River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 389 The Secret of Demon Blood

Chapter 389 The Secret of Demon Blood
Dotted and densely packed, the endless sword energy is like a galloping sea wave, whistling from left to right, in an endless stream.

The demon messenger raised his head and roared, the horns on his head were like lit sandalwood, and the horns emitted fire light, and then his whole body was sheltered by a circle of purple energy.

The endless sword energy washed over the energy circle, which both offset the light circle.

The demon messenger grabbed the bowstring and drew another arrow, trying to break the formation.

But as soon as he took out his strong bow, sword energy suddenly shot from the sky. From top to bottom, the sword energy was equally dense, like a river of heaven hanging upside down, pouring down from the nine heavens, and galloping nine thousand miles.

The natal shield sacrificed by the envoy of the demon world is barely enough to block the sword energy that shuttles from that side, but now it has to resist the two attacks from top to bottom, and the shield is finally stretched, and it is beginning to be unbearable.

The light of the shield is decreasing and fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just when the shield was about to lose its hold, the bow and arrow in the hands of the Demon Envoy finally shot out.


The Arrow of Destruction has powerful destructive power, blowing up countless sword rains as soon as it is fired.

With a bang,
A corner of the rectangular light array was really destroyed on the spot by the arrow of destruction.

After one corner of the rectangular light array was missing, the sword rain light curtain was immediately reduced by half.

The torrent of sword energy from left to right stopped in an instant.

The Demon Envoy, facing the shield that was about to be pierced, took the opportunity to flash out and escaped from the rectangular light array.

Although he came out in the end, there were more than 30 skin and flesh wounds on his body.

Jiang Ling stood in the center of the formation, watching the whole process.

I sighed in my heart: "The level of the iron sword is still too low!" '

The iron sword he drew has its own spirituality, which can kill demons and demons. Ordinary ghosts and mountain demons are afraid of the power of the iron sword.

But if you want to deal with monsters of the level like the messenger of the demon world, the power of the iron sword is not enough.

If the four swords with the strength of the silver gun are in formation this time, there is no doubt that in the first burst of sword energy, the envoy of the demon world will be washed into a meat sieve and turned into a sieve. Beach meat paste.

It has to be said that the Zhuxian Sword Formation is indeed extremely terrifying.

Strong is very strong, but it has high requirements for the sword that acts as the eye of the formation. In ancient mythology, the demon ancestor Luohu created this formation with four artifacts as the eyes of the formation.

'This time, it's a pity, but it also let me know how powerful this formation is. '

Now that the demon messenger has escaped from the sword formation, there is no need to continue to activate this formation.

Jiang Ling walked out from the formation, and faced the devil envoy. As soon as he met, he used Kunlun's body-fixing technique plus the spell luck of saying words to fix him.

The level of the Demon Envoy is the same as that of the Demon Envoy,
Under this technique, the emissary of the demon world will be slowed down for two seconds.The Demon Envoy was delayed for a second because of his serious injury.

He was fixed by the freeze technique for more than three seconds.

During these three seconds, Jiang Ling walked to his side in a blink of an eye, lingering in the palm of his hand with the death energy of the earth, a hand knife was inserted from the back of the demon envoy, and after holding his heart, he took it out forcefully. come out.

Afterwards, a blow of [Opening Heaven Seal] hit the head of the Demon Envoy, smashing his head into pieces like a bursting watermelon.

I thought he should die like this,

But three seconds later, the headless corpse ran out quickly.Distance from Jiangling.

After that, his hands pulled the strong bow again, triggering three arrows at once!

Jiang Ling was shocked, he had no head, no heart, how could he still move?

The black cat hid in the distance, and suddenly shouted: "He is a demon, unless his body is completely smashed. Otherwise, he will not die. If his head is severed, his breasts will be his eyes and his belly will be his mouth."

Isn't that similar to the legendary Xing Tian?
Or, Xing Tian was originally the blood of the demon clan?
Sure enough, the navel of the headless corpse opened its mouth: "Humble human beings, court death!"

The three arrows shot together, the first [Arrow of Destruction]!
The second arrow [Arrow of Locking Qi]!
The third arrow [Broken Arrow]!
Three arrows were fired at the same time, and [Arrow of Locking Qi] took the lead and took the lead.

It has the fastest speed and can lock the position of a person's breath. If it is stared at by it, even if it is within a radius of thirty miles, it will not be able to escape.

【Arrow of Destruction】follows closely behind, with powerful destructive power, turning everything it passes into ruins.

The last [Broken Arrow] is the weirdest, it doesn't have any special features, it's just shining silver, like densely packed fish scales.

"So fast!"

Just as Jiang Ling sacrificed the Ksitigarbha Bell, the [Arrow of Locking Qi] whizzed towards him, and within half a blink of an eye, the arrow pierced through his shoulder, and a blood hole appeared directly.

This arrow made Jiang Ling stagger and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the Tibetan clock had already been taken out and quickly covered him.

The second arrow's [Arrow of Destruction] hit the Tibetan bell for the second time, causing the Tibetan bell to shake and jump left and right on the ground.

The deafening sound pierced through the sky.

After it, as soon as the third arrow hit the Ksitigarbha Bell, there was no sound, but the scale-like spot of light cracked open, bursting into thousands of light rains.

[Splitting Arrow], its essence is shattering, once it explodes, the target will have nowhere to hide.

Moreover, its fragments also have the poison of corrosion, no matter which part of the target's body is hit by the fragments, it will definitely rot and break in the end.

If it was shot in the arm, the arm would have to be amputated, otherwise the toxin would spread throughout the body and there would be more rotten places.

The third arrow exploded at the right time. While the Jizo clock was shaking, Jiang Ling's feet were hit by the fragments that came in from the gap, and more than 20 fragments were hit on his legs.

"Hitted by the arrow of shattering, human, you die for me!"

The demon messenger roared outside.

As he roared, Jiang Ling really felt the burning pain from the fragments on his legs, they were like poisonous insects, burrowing hard into his legs, eating his flesh, gnawing his bones, very uncomfortable .

Jiang Ling sat slumped on the ground, and now fortunately the Tibetan bell had stabilized, covering him tightly.

Seeing that his scapula was almost completely penetrated, and the wound was bleeding profusely, he quickly took out the ginseng essence, took off a handful of roots and stuffed it into his mouth.

The ginseng spirit struggled desperately, but Jiang Ling tore off more than a dozen of its roots.

"Don't be so stingy, when I kill him, all the flesh and blood of his demon envoy will be yours."

After swallowing the roots of ginseng essence, the effect was immediate. The platelets in the wound rushed out and coagulated, and the bleeding stopped immediately.

But flesh and blood wounds need to be nourished slowly in the later stage before they can grow back.

Ginseng essence listened to his words, and gradually gave up struggling, not to mention the essence of flesh and blood, the key point is that it is useless to resist and struggle.

After fixing the injury on his upper body, Jiang Ling looked at his legs again.

The problem with the leg, compared to being pierced through the shoulder, seemed to be much easier - just now when the shards were painful, he used the ground to cover the shards with dead energy.

After the domineering poisonous gas of local hidden death qi and the devil poison on the fragments came into contact, the strength and weakness were immediately determined.

Ksitigarbha's deadly energy is extremely domineering, and under the attack of poison with poison, the demonic poison on the fragments is completely disintegrated with only a little resistance.

When the toxin was dissolved, the pieces of small fish scale fragments were also forced out of the flesh and blood by his internal force.

Under one count, there are a total of 25 pieces!

(End of this chapter)

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