River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 386 What is Surprise?

Chapter 386 What is Surprise?
The dark red eyes of the person sitting on the sea surface, hidden deep under the cloak, suddenly filled with a trace of boredom.

He couldn't even beat a cat. This level of growth really disappointed him.

"Compared to last year's rebellious people, you are really inferior."

Jiang Ling picked up a root of ginseng essence and stuffed it into his mouth. After chewing lightly, the medicinal effect began to spread.

The scratched wound on the chest quickly had a healing itching.

The strange cat revolved around him, with light steps, without the slightest sound when moving, even walking on the sea, there was no slightest ripple.

At this moment, this piece of sea area is also surprisingly quiet.

The sea level is like a dark mirror, calm and smooth.

Suddenly, the strange cat moved again.

In less than a second, it shuttled from the left to the right, Jiang Ling was hit on the left shoulder, three points into the flesh, blood soon stained his clothes red.

Jiang Ling: "So, just relying on this cat, you want to kill me?"

The person under the cloak said, "You are not worthy of me personally. You can't even beat it, and there is no need to recover your bones."

Jiang Ling chuckled, looking at the strange cat again, he no longer had any scruples.

The speed of this strange cat is astonishing, it is truly faster than lightning.

Even if his reaction speed was increased to the strongest level, he still couldn't avoid the sharp claws of the strange cat.

But it's a pity that the strange cat is just a cat after all, a beast, and it is ultimately inferior to humans in terms of rationality.

The person under the cloak waved his hand and said, "It's over, go back earlier."

The strange cat let out a sharp cry, set off again, quickly circled around, and launched an attack as soon as it reached Jiangling's blind spot.

Jiang Ling was unable to dodge the previous two attacks.

But this time, just as it was about to jump up, Jiang Ling suddenly yelled: "Die to me!"

The strange cat volleyed in the air with its front paws, and kicked its hind legs against the surface of the water, but it only made this movement before its body fell down and landed in the water.

"Huh?" The person under the cloak felt weird.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Ling didn't touch the strange cat. What is the strange cat?

Jiang Ling walked to the strange cat from the water, and saw that its four paws were covered with a kind of purple poison.

It has no hair, so the purple markings have a clear path on its body.

The cat has short legs, and when the purple markings first spread, it may not even be aware of it.

But this thing, if you don't notice it at the beginning, by the time you notice it, it's often too late.

When it succeeded in its first move, Jiang Ling already had a plan - to arrange the death energy of the Earth Store on the surface of his body.

Therefore, after it succeeded in its second move again, the dead energy of the Earth Zang was mixed with blood and stained its paws.

Jiang Ling grabbed the strange cat by the neck and lifted it up.

At this moment, it has no power to fight back.

The toxin spread to its internal organs, and the severe colic caused it to have no energy left to resist.

It could only look at the person under the cloak with a look of help.

Jiang Ling: "This cat is too ugly. If you want to raise it, you should raise a more beautiful one."

As he spoke, he exerted force with his fingertips and twisted the neck bone of the strange cat.

Then, he grabbed the strange cat's body and tore it violently, tearing the strange cat in two.

Seeing this, the people under the cloak were not furious, but felt a little regretful.

After regretting, he laughed again: "I thought you were no different from trash, but now it seems that there is still a little surprise."

Jiang Ling ate another root of ginseng essence, and healed the injury on his shoulder: "There are many surprises, it depends on whether you have the life to see it."

Suddenly, the black cloak flew into the sky.

Under the cloak, a black figure was as fast as lightning, and stepped in front of Jiang Ling with one step. Five pitch-black sharp claws fiercely tore through the sky, leaving five shocking claw marks where they passed.

Jiang Ling saw it clearly, and the iron sword made a move, which was blocked in the air.

With a ding, the iron sword was snapped off, and his body was knocked back sixteen or seventeen meters on the water by the residual force.

'What a lot of power. '

The person under the cloak revealed his true face.

He has messy long hair, the hair on his face is very strong, and behind him, there is actually a black tail.

"Master, it's a leopard. He has the aura of a leopard on his body."

Nie Qian, who also has the blood of the demon clan, smelled the demonic attribute of the other party at this moment.

'It turned out to be a leopard demon. Its claws are indeed powerful, but fortunately, its speed is not as fast as that strange cat. '

In one breath, the leopard demon grabbed Jiang Ling nine times in a row.

Jiang Ling could hold the strange cat's claws hard, but he couldn't hold his claws hard.

The strange cat's claws were at most ripped apart.

But once his claws were caught, his body would definitely be torn into five or six pieces.

Ding, the iron sword broke again.

Throwing away the broken iron sword, Jiang Ling pulled out a second and third sword from his sleeve.

The leopard demon's nine claws were caught, and Jiang Ling destroyed five swords in total.

The leopard demon snorted coldly: "I want to see how many swords you hide on your body."

As soon as Jiulian Claw fell, it only stopped for a second, and the second wave of attack by the leopard monster came again.

Jiang Ling was beaten so badly that he could only parry and could not even fight back.

I can only release the dead energy of the Earth Store with my mind, form a flower of the Earth Store, and spread along the sea water.

The leopard demon's second round of attack was more rapid than the first round.

Even though Jiang Ling had an iron sword to resist, he was still somewhat affected.

The fierce energy of more than ten claws spread over, cutting him with wounds all over his body.

'Ksitigarbha's dead energy, open! '

After the purple lotus flowers grew on the sea level, Jiang Ling issued an order, and those lotus flowers bloomed one after another, spitting out purple mist.

But the leopard demon is very sensitive to danger, "You want to harm me by just using poison?"

His claws swept across thousands of troops in 360 degrees, and the hunting qi centered on him almost exploded.

The powerful air wave shattered all those purple lotus flowers, shook them away, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

'Sure enough. '

Jiang Ling: "What's your name? Do you dare to name me?"

The leopard demon suddenly appeared behind him, and its claws fell from his celestial cap.

"The dead don't need to know that much."

Jiang Ling saw that his strength was still so swift and fierce, so he immediately sacrificed the Ksitigarbha Bell and covered himself in it.

According to the habits of creatures, he knew that leopards were very explosive, but not durable.

It is obviously unwise to compete with the explosive power of the Leopard in its prime.

The appearance of the Ksitigarbha Bell completely covered Jiangling in it.

The hardness of this clock is better than that of rock, gold and iron.

The leopard demon's sharp claws tore at the earth Tibetan bell one after another, not only failed to tear the earth Tibetan bell apart, but also triggered the earth Tibetan bell's protective ability.

There was a local shock, and the bell seemed to echo leisurely between heaven and earth.

At the same time, there are hundreds of monks chanting scriptures like singing.

He may have thought that he could break the Tibetan bell,
But after trying several times in a row, the Ksitigarbha Bell was not broken by him.

He shouted angrily: "Are you going to hide inside like a shrinking turtle?"

Jiang Ling chuckled: "Why are you talking so much nonsense? If you can break this clock, just come here. If you can't break it, it means you are incompetent. Anyway, you came to kill me. If you can't kill me, it proves You are not capable."

These words made the leopard demon anxious!
Unable to bear it, another three rounds of attacks were launched against the Tibetan clock.

In order to shock Jiangling to death, when its claws grabbed the Jizo bell, it deliberately used the most powerful force.

The Ksitigarbha bell rang like thunder.

However, since the earth Tibetan bell has the function of protecting the Lord, the sound of the shock will certainly not shock the people inside the bell to death.

Moreover, the space inside the bell avoids loud sounds.

Jiang Ling was inside, and the bells he heard almost never reached the harsh level.

The leopard demon's attack was fruitless, and suddenly the outside became quiet.

Just when Jiang Ling was wondering what its plans were, he suddenly saw a black shadow flashing under the water.

——The leopard monster came from underwater!
The bell, although the protection is strong, but the bottom is connected with the sea after all.

The leopard demon rushed towards him like a swordfish, with extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Jiang Ling was not surprised but delighted.

The moment the leopard demon came in, he raised his fist and punched the clock wall hard.

A deafening sound suddenly resounded inside.

Still the same, he couldn't hear the piercing sound, but other than him, other people would hear it clearly.

The leopard demon swooped over, and just as it entered the bell, the terrifying sound waves oscillated, like a mountain weighing ten thousand catties, suddenly pressing down on it.

It almost knocked him out of his wits.

Taking advantage of his slowing down, Jiang Ling recited a mantra, and his right hand turned into a knife.

While the spell was exiting, a phantom of an ancient Buddha with a burning Buddha lamp gradually lingered behind him.

[Lamp-burning Buddha in the past · chopping luck]!

You don't need to cut him, just cut him from the air, like a heavenly knife, instantly cut off the luck line on the leopard demon's head.


Just after cutting off the leopard demon's luck line, Jiang Ling followed Kunlun Mountain's body-holding technique.It's not enough to rely on the body-holding technique alone, and he also uses the spell luck method to superimpose the spells together.

The leopard demon suddenly stopped moving in the water, as if it had really frozen.

But in just two seconds, it roared and broke free from the spell.

But at this time, Jiang Ling also used the [Present Tathagata Gathering Luck Method] to absorb the luck that was cut off just now.

"Now it's my turn."

【True Number Mahamudra·Thousand-hand Tathagata】!
The domineering Tathagata stretched out a thousand golden bergamot hands, which poured out from the ancient clock.

The leopard demon broke free from the immobilization technique, and before he could leave in the future, he happened to be hit by the thousand-handed Tathagata.

The real thousands of hands of Tathagata in the present world weigh more than Mount Tai, and each palm can destroy gold and break rocks.

When all the thousand palms hit Leopard Demon's body, he was also severely wounded.

The spine on his body broke continuously, and he also spit out bright red blood from his mouth.

Jiang Ling shot continuously, adhering to the principle of taking advantage of his illness to kill him, without stopping for half a second.

As soon as he injured the leopard demon, he raised his right hand high, and the earth Tibetan clock shrank instantly and fell into his palm.

Then he grabbed the Tibetan clock and slammed it down.

The earth Tibetan bell became larger in an instant, and when it was covered, it happened to envelop the leopard demon in the middle.

Immediately, he took out the hammer among the eighteen weapons from the scroll.

Facing the Ksitigarbha bell, he beat it for eighteen times.

The sound was shocking, and the originally calm sea surface was shaken by the sound waves, causing the waves to churn and splash to shocking heights.

(End of this chapter)

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