River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 364 Fish Girl

Chapter 364 Fish Girl
"This is Guixu?"

Nie Qian was floating in mid-air like an elf.

Where the two of them are now, there are bones everywhere.There are bones of all kinds of creatures, piled up into mountains.

Even many corpses are relatively ancient, and have been crushed and turned into powder.

Jiang Ling's feet stepped on it, making a distinct rustling sound.

Nie Qian was extremely surprised: "How many creatures have to die here?"

Wherever the eye can see, there are mountains and forests of corpses, which are boundless.

Jiang Ling was not too surprised: "Guixu has existed since ancient times, and it is normal to swallow the water of the sea all the year round, and bring many creatures from it."

Not to mention anything else, just now, hundreds of aquatic creatures died.

"Master, look, it's them."

Nie Qian suddenly pointed to a direction, where there was a dragon with a dragon walking like a tiger, with one tail flicking away from the mountain of bones, it crawled out from the chaotic ruins.

It seemed that it had rushed too fast before, and as soon as it came in, it plunged into the mountain of bones. Now that it had a rest, it climbed out again.

Beside it, several white sharks also gathered.

They are all the lucky ones, they got together and drilled into the cracks of the Return Ruins before, and hundreds of them died, but they were lucky enough to stand out.


Long Ao is acquainted with white sharks, and these white sharks seem to follow his lead.

At Long Ao's order, five white sharks followed him, swam through the void, and leaped forward quickly.

Jiang Ling took a light step, but as soon as he lifted his footsteps, his body was seven or eight meters above the ground.

A random jump can reach a height of ten feet.

'Here, the gravitational force is so small? '

He took a step forward, and within one step, he was a hundred meters away.

But even so, it couldn't match the speed of Longao and White Shark.

They swam forward quickly, and when the bone mountain range saw the end, they finally ushered in an ocean.

Here, Jiang Ling met the old turtle.

The old turtle landed here, very embarrassed.

The invisible qi at the entrance of Guixu chopped off half of its turtle shell, and also cut off a large piece of its flesh and blood.

It was already old and weak, but it suffered such a serious injury, and every step it moved felt heart-piercing pain.

"Old mountain turtle, is this what you look like? I thought you were so proud when you came in, but I saw you as a dead dog when I came in. Is this the pride of the Yishan tortoise clan?" Long Ao sneered, arrogant and arrogant.

The old turtle saw that Long Ao had also come in, and compared to him, he looked unscathed.

For a while, my heart was hit.

"The old man has not conceded defeat!"

The old turtle roared suddenly, leaped forward with all four limbs and rushed forward.

It was desperately fighting, its body flew in the air, blood flowed in the air, and spilled all over the ground.

After it entered the water, a film of ice finally covered its wound, finally sealing the wound.

Long Ao took the white shark but ignored it, and continued to move forward. After about 40 miles of sea area, he finally saw a huge waterfall almost hanging from the sky.

This waterfall is like a guillotine, cutting the world in two.

The vast sea was cut off by this waterfall.

The height of the waterfall does not reach the top, and the vast water flow seems to fall from the nine heavens, endlessly and without interruption.

"Hahaha... I once heard from my ancestors that there is a dragon gate in the depths of the ruins, and those who win it will be transformed into true dragons! Unexpectedly, it really exists."

Long Ao suddenly laughed loudly, and looked up to the sky, looking at the highest peak through the vast clouds.


Jiang Ling suddenly also looked up to the sky, looking as far as the eye can see, it is difficult to see the end.

After looking closely for several times, I vaguely saw a golden door frame above the cloud top, which seemed to be a real door standing on it.

The five great white sharks were very excited: "Leap over the dragon gate, if we can jump over the dragon gate, can we also transform into dragons?"

Long Ao: "Everything can turn into a dragon, as long as you jump over the dragon gate, you will be able to turn into a dragon."

As soon as I finished speaking, it was the first thing I couldn't wait for.

It unfolded, very huge, the head of the dragon and the body of the giant tortoise rushed into the waterfall, and only rushed up to a height of more than ten meters, before being beaten down heavily by the huge waves.

As soon as Long Ao fell into the water, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

It turned out that there was a price to be paid for climbing the Dragon Gate.

The higher you climb, the harder you fall.

Moreover, there is no gravity at all in those places in front, but after entering this ocean area, everything is reversed.

The gravity here is dozens of times that of the human world.

Long Ao's jump is only more than ten meters high, in the human world, it must reach hundreds of meters.

"How could this be?"

Long Ao refused to accept it, its dignified body of Long Ao was extremely noble.The natural Da'ao can only jump up to a height of more than ten meters?
"Come again!"

Gritting his teeth, Long Ao sprang up again, his dragon-like tail frantically swung behind him.The four paws also quickly scratched in the waterfall.

This time, it tried its best and finally jumped to a height of 18 meters.

A wave of water crashed down from above, just landing on its head.

Long Ao fell down again, his skin was ripped open and his head was bloody.There was also a mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth.

Seeing this, the five white sharks were shocked.

The dragon gate is right in front of you, so it's so difficult to jump?

Although they were in awe of Long Ao in their hearts, they also had instinctive self-confidence with such an opportunity ahead.

They all think that Long Ao can't do it, but it doesn't mean they can't do it.

In terms of blood, they are not as noble as Longao;

But in terms of swimming and fighting against the rapids, they think they are more than ten times stronger than Long Ao.

Sharks are killers in the water, and their movements are swift and violent, far from being comparable to turtles.

Immediately, the five white sharks looked at each other and rushed up towards the waterfall.

The good swimmers are really good swimmers, they swim like crazy, the speed is indeed faster and higher than that of Longao.

In the blink of an eye, all five white sharks climbed to a height of more than 20 meters.

But when it was about to approach 25 meters, the first great white shark fell down, and it was also bruised and bruised, which was very tragic.

As soon as it fell, the other four great white sharks followed suit.

At the highest end, I climbed to 26 meters, fell down and broke my bones, and lost consciousness after spitting out a mouthful of blood.

In other directions, creatures are also coming here one after another at this moment.

Among those creatures, Jiang Ling saw a golden dolphin and a beautiful mermaid. He even saw another familiar person among those mermaids.

"Master, isn't that fish girl the one you rescued back then?"

Nie Qian also found the fish girl from the mermaid group.

She is very beautiful. When she first met at sea, Nie Qian was extremely envious.So I was more impressed with her.

Jiang Ling smiled slightly: "What a coincidence!"

When their master and servant looked over, the fish girl seemed to feel the gaze from this side, and looked back here from a distance, and she finally saw Jiang Ling.

At first glance, the fish girl was full of astonishment.

After confirming with the second glance, she smiled happily, swung her tail, and drifted towards Jiangling.

(End of this chapter)

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