Chapter 346
As soon as Jiang Ling's words came out of his mouth, everyone was shocked.

The young pavilion master appointed by Tangtang Yunyan Pavilion, he dared to say that the other party was barking like a dog!

Sure enough, Zhong Jin himself exploded angrily on the spot, pinched the seal with one hand, and an octagonal exquisite seal bombarded from the air in an instant.

Jiang Ling also formed the Heaven Shattering seal instantly, and when the seal was printed, it collided with the octagonal exquisite.

Immediately there was an explosion in the valley like thunder,

The earth shook and the space shook.The onlookers evacuated one after another.

And Fan Tianyin's shot also made Zhong Jin frowned slightly, and he suddenly asked Qi Xiangu: "Qi Xiangu, I heard you say that someone has mastered the same stunt as me, the person you said at that time , could it be this person?"

Zhong Jin became famous and mastered a mahamudra of real numbers, a total of nine seals, invincible.

Once when he was practicing in the valley, he happened to be discovered by Qi Xiangu who was passing by.

At that time, Xiangu Qi saw that he had used the [Suppressing Heaven Seal], and suddenly thought that Yaotai would try to meet Jiang Ling in those few days.

When Jiang Ling fought against Zhou Bowang, a middle-aged scribe in Qingfengling, he defeated him with a similar big handprint, so she had a deep memory.

It's just that compared with Zhong Jin's big handprint, which seems to be made by Jiang Ling, it is quite inferior.

So that day, she only mentioned a few words.

But Zhong Jin didn't take it seriously at the time, he must know that the nine-form real-number mahamudra is a secret method that he accidentally obtained, and it is a secret that cannot be passed on.

Apart from him, how could there be another person in this world to learn it?

He didn't take it to heart at the time, but after seeing Jiang Ling actually used the [Tian Tian Yin], he immediately recalled it.

It reminds me that Qi Xiangu came back from participating in the Yaotai Examination, and the person she met at that time should be the desperate man surnamed Jiang in front of her.

Qi Xiangu nodded, "It's him."

Zhong Jin confirmed the result, and his eyes became even more murderous: "Only you are worthy of using the Mahamudra of True Numbers?"

While speaking, he formed a seal with both hands, and suddenly he released the [Tiantian Seal] and slapped it out.

While the seal was condensing, a huge golden Buddha phantom appeared behind him, with a golden body of six feet, and his eyes were full of anger.

The golden Buddha stretched out his magic hand and lifted up an eighteen-story pagoda. The golden mango was magnificent and unstoppable. When the Buddha king was angry, the demons were frightened.

As soon as the wobbling [-]-story pagoda was released, it came to suppress Jiangling.

Falling from the sky, it seems to be pressing down an infinite mountain of five elements.

The hunting wind blows mountains and seas.

'Eighteen-story Pagoda, I am not as good as it! '

Seeing this official version of [Zhen Tian Yin] for the second time, Jiang Ling was still very shocked.

At the same time, he became more and more sure that the three poses he practiced were either secretly learned by the monks in the Golden Gate Cave back then, or he imitated them.

Therefore, the power of the three-style real number mahamudra is far less than that of the genuine version.

The huge [-]-story pagoda was about to be suppressed,
Anyone who was shrouded by the pagoda could not escape the fate of being suppressed.

In light cases, the whole body is imprisoned and cannot move; in severe cases, the bones are shattered and limbs are useless.

But just when Zhong Jin's six-foot-long golden Buddha was unstoppable, Jiangling's future Maitreya mantra movement also resonated.

At the same time, behind him also condensed a six-foot-high golden body Buddha.

It's just that the two of them also have the phantom of a Buddha with a golden body of Zhang Liu condensed behind their backs, but their respective forms are different.

Behind Zhong Jin, the golden Buddha with angry eyes and thousands of hands is the Tathagata.

And behind Jiangling, the golden Buddha with benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes, big belly and capacity to accommodate, is the great Buddha Maitreya.

This present Tathagata meets the future Maitreya,

The infinite aura of the two giant Buddhas is fighting each other across the air.

In an instant, it was as if tens of thousands of monks were singing Buddhist music, and the melodious sound made people dizzy.

Jiang Ling suddenly pointed at the eighteen-story pagoda falling from the sky and shouted, "Break!"

As soon as the words came out, the eighteen-storey pagoda was really broken, split from it, and disappeared in an instant.

Zhong Jin was still contemptuous before, but after seeing the future Maitreya behind Jiang Ling, he finally paid attention to it.

"What's that?"

He only saw that Jiang Ling's facial features were similar to his own, but when he looked carefully, they were not the same.

The Buddhas of the third age said that there are not many people who know what is left over from ancient times.

He has always thought that his Tathagata in this world should be proud of the world.

But looking at it at this time, there is actually a golden Buddha, no less than his own Tathagata in this world.

Jiang Ling suddenly pointed at him, and said in a loud voice, "Zhong Jin, kneel down."

Zhong Jin heard the order, and somehow, his body was uncontrollable, and he was about to bend his knees and kneel down towards the ground.

No matter how strong his will is, he can't resist the gradual bending of his legs.


Zhong Jin shouted furiously, and the Golden Buddha behind him burst into golden light, absorbing a large amount of invisible energy from the surroundings.

In just a short moment, his momentum skyrocketed again.

The Tathagata in this world with a golden body of six feet stretches out his thousand hands, standing upright.

Forcibly resisting Jiangling's words and sayings!
This is also the first time that Jiangling's use of the method of speaking out has failed.

'Luck?What he absorbed was the luck of everyone around him! '

Jiang Ling had seen that kind of Qi in Cai Yongning before.

Although the color is a little different, the shape is the same.

'My future Maitreya practiced mantra luck, and his current Tathagata practiced Nayun method? '

In the method of spell luck, a variable word is highlighted, which indicates that the future is immeasurable and full of variables.Therefore, he can speak out the law and decide what a person will do in the future.

And the Nayun method is to gather the energy of the world for your own use, highlighting the word "tyrant".

Tathagata Township, using thunder to fix the Quartet, is a hero in the first place.Accepting luck is also borrowing the luck of the people in the world to strengthen one's own body.

'Okay, I want to see today whether the current Tathagata is stronger or the future Maitreya is stronger. '


Jiang Ling pointed at Zhong Jin and shouted.

The method of speaking out followed suit, and it actually cut off his method of transportation.

Zhong Jin glared at him fiercely, and the Nayun method was absorbed from the surroundings in an instant.

Jiang Ling drank again: "Break it for me!"

Luck flew halfway, and broke itself again.

Zhong Jin was so angry that he raised his palm and hit Jiangling across the air.

The six-zhang golden Buddha behind him struck at the same time, and those thousand golden hands slammed, chattering like a torrential rain.

Jiang Ling waved his hand in front of him, and suddenly a pool of water flew up, forming a huge water curtain, blocking the front.


The water curtain is like a golden bell, separating heaven and earth, and the thousand-handed Tathagata bombarded him, and the golden ripples closely connected with the water curtain, shaking the water waves soaring into the sky.

For a while, the Yunyan Pavilion valley was full of rain, as if it had been affected by a tsunami.

The earth-shaking impact caused the spectators around to retreat again and again.

Everyone was shocked that these two people had such earth-shattering cultivation at such a young age? !

(End of this chapter)

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