River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 376 The highest ceremony

Chapter 376 Supreme Courtesy

A tribe with less than 2 people can really be regarded as armed personnel, but there are only more than [-] people.

Most of them are still loyal to the former leader.

Just as Jiang Ling expected, last night Toyotomi Masaki and their actions focused on killing the former leader.There is no time to deal with those generals who are loyal to the former leader.

After Toyotomi Maki killed his uncle and cousin, he took over the Iga tribe smoothly and became a new generation of tribe leaders.

Jiang Ling stayed here for three days and got to know the customs and customs here.The local residents are very hospitable.

However, due to the perennial foreign wars, there are not many young and strong people in the tribe.

More than 4000 people are armed, and even one-third are women.

Except for the armed forces, the rest are the old and the weak, women and children.

In general, the situation is very similar whether it is the Iga tribe or the neighboring Koka tribe.

For this reason, the first task of the development of these tribes is to increase the population.

Only when the population rises will the armed forces increase further.

For this reason, in these tribes, it is common for a man to have three or four wives.

Jiang Ling stayed here for three days, and every night, the Yihe tribe would arrange maids to serve him.

Although the maids were well dressed, they were still rejected by him.

On the morning of the fourth day, the Koga Tribe and the Watanabe Tribe took advantage of the instability of the Iga Tribe and launched an attack.

They fought fiercely in the wilderness.

Although Iga is now the leader of the girl Maki, the original generals are still there, and the defense work is entrusted to them, and they have not been caught off guard by the Koga tribe.

Instead, under Jiang Ling's guidance, they used the tactic of encircling the point to fight for reinforcements, first leading the enemy's vanguard to go deep, and then cutting off their retreat.
Then all the armed forces of the Iga tribe came out and besieged them forcefully.

Swallowing the vanguard of the Koga tribe in one gulp,

After the vanguard was wiped out, the Iga Tribe gathered forces in one place and launched a decisive counterattack.

As soon as the morale of the Jiahe tribe weakened, it suddenly became worse, and the army was defeated like a mountain.

Has been hunted down and fled for thirty miles, this is the battle side!
This Battle Armor He tribe came in a hurry, but in the end, they left in a panic.

Iga won a big victory, beheading more than [-] people from the Koga and Watanabe tribes.

According to Maki, Koga suffered such a defeat this time, and it is estimated that there will be no more wars for more than half a year in the future.

The Iga Tribe hadn't fought such a victorious battle for a long time, and the generals admired Jiang Ling's advice.

It's a pity that there is a language barrier, so at the celebration banquet, some wine was served as a token of respect.

And the young man Jing knelt down in front of Jiangling's residence ahead of time after the celebration banquet.

When Jiang Ling came back, he saw him and asked him why he was kneeling here?
Jing kowtowed and said, "Please teach me the sword technique, sir."

Jiang Ling: "Why do you want to learn sword skills?"

Jing: "I want to learn sword skills to protect my sister and Maki-sama."

Jiang Ling knew that he was very brave. On the first day they met, he behaved like a man.

In the face of danger, he did not shrink back in fright, but always guarded his sister's side, using his body to block the front.

Jiang Ling pondered for a moment, then said: "I can't teach you the middle-earth saber techniques I have mastered. But you can demonstrate the saber techniques you know, and I should be able to give you some pointers."

Jing nodded seriously, then stood up.

Also because of kneeling for too long, when he just stood up, his feet were numb and his body was a little unstable.

However, after taking a deep breath, he still raised his knife and made a few slashing gestures in the courtyard.

The knife method is very rough, and it is the most basic hacking action.

But it also has the initial prototype of [Jihe].

Jiang Ling: "Who taught you this saber technique?"

Jing: "Master Nakamura taught it."

Taro Nakamura is one of the five generals of the Iga tribe and the number one warrior of the Iga tribe.

There is nothing fancy about his sword skills, it is purely learned from blood and sweat after fighting for many years.

It's just that his rough knife skills can be opened and closed by a man with a big waist like him, which is unstoppable.It may not be suitable for ordinary people.

Jiang Ling thought for a while, and thought that Zhongtu's sword skills could not be taught to him, but Dongying's unborn [Ji He Zhan] could be handed over to this brave young man in advance.

So, he picked up a wooden stick from the ground: "I only play it once, whether you can learn it or not depends on your own understanding."

Jing stood aside respectfully, staring intently: "Yes."

Jiang Ling performed the Juheshi pose from the beginning to the end, at a slower speed.

After Jing watched it, many of the moves were similar to his rough knife skills, but more fierce and fierce, which made his eyes shine.

With his eyes closed, he recalled many times in his mind.

After writing it all down, he excitedly knelt down and kowtowed again, thanking Jiang Ling for his kindness in teaching: "Thank you for your kindness in teaching, sir. Excuse me, sir, does this set of saber techniques have a name?"

Jiang Ling smiled and waved his hand: "You can call it Ju He Zhan, this saber technique focuses on defeating the enemy with one blow, stability and ruthlessness are indispensable."

Jing nodded heavily: "I wrote it down."

After watching Jiang Ling enter the courtyard, Jing tightly held the saber in his hand, and murmured: "Since we want to defeat the enemy with one sword, then this saber technique can also be called Yidao style. The saber technique was taught by Mr. Jiang, so this school is called [ Edo One Swordsmanship] let's go!"

Thinking about the memory in his mind, he quickly ran to a secluded place in the wild with a knife, and practiced the Juheshi posture repeatedly by himself.

When Jiang Ling returned to his room, he saw that there was already a person lying on his bed.

She lay flat under the red gauze, and the decoration on the bed was also changed to red.

The long black hair like a waterfall was scattered on the pillow.

The lying woman squinted her eyes shyly and bit her red lips halfway, looking very nervous.

Gently flicking Jiang Ling's long sleeves, the red veil suddenly floated away, revealing the woman's white and smooth body.

"Bai Huizi, what are you doing?"

The woman lying on the bed is none other than Jing's older sister, Momoko.

Hearing Jiang Ling's question, she nervously covered her eyes, but couldn't say a word.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Ling smiled instead.

In this case, shouldn't you cover your chest or lower abdomen?
And see her flat belly, like white jade.

Extending to the slender and round legs, they are also unusually slender.

A woman in her early 20s is also the new generation of saintess of the Iga tribe temple.

Logically speaking, she would serve the temple all her life, and her body would remain pure all her life.

Because of this, Jiang Ling was surprised to see her appear here.

Bai Huizi was very introverted, very shy, and extremely nervous throughout the whole process.

Before she could utter a word, another person came in from outside the door. As soon as she entered the room, the skirt on her body also slipped down silently.

It's the girl Maki!
She respectfully knelt down in front of Jiang Ling. As the new leader of the Iga Tribe, this etiquette was used by her, which was an extremely high performance.

"I sent nine of the most beautiful girls in the tribe to my husband a few nights ago, but my husband didn't seem to like them. So, I thought about it, and it's probably because they are not beautiful enough. Therefore, tonight, Bai Huizi and I Let’s serve Mr. together. I also hope to get Mr. Favor.”

(End of this chapter)

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