River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 367 He Goes Up

Chapter 367 He Goes Up
Nie Qian: "But master, you are not an aquarium."

Only when the Shui people cross the dragon gate can they become dragons.

Since ancient times, it has never been heard that human beings also came to cross the dragon gate.

Jiang Ling smiled and said: "No one has tried it, it doesn't mean it can't be done. Longmen is a kind of experience, and it is also an experience. Crossing Longmen is not only the evolution pursued by the aquarium, but also a kind of self-challenge. People, there must be such a barrier in the future. Like the catastrophe, it will come eventually, and when the time comes, will you be timid and afraid to move forward, or will you go forward bravely and face the danger?"

To jump or not to jump is an attitude.

If you don't see it, let it go. Now that you have met it, if you retreat despite the difficulties, it will form a demonic obstacle in your heart.

Since then, it has been difficult to understand.

"It doesn't matter whether it is successful or not. If you don't even dare to try, then you will be sad at the level of Dao Xin."

Jiang Ling walked to the waterfall, "Let's see if I have a try."

After finishing speaking, he rushed towards the torrent of the waterfall with a run-up, and then followed the crazily rushing torrent, with a kick, his body was hitting upwards like an arrow leaving the string.

Before, he watched others jumping through the dragon gate, but now he experienced it himself, and he finally felt the power of this huge waterfall.

Before entering the rapids, the pressure of the water vapor rushing down from this waterfall is as heavy as a hundred thousand mountains, which makes people unable to straighten their backs.

But as long as he merged into the torrent, the heavy and powerful pressure would be reduced by more than [-]%.

Jiangling swims upstream,

The ability of human beings to swim is hardly comparable to that of aquarists, even worse than that clumsy walrus.

Jiang Ling only rushed up two meters, but he felt that his strength was unsustainable, and he couldn't go any further.

Layers of torrents are like a series of mountain peaks falling down.

Every second of carrying it, the whole body will suffer a strong impact.

It's no wonder that most of those tyrannical aquariums can't exceed ten meters in height.

Able to reach 20 meters, that is already a physically powerful person.

Those who can reach 30 meters are already the best.

Anyone who can reach more than 40 meters is considered a gifted person.

Of course, this is purely physical.

'Old Gui said that jumping over the Dragon Gate does not rely on brute force, since it depends on the six qi, then my six qi is not inferior to it! '

The old turtle has climbed at least 47 meters,
Jiangling was only two meters at the moment, if he just fell like this, it would be embarrassing indeed.

At least at least, it should be above the old turtle.

When another huge wave rushed down, Jiang Ling suddenly headed straight.With his eyes closed, he entered the state of harmony between man and nature.

Looking at him from outside the waterfall, Nie Qian was also very surprised.

Because she found that Jiangling seemed to be fixed on the two-meter-high waterfall, neither going up nor going down.

And after Jiang Ling entered the unity of heaven and man, his mind was open to the sky, and only then did he sense that the water rushing down was the judgment of the sky.

If you survive the trial, you will live.

If you can't survive the trial, you will die.

The impact wave is like a guillotine.

It fell from top to bottom and hit his head in bursts.

Jiangling, where man and nature are one, rose up in his heart and shouted to the sky: "I have my own self in my heart, but I have no gods and Buddhas in my eyes. Who dares to judge me?" '

Even if the Immortal Buddha sits in town, the ancient Immortal Buddha has long since passed away. Who is qualified to judge the present Immortal Buddha?
The heart ape suddenly came into being, and the shadow of Maitreya descended from the sky, and to the left of Maitreya appeared the Tathagata's six-foot-long golden body.

Condescending, to do an act of suppression.

Jiang Ling smiled boldly, "So what about Maitreya Tathagata, I have no fear!" '

For people who practice Buddhism, these two are even of high faith.

Faith comes first, few people can be arrogant and disrespectful.

But Jiangling came from later generations after all, respecting teachers, friends and parents, what kind of immortals and Buddhas should we respect?

After shouting in his heart, his position suddenly rose ten meters.

However, with his eyes closed, he himself was not aware of this change.

Only Nie Qian, a bystander, was dumbfounded.

She saw with her own eyes that Jiang Lingben stagnated two meters from the waterfall, but in that instant, he unexpectedly soared up ten meters inexplicably.

She doesn't know why,
Jiang Ling himself did not know the reason.

In fact, this is also the first cut of the Dragon Gate of Heaven and Earth!
——[Courage Slash]!
Those who have no courage in their hearts will rest too.

After everyone enters the test of [Brave Slash], what they see is different.

What Nie Qiancai lacked the most was courage, and she also relied on brute force to go upstream. Although she climbed seven or eight meters, she didn't even touch the threshold of the test.

On Jiangling's side, after rushing to a height of 12 meters, there was a short pause, and they rushed up another 20 meters.

Already reached a height of 32 meters!

Nie Qian covered her small mouth: "My God, the master is a human being, and he can swim so high."

In the void where Nie Qian could not see the unity of man and nature, Jiang Ling seemed to be sitting on a lake as calm as a mirror.

When the immortal Buddhas all over the sky were crushed by his atheistic courage, mountains of gold and silver piled up in front of him, and beside the gold and silver, there were beautiful women like clouds, soft and petite.

In addition, there is another emperor Zen seat, who wants to give up the world.

As long as he is willing to accept it, he will sit in the world, have endless money, endless women, and endless blessings.

Faced with such a temptation, Jiang Ling just chuckled.

What are these to him?

He is not rare for mountains of gold and silver; beautiful women like clouds are no match for the beauty of Qingshuang and the softness of Yuewei.

In addition, the position of emperor is also a burden to him. Perhaps many people in this era want to be emperor.But he didn't think so.

Being an emperor is so tiring, it's not as enjoyable as being a hero who roams the world.

"I don't want any of them!"

This second cut is [Heart Qi Cut].

Heart Qi is also called ambition.

Faced with many temptations and tests, even if you hesitate for a moment, you will be washed down by the huge waves.

When Jiang Ling saw these temptations, he didn't even think about it, so he sneered and disdainful.

If the ambition is affected by distractions, it means that the will is not firm, and this test will be sad.

When Jiang Ling broke through [Xin Qi Slash], his body suddenly rose more than 30 meters high, and there was still an upward trend slowly.

Nie Qian, who was watching from far below, was even more surprised at this time,

Other than her, those aquariums were also horrified.

A mere human can climb higher than them.

The three fish girls who had failed in the attack just now, after slowing down for a while, all retreated back with their seriously injured bodies.

The male murloc's bones were shattered and his life was gone.

The three fish girls didn't show much sadness, and after bidding farewell to the male fish man with the etiquette of their own tribe, they sank its body to the bottom of the water.

Hailisi was seriously injured, and together with the other two women, wait for a while to recover and try again.The other two women also agreed.They came here for this opportunity, even if they die, they cannot give up here.

When she retreated to the back, Hai Lisi accidentally looked towards Jiangling's location, but she didn't see Jiangling, but only saw his maid floating in the air like an elf, looking at the height of the waterfall.

Hailisi followed Nie Qian's eyes and looked up curiously.

But it's okay if you don't look at it. After seeing it, she screamed in shock.

In her stunned eyes, her human friend was actually swimming in the waterfall at this moment, swimming upstream.

The two female companions quickly asked her why she was surprised, and she pointed to the place that was already a hundred meters high and shouted: "He...he went up!"

(End of this chapter)

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