Chapter 399
Just as Yang Ling introduced, Jiangling looks at the vast green field, and there are no towns here, only scattered houses.

Moreover, there are special signs on each house. Judging from the unified sign, this area is still within the territory of the Yang family.

He didn't know the division of power in the sky outside the sky, and he didn't know where to go right now, so he could only find a place where no one was there, and then ask Yang Fei.

Fortunately, Tianwaitian has a vast land and few people, so it is relatively easy to find a place where there are no people.

Within half a stick of incense, Jiangling came to a barren mountain.

All the regions of Tianwaitian are divided, and basically no place is deserted.

The barren hill in front of him, although it looks like a barren hill, is actually home to many rare and exotic animals.

Jiang Ling is here, releasing Yang Fei from the Qiankun bag, and after she wakes up, ask her what her plan is.

Yang Fei has been in a daze, as if she has lost her soul.

She had been dependent on her elder brother since she was a child, and her elder brother was also her only relative. Now this only relative died as soon as he said he would die. One can imagine the blow to her.

Staring blankly at a certain place on the ground, thinking about it, sadness came from it, and wept uncontrollably.

Jiang Ling didn't bother her, and when she cried for about half an hour, her voice was hoarse from crying, sobbing again and again, she said, "I... am going to sue."

"How to file a complaint?"

Yang Fei raised her head and wiped away the tears from her swollen eyes: "I'm going to complain to the patriarch."

Jiang Ling: "Can it be useful?"

Yang Fei: "The Ninth Elder did such a thing, I just need to tell the patriarch, and the patriarch will definitely uphold justice for my brother."

Jiang Ling disagreed.

The patriarch looked at the problem from the perspective of the family's interests.

Yang Ling was dead, and he did what the Ninth Elder shouldn't do.

The current result is that if one turns a blind eye and closes one eye, the Yang family will have one more genius who can open the sky;
But if they acted sternly and impartially, it would only cost the Yang family one more genius.And it doesn't help.

Jiang Ling thought for a while, and then told her his thoughts.

After she heard this, she insisted that telling the patriarch would definitely handle it fairly.

In her heart, the patriarch is the head of the clan, and he has always acted fairly, so how could he turn black and white because of interests.

Jiang Ling couldn't persuade her, so he could only go with her.

Just when she was about to leave, Jiang Ling asked her about the distribution of forces around her.

She said that to the south of this side is the boundary of the Longevity Gate, to the east is the territory of the Barefoot Immortal Liu's family, and further east is the territory of the Li family's lineage of the Tota Heavenly King.At present, the territory of the Li family is very large, almost larger than the sum of the Liu family and the Yang family.

The reason is that the Li family had many sons and grandchildren in the Conferred God era, and talents came out in large numbers. Later, when the fiefdom was divided, their Li family also divided a large area.

The surrounding ones are just these few. Anyway, the Tianwai Tianxian Realm is divided up by more than 300 forces.The central area is all fiefdoms of great gods with relatively prominent reputations.

Jiang Ling thought that he came to the Yang family's territory with his identity as a [black householder]. Fortunately, he got to know Yang Ling.

But if you enter other people's territory as an outsider, it will be difficult to move an inch.

So I asked her, is there any place that is neutral and does not belong to any fairy family.

She thought for a while and said two things.

One is the Longevity Gate.

Changshengmen is the first sect of Tianwaitian, and more than 300 descendants of immortals will be sent here to be cultivated by their descendants. At that time, more than 300 forces jointly gave up a place to form today's Chengshengmen.

The other one is the Zhang Family Realm in the center of the Heaven Realm.

"The territory of the Zhang family? Since the surname is Zhang, why doesn't it belong to any fairy family?"

Yang Fei replied: "Because this piece of land was the back cover of the Jade Emperor back then, and the Jade Emperor's surname was Zhang, so that area belongs to the territory of the Zhang family. Also because the Jade Emperor had no heirs, the Jade Emperor disappeared in the long years. After that, that piece of land also belongs to no man's land.

Later, everyone also worshiped the Jade Emperor, so no one invaded that piece of land.This also makes the Zhang family's land boundary become the most chaotic area now.Many abandoned sons who were dismissed by the family would end up in the Zhang family's territory to make trouble, and no one would take care of them anyway. "

It turns out there is such a good place!

Needless to say, this place is obviously very suitable for Jiangling.

"The border of the Zhang family, where do you go?"

"To the east, after passing the boundary of the Liu family, to the south is the boundary of the Zhang family."

After asking clearly, Yang Fei was about to leave.

Jiang Ling: "Miss Xiao Fei really decides to do this?"

Yang Fei nodded: "Brother Jiang, thank you for saving me, and thank you for everything you have done for my brother. If I encounter misfortune here, I will only repay your kindness in the next life."

Jiang Ling didn't stop him, after all, he and Yang Ling and Yang Fei's brother and sister just met each other.I don't know much about the Yang family.

So I'm not sure that my guess will be accurate. If Yang Fei goes to sue, it's hard to say that he can really get justice.

So, he wrote a mantra, turned it into a talisman and pasted it on her back.

When the talisman was pasted on, her whole body instantly changed to the same color as the surrounding environment, achieving an invisible effect.

This is the only thing he can do for her: "If you really want to go, then don't look back, just keep going."

Yang Fei let out a "hmm" and ran towards Director Greener Grass.

Jiang Ling watched the distance for a while before embarking on a journey to the east.

To go east, you have to cross the land of the Liu family first.No matter how small the land of the Liu family is, it must at least have a radius of thousands of miles.

Thinking about how far the journey is, it would take several months to walk across it with only foot strength.

If you ride a white crane, you will be too high-profile in Tianwaitian.

When he encountered a white deer in the mountains, he fell in love with him, and when he called to the white deer, he summoned him to him.

"How about giving me a ride?"

Riding on the white deer, it is tall, almost as strong as a horse, and it walks vigorously in the mountains and forests like walking on flat ground.

With it instead of transportation, the speed is immediately much faster.

To reward it, Jiang Ling picked a few leaves of ginseng essence and fed it. It was very excited, and after eating it, it worked even harder.

After passing the Liu family's land, he deliberately avoided places where there were people, and walked along the sideline almost all the way.

After doing this for two days, they finally reached the boundary of the Zhang family that Yang Fei said.

In the territory of the Zhang family, Jiang Ling unexpectedly saw many things in the world.

Here, there are restaurants, inns, and even brothels.

On the first day he arrived here, he let the white deer go.Entering alone, there are a lot of people of all kinds here, and they don't ask each other about their backgrounds. People who come here basically use two words-【Degenerate】.

They don't want to practice, and they don't want to be farmers on their own land.Some were kicked out by their own families, so they all gathered here, living a life in heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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