Chapter 155 Rice Wine
Zhang Yange told the shopkeeper before, don't bother him if you have nothing to do.

Naturally, no one will bring him meals, and Zhang Yange actually doesn't have any effect if he doesn't eat for a day or two.

"Yes!" Xiao Er ran to the back kitchen and brought a serving of sauced beef.

He knew that Zhang Yange didn't drink, so he didn't take the wine.

"Let's eat something together." Zhang Yange pointed to the place next to him.

"Okay." He sat down happily.

After sitting down, he became a little cautious. Zhang Yange had naturally heard about his life experience, "Do you still remember your parents?"

Xiao Er hesitated for a while and shook his head, but nodded again.

"I've long forgotten what they looked like. I just remember that my mother looks good when she smiles." When he said this, his eyes turned red. "Second Lord, did you really help those villagers?"

This is what Jian Chen told them after he came back.

Wuming was very pleased after listening to it, so Zhang Yange enjoyed his erhu solo again...

"En." Zhang Yange picked up a large piece of beef and put it into his mouth.

"I want to be like you too!" Xiao Er smiled, "I pester you every day, and you don't find me annoying at all. I just knew you were a good person."

Zhang Yange smiled, but did not answer.

"I know that my talent is not good, but it doesn't matter how much strength I have, I will help others within my ability." He said seriously.

Zhang Yange could naturally tell that these words were meant to please him, and they were sincere!
"Just this sentence is worth a set of breathing techniques." Zhang Yange laughed.

Zhang Yange gave a brief introduction to the internal skills and mental methods that accompany the pulse-breaking sword qi, and he was going to pass it on to him.

Xiao Er refused again and again, "Second Master, that's not what I meant."

"You kid, you were pestering me to teach you how to do it before. Why do you really want to teach you now, but you are pushing back and forth." Zhang Yange swallowed the beef and said.

"I don't want you to think that I am getting close to you to imitate your skills." Xiao Er explained seriously.

"I'm not stupid, I can tell what kind of person you are." Zhang Yange patted him on the head, "It's not a valuable thing, it's just a set of breathing methods for sleeping."

The child knelt down and kowtowed three times.

Zhang Yange did not refuse and accepted his three knocks.

He had to teach a set of koujue seven or eight times before he fully mastered it.

Now let's see if he can persevere, if he can persevere, and then look at this child's character, it is not impossible to pass on this pulse-breaking sword energy to him.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and now Zhang Yange has completely integrated the two exercises.

The previous Liumai Excalibur was like a laser sword.

Can't ejaculate!

At this time, after Zhang Yange merged with the broken pulse sword energy, the six-veined divine sword could be shot out, and what was shot was neither sword energy nor finger strength!
It's a sword condensed with true energy!

Although the power is great, the consumption of internal energy is indeed not small.After Zhang Yange released the six swords, he needed to restore his internal strength.

For half a month, Xiao Er has been practicing the breathing method Zhang Yange taught him unceasingly.

Now that he has reached the threshold, he doesn't feel tired at all after running the hall every day.

The whole person is also stronger and more energetic than before.

Zhang Yange then taught him the complete mental method of the broken pulse sword qi, as well as the first sword qi.

The reason why Zhang Yange didn't teach him, and he merged it himself, was because the new exercises required too much internal energy, and his talent was indeed too poor...

After watching Zhang Yange demonstrate the power of the Pulse Breaking Sword Qi, Xiao Er was so excited.Half a month later, Xiao Er was able to release a pulse-breaking sword energy.

But this kid doesn't show off to everyone, he still concentrates on his work every day, and only shows him a demonstration when he is with Zhang Yange.

"Aren't you going to avenge your parents after learning this technique?" Zhang Yange asked intentionally.

He shook his head resolutely, "My parents were villains in the Jianghu back then, and they were killed because they killed other people's relatives.

It would be unreasonable for me to take revenge again. "

Xiao Er turned to look at Zhang Yange, "Second Lord, do you think I did the right thing?"

Just as Zhang Yange was about to speak, he said with a smile, "Anyway, that's my decision! I want to do more good deeds and help my parents accumulate more virtue."

"Then let's do our best." Zhang Yange said with a smile, "What's your name?"

"My mother told me that my name is Huangjiu!"

"Yellow wine? This name sounds very thirst-quenching." Zhang Yange felt that his set of sword qi had really passed on to the right person.

On the second night, Huang Jiu, who came back from the outside, looked at Zhang Yange guiltily.

"Second Lord, I've shown what you taught me."

Today the shopkeeper took him to buy some ingredients, but he didn't expect to encounter a man pestering the girl on the way.

The man was so emotional that he drew his sword directly.

Huang Jiu couldn't hold back, and broke the man's sword with sword energy.

After the shopkeeper saw the clue, he hurriedly pulled him away.He has been missed along the way!
"Do you want me to praise you?" Zhang Yange asked.

The rice wine was said to be in chaos by the shopkeeper, why did it provoke the upper body, what did it add to the chaos of the Zhonghua Pavilion...

People like the shopkeeper have already lost all their blood, otherwise they would not live in the Zhonghua Pavilion.

Although Zhang Yange didn't look down on them, he was naturally not too close to them.

There is nothing wrong with being selfish, and no one can guarantee that you are not selfish, but you can't just hurt others because of your selfishness.

"Huh?" Huang Jiu looked at Zhang Yange.

"You were worried that the woman would be injured, and you just broke the man's sword. What's wrong?" Zhang Yange asked with a smile.

"The shopkeeper said that the man has a lot of connections."

"No matter how powerful you are, you have to be reasonable!" Zhang Yange said.

"Be reasonable!? What qualifications do you have to go to a mere restaurant? Let me, the Spring and Autumn Sword Sect, reason with you!"

At this time, many men with swords came to the hall of Zhonghua Pavilion.The person who spoke just now was an old man with white beard and hair.

He is the master of the man whose sword was broken by rice wine today.

The shopkeeper knew that if he could find it, he must have known that it was rice wine.Although he complained in his heart, he just kept apologizing now.

"That's right, that's right, I made a slip of the tongue just now! You don't need to reason with us." The shopkeeper slapped himself on the face lightly.

Naturally, the old man would not let it go, "Call out the person who broke my disciple's sword! This old man wants to see who is so holy!"

"He's just a child!" said the shopkeeper bending over. "Don't compare yourself to him."

"Do you know how much my apprentice's sword is worth?" Nangong Wen asked angrily, "I don't care what the old man is, as long as he can't pay for this sword today, he will pay it back with his life!"

Hearing this, the shopkeeper didn't dare to stop him any more, so he hurriedly went to the backyard to look for Zhang Yange.

After listening to the shopkeeper's retelling, the rice wine was not afraid anymore.

I will give them back my life, as long as I don't implicate the Zhonghua Pavilion, don't cause trouble to Wuming and Zhang Yange.

 Second more…

(End of this chapter)

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