River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 351 Pregnancy

Chapter 351 Pregnancy

Jiang Ling only raised his hand, and with a soft call, the galloping crazy horse suddenly kicked forward and slammed on the brakes.

When they stopped, the forefoot was only a slap away from where the three of Jiangling were.

The carriage was fixed at the rear, and the carriage extension and the curtain were stained with blood, which hadn't dried completely.

It can be seen that the carriage must have been bloodied at the back, which startled the horse and drove it so fast.

Jiang Ling went to the car and opened the curtain to see if anyone was there.

But as soon as he grabbed the curtain of the car, a woman's scream came from inside.

There was a delicate figure curled up inside, leaning hard towards the corner, holding a pair of scissors in his hand, facing the door tremblingly.

After the curtain of the car was lifted, Jiang Ling and the woman in the car looked at each other, but both of them were surprised at the same time.

"Mrs. Cai?"

The woman in the car was weeping, stunned for a while, and then stammered, "Mr. Jiang...Mr. Jiang!"

She put away the scissors, wiped away her tears, and quickly gathered her messy hair.

I haven't seen her in a few months, but now she is wearing a plain dress without whitewashing.But that's the case, that mature woman's demeanor is also unmatched by ordinary women.

Jiang Ling was surprised: "Madam Cai, why are you here?"

The woman in the car looked away, and when she calmed down, she responded with a smile and asked, "Mr. Jiang, why are you here?"

In fact, Mrs. Cai didn't say anything, Jiang Ling thought about it for a while, and he could also think of why she was here.

After Cai Yongning's death, the Cai family's life in the capital must have been difficult.

Even though the emperor nodded for the peace, the Cai family still has to bear the burden.Cai Yongning's death, at most, slowed down the process a little.

Jiang Ling: "Wandering all over the world, I happened to pass by this place."

Mrs. Cai looked out of the car when she heard what he said, and when she saw two women, she forced a smile and asked, "Are those two members of Mr. Jiang's family?"

Jiang Ling nodded: "Nezi Qingshuang, as for Hexiang, you should be familiar with it."

Mrs. Cai didn't pay attention at first, but after hearing Jiang Ling's words, she took a closer look at the two women.

To Qingshuang, she was a stranger, but to He Xiang, after careful identification, she recognized this little girl whom she had met on the Duan family's boat back then.

Madam Cai nodded: "Young girl from the Duan family."

He Xiang was also polite, stepped forward and bowed to salute: "I have met Mrs. Cai."

Mrs. Cai reluctantly responded with a smile, but suddenly saw the blood on the car curtain, she covered her mouth suddenly, and retched.

Jiang Ling: "Did Madam encounter danger just now?"

Mrs. Cai retched for a while, then raised her head again, with tears in her eyes again, almost choked up and talked about her experience just now.

It turned out that after Cai Yongning passed away, the life of the Cai family in the capital was indeed difficult.

Whether it is the common people or Confucian scholars, they all criticize Cai Yongning in words and in writing, saying that Cai Yongning is a traitor and traitor for betraying the country and seeking glory.

It can be said that the wall was pushed down by everyone, and the majestic Cai Mansion, from the previous aloofness, has become a street mouse, and everyone shouts and beats.

It was also because Miss Cai was accepted as a concubine by the third prince in the end, so the family of Cai's family still had some face saved by the royal family and was not completely liquidated.

But even so, Mrs. Cai couldn't stay in the capital anymore.

Miss Cai suggested that she should go back to her hometown, and she followed the suggestion, so she returned from the capital with a servant girl and two servants.I want to go back to Linzhou County.

Who would have thought that there would be no problems in the first few days, but in just these two days, there were chaos everywhere.Many places are at war.

In order to avoid the war, they traveled day and night. Even though they were very careful, they still encountered a group of bandits. They didn't know whether they were soldiers or thieves.

Fortunately, they were riding in a carriage, and under the desperate protection of servants and maids, the carriage finally rushed out.

But the two servants and the maid were dead and wounded.

The servant was hacked to death by the gangsters with a knife, and the maid was violently bumped and fell off the car from the door, and she did not know where she fell, and there were many gangsters at that time, so she probably died at this time.

Jiang Ling asked again how far the carriage had traveled,

Mrs. Cai shook her head, saying that she didn't know how far she had run, but the horse had been running since it was frightened, probably for about an hour.

Madam Cai, who had just finished retching while talking, suddenly had tears in her eyes, and felt sad while clutching her stomach.

It seemed that her stomach was hurting, she closed her eyes and couldn't make a sound.

It should be noted that the ancient carriages, wooden boards and wooden mats, even if some furs were put inside, are still very hard overall.

Moreover, the official road is full of potholes, wooden wheels run on it, and it is not comfortable for people to sit in the car.

Coupled with the fact that the two horses were galloping all the way, the person sitting in the car had no obvious trauma, so it was already considered lucky.

Jiang Ling: "What's wrong?"

Mrs. Cai burst into tears, fell down on the car floor, stretched out her jade hand, as if grasping at straws, and grabbed Jiangling's sleeve: "Jiang...Mr. Jiang...I...my stomach hurts...it hurts... ..."

Seeing her lying down, Jiang Ling also realized that her lower abdomen was swollen, obviously she had been pregnant for several months.

With such a big belly, it was a miracle that she didn't have a miscarriage when she was subjected to such bumps day and night.

Mrs. Cai, who was in severe pain, was sweating all over her head, and the pain in her abdomen was like being cut by a knife.

Jiang Ling thought that although Cai Yongning was nothing, it had nothing to do with Mrs. Cai.

Now that we have encountered it this time, there is no reason to ignore it.

I took a short beard of ginseng essence from the Qiankun bag and brought it to her mouth, "Open your mouth."

Madam Cai groaned in pain, and barely opened her mouth halfway.

After the roots of ginseng essence were fed in, Jiang Ling ordered, "Eat it."

Mrs. Cai did as she said,

Strange to say, just a moment ago she was still in pain, but after swallowing the root, the knife-like pain quickly faded away like a tide, and gradually disappeared.

Jiang Ling stood guard in front of the door, and seeing her breathing gradually stabilized, he asked her, "Does it feel better?"

Mrs. Cai panted a little, and nodded after calming down: "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for saving me."

Jiang Ling: "How old is the fetus in Madam's womb?"

Madam Cai gave him a guilty look, "It's been four months."

Jiang Ling: "Four months pregnant, you dare to travel such a long distance, you have a big heart."

My heart is filled with emotion, Cai Yongning will die when he dies, and he can still have a queen, it can be regarded as smoke from the ancestral grave, it is a good fortune.

"It's still hundreds of miles away to Linzhou County. Now that you are alone and four months pregnant, it's best not to go."

Mrs. Cai looked at her swollen belly, and hesitated for a while: "Maybe you can go to Runan."

Jiang Ling: "Madam, do you know where this place is?"

Mrs. Cai shook her head. She was brought here by two horses, and she was in the car all the way. How could she know where this was?

Jiangling also flew here on a white crane before, so I don't know where it is.

After cleaning up the blood on the carriage, he said, "Since we have encountered each other, why not let me drive the carriage and we will go south together, okay?"

Mrs. Cai couldn't have wished for it more, if she were alone, she wouldn't even be able to drive the carriage.

With her consent, Qingshuang and Hexiang were also happy, and after boarding the carriage together, they drove the horses from Jiangling and headed south!

(End of this chapter)

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