."

After speaking, he walked out with Qingshuang and Hexiang.

Those women in the attic who were kneeling and crying before heard what he said, and followed him out of the attic.

They could all see that the man in front of them was here to save his own woman.Although rescuing them was easy, they could indeed seize the opportunity and go out with him.

There were two or three people who took the lead and left, and other people followed after seeing this.

In the blink of an eye, only Li Zhien and Yunhan were left in the attic.

——It turns out that all women are unwilling!

The two of them looked at each other again, nodded to each other, and followed out of the attic.

But before walking out of the central corridor of the lotus pond, suddenly an old woman and two girls came with flower baskets.

Yunhan recognized that it was Xiangu Meng, who was in charge of the banquet etiquette.

She brought the flower girl here at this moment, probably just to prepare for the banquet.

When the old woman saw these women running out of the attic, she yelled loudly on the spot to tell them to stop.

"Is there any reason for this? How is it proper to run away like this? The banquet is coming soon, why don't you go back to your room quickly?"

The women scattered around seemed to be afraid of the old woman, and they backed away after hearing the scolding.

Only Jiang Ling is still walking forward with Qingshuang and Hexiang.

When Xiangu Meng saw a strange man appeared here, she immediately became furious: "Who are you? How dare you trespass into the inner courtyard of Yunyan Pavilion?"

Seeing Jiang Ling holding Qingshuang's hand, and behaving affectionately, he shouted again: "How can this be reasonable, why don't you let go!?"

Jiang Ling heard the noise, and frowning, the left hand that wrote the edict suddenly shot her across the air—【定】!
Under the body-fixing curse of the Kunlun School, the old woman's furious posture was instantly frozen, standing motionless on the lotus.

Seeing the two flower boys, they all wanted to run away, and then they turned around and slipped away.

But Jiang Ling's immobilization spell followed closely, and he called out to them both, and they were also locked in mid-air, as if the space had frozen.

After all, He Xiang still has a childlike heart. Seeing the magic of the fixing spell, she clapped her hands and jumped up happily: "Sir, you are so powerful, this kung fu is really useful."

Qingshuang also has wonderful eyes, and with Jiang Ling by her side, she feels more at ease.

The faces of the rest of the girls were full of surprise, especially Yun Han and Li Zhien.

You must know that this is Xiangu Meng, one of the twelve immortals in Yunyan Pavilion.

The way is profound, and the cultivation base is not shallow.

Usually these female disciples have to respect and worship them.

That Cheng thought, this is just a face-to-face meeting, Jiang Ling only used a immobilization spell to immobilize Xiangu Meng and the two flower boys.

It should be known that the body-fixing curse is a unique skill of the Kunlun School.

According to legend, this technique depends entirely on Taoism. If the Taoism is higher than that of the opponent, the body-fixing technique will be effective.Otherwise, it is invalid.

This Jiangling easily captured Meng Xiangu, which shows that he is not only higher than Meng Xiangu, but also more than a little bit higher.

If this is not much higher, how can the freeze technique have such an effect?
Jiang Ling: "If you like it, I will teach you when I go back this time."

He Xiang: "Okay, okay, if I learn it, then I will fix anyone who doesn't like me in the future."

As soon as the words were spoken here, more than a dozen people suddenly flew over from the exit.

The leader was a big man with a beard, and his voice was as loud as thunder: "Who do you want to lock down?"

When Yun Han and Li Zhien saw this person appear, their faces paled immediately, and Yun Han blurted out: "He...he is Zhong Jiaoxi, one of the five masters of Yunyan Pavilion Presbyterian House."

Jiang Ling listened, just nodded slightly, and continued to move forward with Qingshuang and Hexiang, without stopping for a moment.

The bearded man glanced at him: "Fix body technique? Whose junior of the Kunlun sect are you? Today, the Yunyan Pavilion invited Bafang to watch the ceremony, not to make trouble. The people who were immobilized outside the courtyard of Yunyan Valley were also done by you." ?”

Jiang Ling: "Crack!"

While raising your hands, set your palms forward again.

Half of the dozen or so people brought by the man with curly beards were captured in an instant.

When Jiang Ling shifted direction, he directed the bearded man, the bearded man became stiff for a while, his limbs struggled violently, and the hold spell was broken by him.

The man with the beard: "How dare you make a fool of yourself with an axe!"

He strode out with three claws out of his right hand, and in an instant, a phantom of a golden roc eagle appeared in the sky.

The sharp claws pierced the sky, scratching like a hurricane.

Jiang Ling's tone became cold, and he said what he said casually, and shouted again: "Make it for me!"

The bearded man stretched his sharp claws halfway, and stopped suddenly, including the remaining half behind him, who were as stiff as a vulture at this moment, and did not move anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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