Journey to the Heavens from Wudang

Chapter 291 Sending a sword!

Chapter 291 Sending a sword!

Xu Fengnian came early the next morning.

As soon as he entered the yard and saw Zhang Yange practicing boxing, he immediately felt a little bored.

"Do you mean Mao with this expression?" Zhang Yange asked after stopping his fists.

Xu Fengnian weighed the strength of the two in his mind, and then said, "I'm just too tired from this journey, and I haven't recovered yet."

After having breakfast with them, Xu Fengnian was ready to take them to Beiliang Palace.

But all three women refused.

In the end, Xu Fengnian had to take Zhang Yange to Beiliang Palace alone.

"Which floor is Nangong?" Zhang Yange asked casually on the way.

Xu Fengnian said the number of layers with a bad expression.

Zhang Yange raised his eyebrows slightly, "It's really amazing."

"After this round, the weak chicken turned out to be me?" Xu Fengnian said angrily.

The two walked into Beiliang Palace while chatting.

Today Nangong sat on the sixth floor without reading a book, took a sip from a pot of rice wine, and looked at the people outside the building.

When Zhang Yange and Xu Fengnian walked into the building, she put down the jug and looked at Zhang Yange.

In the end, he still sighed. Nangong thought that he should catch up with Zhang Yange, but unexpectedly he was left behind.

Xu Fengnian was going to watch a fight between dragons and tigers, but he didn't expect that there was no movement from Nangong in the end.

"Nangong, it can be seen that he has improved a lot." Zhang Yange praised.

Nangong glanced at him angrily, "It's not like you! I came back with three girls, but I haven't caught up with you yet."

Xu Fengnian held back his laughter, but was punched by Zhang Yange.

Huang Baozhuang took Pei Nanwei and Chen Yu out for a stroll.

When returning home, the old man next door looked at the three of them and said, "The three girls should not go out. It is said that the prince of Beiliang is lustful. If you are seen by him, something will happen to you."

I don't know what the old man was thinking when he said this.

Huang Baozhuang and Chen Yu didn't know how to deal with it.

Pei Nanwei said, "Don't worry, old man, my man is very good at beating!"

The old man didn't say any more, turned and left.

"Old man, is this Sishui Lane?"

When the old man raised his eyes, a young Taoist priest with a sword box on his back was standing in front of him.

"Yes!" The old man nodded.

"Thank you, old man!" Li Yufu said. "Old man, gossiping, lustful thoughts will be rewarded!"

The old man suddenly looked at Li Yufu angrily.

But Li Yuaxe had already prepared the sword box and left.

He originally wanted to open his mouth to scold the young Taoist priest, but he didn't think there seemed to be something terrifying in the sword box.

As soon as he got close, he felt it was difficult to breathe. The old man had a serious illness after returning home, and he never dared to hang out here again after recovering from his illness.

"Who?" Huang Baozhuang opened the door.

"Pimpedao Wudang Mountain Li Yufu. Li Yufu clasped his fists and said, "Come here to give Zhang Shaoxia the sword. "

Zhang Yange bought a lot of melons and vegetables and returned to the courtyard.

In the courtyard, Li Yufu was drinking tea cautiously, when he saw Zhang Yange come back, he felt as if he had been pardoned.

"Zhang Shaoxia, I was ordered by my junior uncle to come here to deliver the sword!" Li Yufu said with cupped fists.

"Thank you very much." Zhang Yange smiled politely.

Li Yufu put the sword box in Zhang Yan's singer, "It took seven to seventy-nine days to cast the sword, and countless cold iron, rare gold, and mithril were used. These things are extremely difficult to find, and they are priceless. They are all provided by the Northern Liang Palace." .”

Zhang Yange had never heard Xu Xiao and his son mention this matter.

The way this father and son do things makes people feel grand.

Zhang Yange opened the sword case, and there was a three-foot-three long sword lying in the sword case.

The scabbard looks extremely simple, and it is obvious at a glance that it is not an ordinary thing.The talisman on the scabbard is extremely exquisite, it was made by Hong Xixiang.

Only this scabbard can hold this sword.

When the long sword was unsheathed, the sound of the dragon's roar rang in everyone's ears. The blade was pitch black, and a spine was faintly visible on the sword.

The sword energy soared into the sky!

Zhang Yange stretched out his hand and flicked hard, and the sword energy dissipated immediately.

"Disobedient! I'll kill you again." Zhang Yange said.After he finished speaking, the long sword uttered a sword sound, which seemed to be echoing him.

Li Yufu watched in astonishment.

Hong Xixiang told him that the black dragon was beheaded by him.But Li Yufu didn't feel any resentment, instead he had some admiration for Zhang Yange.

"This black dragon..."

"Little Martial Uncle told me that it would be an excellent thing to cut it off as soon as possible so that it doesn't harm the people." Li Yufu said seriously.

Hearing this, Zhang Yange laughed, "It's always unjustifiable to take your chance."

Li Yufu said with some embarrassment, "Actually, there is something that needs Zhang Shaoxia's help."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yange asked.

"Does Zhang Shaoxia know about the immortals in the sky fishing for luck in the world?" Li Yufu asked.

Zhang Yange nodded. It was written in Huang Sanjia's book that after Xu Xiao's death, Chen Zhibao killed Xu Fengnian, and then occupied Beiliang, forming a tripartite rivalry with Liyang and Beimang.

There are constant battles among the Three Kingdoms, and the more wars and turmoil in the world, the more luck the immortals in the sky will gain.

In the end, Huang Sanjia didn't want to do this, so he helped Xu Fengnian.

But Li Yufu completely closed the gate of heaven, so that the heavenly beings could no longer catch the luck of the world.

"Xiaodao has only one wish in his life!" Li Yufu said solemnly, "I only wish that there is no connection between the world and the sky."

Zhang Yange gave him a thumbs up. "Tell me what do I need to do?"

"A banished immortal is about to wake up today. Xiaodao intends to cut off his connection with the sky, but this is the first time he has done so..." Li Yufu looked at Zhang Yange with some embarrassment.

"No problem! I'll go with you." Zhang Yange laughed. "By the way, I heard that Beimang Jianqi went to Wudang Mountain recently, and wanted to ask about Lu Zu's flying swordsmanship. I asked you Wudang Mountain to answer the sword instead of Lu Zu. You reached the top of the Great Lotus Peak with one sword, but you were forced all the way. Back to the foot of the mountain."

Li Yufu said with some embarrassment, "I was dizzy with anger, and I was acting impulsively. In fact, my swordsmanship is still not as good as that sword energy."

Zhang Yange smiled and said, "Your swordsmanship is better than his!"

This is what Zhang Yange heard after he arrived in Beiliang. Beimang chess sword Yuefu's sword energy is close to that of Huang Qing.

Zhang Yange felt that he was well-known in kendo, but he still hadn't waited for Huang Qing to come.

Jian Qi Jin Huang Qing is the lord of the Sword Mansion in the Chess and Sword Yuefu, with a sword of light and coldness in the thirteen states of Beimang, one of the few masters of swordsmanship in the world, equipped with the No. Jianchi Qijia Festival is also called Qishu Zodiac.

Hearing that Huang Qing had come to Liyang, Huang Baozhuang was also a little surprised.

"What did he come to Liyang for?" Huang Baozhuang asked.

"I guess it's to tell the world that Bei Mang has a sword." Zhang Yange laughed.

Huang Baozhuang's eyes fluctuated when she heard this, but she quickly hid her emotions.

 Second more…

(End of this chapter)

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