River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 462 The Holy City

Chapter 462 The Holy City
It's easy to take Jiangling to the district competition.

don't talk during the period,

As long as they entered the city, their names had to be registered again, and then handed over to an envoy.

The messenger is said to be from Tiancheng.

In this world, they have no dynasty or nobility, but they believe in gods.

The so-called Heavenly City is the place where the gods will come, and it is also the holy place that all the subjects here have yearned for since childhood.

Most people can't go to Tiancheng in their lifetime.

It is precisely because it is a holy place that ordinary people are not qualified to enter.

Only those who have been approved by the gods and their descendants are eligible to live in the Holy Land.

People like Jiangling and others who win the city competition are eligible to go to the holy city to participate in the final duel, also known as holy war.

If you can get a good ranking in the final duel, you may be recognized by the gods.

In that case, it would be regarded as a real elation, honoring the ancestors, and moving to live in the holy city from now on.

This time the city competition is different from the past, this time all the finalists will be selected and sent to the Holy City.

And the city lord said that he was going to leave immediately.

It is also because ordinary people are not qualified to go to the Holy City, so Jiangling and the others are going to the Holy City, and the Nangong sisters cannot follow them.

After Jiang Ling got the ranking here, he just made some registrations, and the envoy took them to set off.

Speaking of which, the timing is really coincidental, if Jiang Ling came a few days later, or entered the city a little later, maybe he would not have this opportunity.

They set off for the holy city in an ordinary carriage, and there were ten people in one carriage.

These ten people, including Jiang Ling, were among them.

The remaining nine are all old and powerful households in this city.

They learned that Jiang Ling was just a member of the Nangong family who was about to be dismissed, and they all showed disdain for him.

Speechless all the way.

After two days of driving, the Holy City finally arrived.

The so-called holy city, its architectural style, unexpectedly looks a bit like a dead city.

At first glance, Jiang Ling thought it was an illusion, but after taking a closer look, he became more and more sure of it.

'It is indeed very similar to the city of dead dead. '

It's just that in terms of scale, it is much larger than the City of Death.

But the style of the city walls and gates here is almost exactly the same as that of Wushi City.

And at the gate of the city, there is also a person sitting there quietly with a table.

Anyone who enters or exits from the gate of the city must meet him face to face, and only those who have his permission can enter the city.

When the carriage entered the city, the other nine people in the carriage were all very excited.

Thinking that I might be favored by the gods here, and I would have the opportunity to move here from now on, I was even more inexplicably excited.

In contrast, Jiangling was very indifferent.

When this indifference is seen by others, it is regarded as a sign of ignorance, guilt and cowardice by default.

After entering the city, there are no row upon row of houses in the city.

Looking around, there are very few houses, but strange stone pillars all over the city.

The sky inside is also extremely dark, as if it is cut off from the sun.

The nine people who were just excited, after seeing this, suddenly became suspicious in their hearts—[It turns out that the holy city looks like this, and it seems that the environment is not as good as the city they are in. 】

Although I have doubts in my heart, I still yearn for it overall.

After all, since they were young, all they heard was how good the holy city is.

Moreover, being able to enter here means that they have surpassed most of their ancestors, which is an unparalleled glory.

The carriage gallops through the city streets,
After a while, he stopped before a black door closed.

At the gate, there were four people standing guard. Those four people had dark skin, and their eyes were almost purple, as if they were deeply poisoned.

"Get off the car, get off the car, everyone get off."

One of them went to the carriage and called everyone above to get down.

The excited nine people couldn't wait, they hurried down and lined up, ready to follow the instructions of the next step.

Jiang Ling came down slowly, his eyes constantly surveying his surroundings.

Before he could take another look, the dark man at the door urged: "Go in."

It was a very tall, but very dark portal.

On the doorknob, inlaid with two bronze dragons, grinning with a fierce expression.

Those nine people went there happily, thinking that they were going to enter a high-end decisive battle place, so they obediently walked in through that door.

But Jiang Ling stopped in front of the door, he looked at Bronze Bi An.

Bi An, a divine beast, is a symbol of prisons, and is usually set up in prisons.

And the door in front of him is so dark, and the inside is cold and quiet, what is inside?
"Excuse me, how will we be arranged next?"

Jiang Ling asked suddenly.

One of the guards standing at the door replied coldly: "Is this what you should ask? If you want to go in, go in. In the holy city, how can you have the right to ask questions?"

The questioning was boring, so he could only give up and follow the team.

The other nine people had smiles on their lips, they all laughed at his countryman appearance, so when they arrived in the holy city, they would naturally arrange how they came here, where would it be your turn to ask questions?
When they followed a guard into the black passage and walked about two hundred steps, the guard suddenly opened a heavy and mottled iron door.

Pointing to the inside, he said, "Let's all go in."

The nine people in front went in without saying a word, without asking why.

Looking at this place, Jiang Ling felt even more suspicious.

They are all winners of the city competition, didn't they come to the Holy City for a glorious decisive battle?

Why do you have to enter this kind of place first?

Behind the iron gate is a boxy, closed room, which looks like a prison cell.

But looking at this building, the nine people in front of them didn't know it at all, and their faces were still full of expectations.

"Still going in?" the guard urged Jiang Ling.

Jiang Ling: "Is this a prison cell?"

Hearing the word cell, the guard's expression seemed to change slightly.

But he still didn't give him too much explanation: "Why so many words? If you are told to go in, just go in."

As he said that, without waiting for Jiang Ling to react, he pushed Jiang Ling forcefully into the room.

Then, the heavy iron door was closed.

The nine people who entered the room sat quietly as soon as they entered, each adjusting their state.

It seems that they are making the best preparations for the final battle.

Jiang Ling also had nothing to say to them, so he waited quietly.

In this way, I have been waiting for about three hours.

The guard who had led them before came again. He opened the heavy iron door and called out to let everyone inside come out.

When they came out, they saw that the people in other "rooms" also came out, densely packed.

They are all masters from different cities, gathered together today.

The guards led them not toward the exit, but toward the deeper depths of the dungeon.

In a deeper place, there is a purple light array.

He let people enter the light array one by one, and the entrants disappeared as soon as they stood up.

And these people have no doubts, and they have complete and absolute trust in the guards.

(End of this chapter)

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