"This area was burned like this because of the riots of the broken army. The broken army disciplined the troops without restraint, and their rebellion also laid the foundation for their own ending. Not long after Linzhou County was taken down, agitated The people were outraged, and then the government army and the people together overthrew Po Chengjun."

Cai Ya, who was newly wearing a green and white long dress, also wore a white jade hairpin, which was a gift from her mother.Usually the baby is tight, but today it is also rare to take it out and wear it.

In the past, everyone in Linzhou County didn't know what kind of image she was, but today, after being nourished, her face was radiant, and she was nourished by the [Beauty Lotion], she was indeed a bit girlish.

Jiang Ling was by her side, letting his son ride on his neck, while walking, listening to her talk about the changes in Linzhou County.

"Now, this new dynasty, should it be stable?" He asked.

It is normal for a new dynasty to have turmoil at the beginning of its establishment. After the turmoil is suppressed, each generation of new dynasty will usher in great rule.

If there is great governance, it will be a prosperous age of peace and prosperity for the country and the people.

After a few more decades, the new dynasty will turn from stable to decadent.This cycle repeats itself endlessly.

"I heard that it is probably stable. The rebels in most places are small forces. The biggest rebels are the remnants of the old dynasty in the north. I heard that there are about [-] troops. Two or three months ago, they were recruited. Surrendered."

In this way, this new dynasty will probably begin to enter a period of stable development.

"When we first came, this area was still in ruins. After the Lin family left, the land here was also sold by the government, which was very cheap. It only cost 200 taels of silver to buy the old site of Fengyue Building for renovation."

In the past, she didn't have to take care of this kind of thing herself.

Up to now, she has to manage all the expenses of the family by herself.

If you are not in charge of the family, you don't know the difficulty of being in charge of the family. Once you are in charge of the family, you will only have hardships.

Jiang Ling saw that she spoke briskly, but it was a lot of hard work, and he probably endured a lot.

"Linzhou County is a good place." Jiang Ling commented.

As a waterway hub, this place is considered a pretty good city in the south.Living here, the children will not be blind when they grow up.

Cai Ya smiled knowingly: "It's much better than the north. The north is very cold in winter, but the south is relatively warmer."

She showed her face and smiled, as wonderful as a flower.

It seems that the bonsai that has been treasured for many years has finally been taken out to bask in the sun.

When many people saw her on the road, they would glance at her uncontrollably.

After all, she is a familiar woman, with the plump curve drawn by the skirt when she walks, the soft waist, the round and curved buttocks bordering the tight and slender thighs.

Even through the skirt, it is enough to make those idlers feel horny.

Jiang Ling looked at the reactions of passers-by, but he didn't mind. It's normal for a beauty to attract attention. Anyway, this is a woman they can see but not touch, and can only watch from a distance and not play with.

At the same time, he also had some curiosity.

How did a beautiful woman like Cai Ya escape from Runan to Linzhou County safely?

"It must be very difficult to come from Runan, right? Did you encounter any troubles on the way?"

He asked casually.

Cai Ya giggled, glanced at him secretly, then lowered her head again, and said after a long while, "I'm afraid that Mister will make fun of me."

"Isn't it interesting?"

Cai Ya: "When we set off from Runan, it was Qiuyue who sent us into the carriage. She told me that it would be safer to make myself look ugly before we set off."

"And then?" Jiang Ling smiled, and had to say that Qiuyue's proposal was clever.

"Then I made myself unkempt, like a refugee, because I was carrying Fan'er at the time, but I was helped by many people on the road. In short, the journey was very smooth."

In fact, it made her make up her mind to move from Runan to the south. Apart from the war, there may also be other people's gossip.

After all, her ex-husband was the prime minister of the former dynasty, and was called a national traitor by countless scholars.

Moreover, she gave birth to the child only after her ex-husband died. When her ex-husband was alive, she was already very old, so how could she give birth to a child?

Therefore, after Yifan was born, more or less, there were some gossips.

If you continue to stay in that environment, it will definitely not be good for your child's future growth.

On the other hand, she initially felt that it didn't matter that she didn't have a man around her.But after a long time, she still feels that in such an era, it is impossible to live without a man by her side.

After much deliberation, finally on a certain day, she plucked up the courage and wanted to find that man.After all, he is the father of the child.

All the way to the south, the process was far more difficult than what she said.

For example, when passing through the plague land, she was really scared to death, and when the child caught a cold and had a fever, she was a weak woman, holding the child for dozens of miles a day, seeking medical treatment everywhere.

One must know that she was a young lady before, and after she got married, her ten fingers were not touched by the spring water, how could she do this?
During the conversation, three idlers suddenly greeted us on the road ahead with a smile.

Cai Ya was smiling a second ago, but the smile disappeared from her soft face the next second she saw these three idlers.

Instead, there is even a trace of tension and fear?
Immediately, she subconsciously moved a few inches closer to Jiang Ling.

These three idlers had met since the first day she came to Zhou County.

They don't have a serious job, and what they do every day is nothing more than running errands for dignitaries or picking goods with others, doing a little when they have something to do, and wandering the streets when they are free.

Cai Ya almost came to Linzhou with them at that time, but when she first arrived, Cai Ya was very ugly, but they didn't catch their attention.

But after settling down here, after washing off the dirt on his face, the beauty of that day's natural beauty soon attracted the hearts of the three idlers.

When the three idlers found out that she was a single mother, they were overjoyed. They had harassed her many times, and Cai Ya couldn't be bothered too much.

In the end, she paid a little more money to the servant of the yamen, which made the three of them restrain themselves.

For the past six months, Cai Ya has to pay protection fees to officials every month.After the official sent the money, he also told her that as long as you don't go out, you will be safe.

So, since it was inconvenient for her to go out, she bought a maid from Ren Yazi.It is today's winter snow.

But even so, there are still quite a few people who come to her house at night to knock on the door and poke the window.

Most of them are these three idlers surnamed Zheng.

Now it's the first time on the street after half a year, I don't want to meet them so soon.

"Tsk, what a charming little lady, isn't this Mrs. Cai?"

"That's right, we came here with us back then, and we were blind along the way, and didn't realize that Mrs. Cai was so beautiful."

"The weather is so nice today, ma'am, why don't you play with our three brothers? We three brothers are all strong and will make you happy."

The three idlers rubbed their hands and laughed, blocking the way to harass.

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